Posts (Page 3)

Posts (Page 3)

General Convention to proceed with some changes

The Episcopal News Service has announced that “The 80th General Convention will proceed in person this July in Baltimore, Maryland, but it likely will be shorter and smaller, with enhanced safety protocols to further minimize the risk of COVID-19 infections, according to an outline of potential changes presented May 11 by The Episcopal Church’s presiding officers.” Read the ENS story While details are still to be worked out, this decision to continue with General Convention this summer matters to our diocese…

ECNTX Altar Guild members invited to EDOT retreat

The Rt. Rev. Jeff Fisher, bishop suffragan of the Diocese of Texas, along with Kate Canby,  director of the diocesan Altar Guild, have extended a warm invitation to the churches in the Episcopal Church in North Texas to join in the EDOT Altar Guild Retreat at Camp Allen June 2-4. The Reunion website said, “This year’s retreat topics will cover linen care, the handling of silver, brass and oil base candles, flower arrangement and spiritual practices for the Altar…

Alan Bentrup installed as rector at St. Martin’s, Keller

The Rev. Alan Bentrup was installed as rector of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller, on Thursday, May 5, 2022, by Bishop Scott Mayer. Bentrup was elected rector in June 2021. His first Sunday was August 1, 2021. As it has done at other congregations, the Covid19 pandemic delayed the Celebration of a New Ministry service at St. Martin’s for some months. The preacher was Bentrup’s close friend, the Rev. Canon Jim Hartley, canon pastor at Trinity Cathedral, Columbia, South Carolina, in the Diocese…

Meet with Bishop Scott Mayer about reunion with Texas

On Tuesday, May 3, 2022, at 7 pm, Episcopalians lay and ordained from all congregations are invited to meet with Bishop Scott Mayer to discuss reunion with the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. The meeting is at Trinity Episcopal Church, 3401 Bellaire Drive So., Ft. Worth, TX 76109 Please register so we know how many to expect.  

The Rev. Bill Stanford to retire

The Rev. Bill Stanford, rector of St. Christopher, Fort Worth, will retire on Sunday, May 1, 2022, after 35 years in ordained ministry. Stanford’s last Sunday was April 24. There will be a reception in his honor on Sunday, May 1, immediately following the 9:30 am service at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, 5709 Wedgwood, Fort Worth, TX 76133, where St. Christopher currently is worshiping. Stanford graduated from Nashotah House Seminary in 1987. His first assignment was at St. Andrew’s Episcopal…

Celebration of new ministry at St. Martin’s, May 5, 2022

In a Celebration of New Ministry, Bishop Scott Mayer will formally install the Rev. Alan Bentrup as rector of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller, at 7 pm Thursday, May 5, 2022. A reception will follow. All are welcome. Clergy will wear white stoles. Bentrup was elected rector in June 2021. His first Sunday was August 1, 2021. Before coming to St. Martin’s, Bentrup served as Canon for Evangelism and Mission for the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina. He is the co-founder and…

Bishop Mayer’s Pastoral Letter

This is the Pastoral Letter about reunification with the Episcopal Diocese of Texas that was read at all worship services on the Second Sunday of Easter, April 24, 2022. Download a PDF of the letter.  

ECNTX exploring reunification with Diocese of Texas

April 22, 2022 Statement from the Episcopal Church in North Texas and the Episcopal Diocese of Texas The Episcopal Church in North Texas (ECNTX) and the Episcopal Diocese of Texas (EDOT) are in the process of exploring reunification. The Episcopal Church in North Texas was born out of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas (1849), becoming part of the Missionary District of Northern Texas (1874), then part of the new Diocese of Dallas (1895), then becoming the Episcopal Diocese of Fort…

Father William Stanford Retirement Festivities

St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church in Fort Worth has planned a two special celebrations.  They are jointly celebrating their 1st Anniversary of the St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church and St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church Alliance, and Father William Stanford’s Retirement.  Father Stanford will be conducting his final service after 35 years of service to the Lord on April 24th. You are invited to join in these Celebrations: Sunday April 24th 9:00am Combined Service with potluck luncheon to follow Sunday May 1 Retirement Reception…

St. Martin’s Easter Festival April 24

Easter Sunday just the beginning of celebrating  Jesus’ resurrection – the Easter Season lasts 50 days. At St. Martin-in-the-Fields, 223 S. Pearson Lane, Keller, TX 76248, the fun continues on April 24, the Second Sunday of Easter, from 12-2 pm with their Easter Festival! Here’s the details from St. Martin’s: This will be a great time of fellowship, fun, and community, with a petting zoo, an Easter egg hunt, bounce house, photo booth and a hot dog lunch provided by…

Unbridled hope – Bishop Scott Mayer’s Easter message

This is Bishop Scott Mayer’s Easter message to the diocese. ——— Easter once again demands our attention, refusing to let its amazing message of hope unbridled be ignored. The Earth itself is Easter’s ally in this, demonstrating victory over death with every green blade of grass, every daffodil that lifts its trumpet head, every iris flag that waves in the breeze. Birds add song and color to this annual spectacle of new and renewed life, making it hard to remain…

Bishop Mayer visits Church of the Resurrection, Decatur

On the Fifth Sunday of Lent, April 3, 2022, Bishop Scott Mayer visited the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection in Decatur. He confirmed Hope Adams and Will Adams. The Rev. Tony Hiatt is the priest in charge. Sarah Walker is the musician. The service was live streamed, as it is every Sunday, on their Facebook page.  Read the bishop’s sermon, or watch it on Facebook – it begins at the 27.26 mark in the recording. See more photos in the…

St. Mary’s celebrates 150th

St. Mary’s  Episcopal Church in Hillsboro, the oldest continuing congregation in the Episcopal Church in North Texas, celebrated their 150th Anniversary on Saturday, March 26, with a reception, and a worship service on Sunday, March 27. Bishop Scott Mayer presided and the Rev. Paula Jefferson preached. The Rev. Canon Janet Waggoner served as the bishop’s chaplain and the Rev. Bryn Skelton Caddell proclaimed the Gospel. Proclamation At the reception, Megan Henderson, city manager of Hillsboro, read a proclamation declaring March…

How you can help Ukrainian refugees

 In response to the urgent situation in Ukraine, there are many new opportunities for Episcopalians to help. Our diocese has successfully worked with Episcopal Migration Ministries and their local partner, Catholic Charities, in other refugee and immigration crises. On March 24, the Biden Administration announced that the United States will admit 100,000 Ukrainians and others fleeing Russia. This is what the announcement said about refugees: Providing refuge to Displaced Ukrainians. While we expect many Ukrainians will choose to remain in Europe…

Lay leader Judy Graber died March 22, 2022

Diocesan leader Judy Graber died March 22, 2022, in Denton. The funeral is at 2 pm Saturday, March  26, at Trinity Episcopal Church, 3401 Bellaire Drive So., Ft. Worth, TX 76109, where she was a long time member, as was her late sister Maggie Withroder. She served as chair of the Diocesan Finance Committee, and was a member of the Executive Council, and the Management Committee of the diocese. She also served as a delegate from Trinity to the diocesan…

St. Mary’s, Hillsboro, celebrates 150th Anniversary

St. Mary’s  Episcopal Church in Hillsboro is the oldest continuing Episcopal parish in the Episcopal Church in North Texas, having been founded in 1872. For 150 years, the faithful members of this congregation have carried out the mission and ministry of The Episcopal Church, obeying Jesus’ command to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves. They will celebrate their 150th Anniversary on Saturday, March 26, with a reception from 6:30 to 8:30 at their building at 301 South Waco…