The Constitution and Canons Committee is responsible for the maintenance of the living, governing documents that define the procedures and processes to conduct the operations of The Episcopal Church in North Texas and its churches and institutions to enhance the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
Current Documents:
- Constitution – 2021
- Canons – 2021
Chair -Kevin Johnson, Priest in Charge, St. Alban’s Theatre Arlington

The committee
- incorporates any necessary changes into the Diocesan Constitution and Canons to keep them in conformance with the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church as determined by General Convention
- reviews proposed changes to the C&Cs submitted by various entities to assure that they would be compatible with the existing C&Cs if enacted
- reports regularly to the Executive Council and Standing Committee
- periodically reviews the C&Cs with an eye to make them more understandable and to improve the efficiency of the diocese in carrying out its Mission/Vision Statement. These actions are then presented to the Diocesan Convention for Convention deliberation and determination of acceptance.