UPDATED with Courtesy Resolutions, Election Results, Supplemental Reports to Convention, the Bishop’s Address to Convention, Nomination from the Floor, Worship Leaflet, Resolutions and Reports to Convention for the Delegates Packets. Nominees for election also are listed.
STANDING COMMITTEE – Lay – Matt Pierson, Trinity, Fort Worth
Clergy – Karen Calafat, St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL – Lay – Jon Back, Good Shepherd, Granbury
Laura Fleming, All Saints’, Fort Worth
Clergy – Paula Jefferson, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller
DISCIPLINARY BOARD – Lay – Gene Jackson, St. Luke’s, Stephenville
Clergy – Amy Haynie, Trinity, Fort Worth
Lynne Waltman, All Saints’, Fort Worth
TRUSTEE, UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH – Lay – Barbara Evans Chowning, All Saints’, Fort Worth
[nominated from the floor]
The Rev. Dr. Jill Walters was elected president of the Disciplinary Board at a meeting of the board held immediately after Convention. The Standing Committee will meet later to elect its president and to replace lay member Judy Cariker, who has resigned.
All resolutions put forward passed
Courtesy Resolutions
Courtesy Resolution 1 – Thanksgiving for those who have Sheltered Displaced Congregations
Whereas, St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, Fort Worth, Park Place Christian Church, Wichita Falls, All Saints’ Episcopal School, Fort Worth and Texas Wesleyan University, Fort Worth, have extended radical hospitality to displaced congregations, and
Whereas, the leaders of these organizations – including Bishop Eric Gronberg, Pastor Lesley Radius, Pastor Alice Hupp, Head of School Tad Bird, and President Fred Slabach – are visionary, energetic partners in ministry who have generously extended practical help, and
Whereas, radical hospitality has enabled displaced Episcopal congregations to receive gracious care in the midst of an extremely stressful time, worship in comfort and safety, and continue their ministries in the wider community
Resolved, that this Diocesan Convention expresses our deep gratitude by tipping our hats to them – and by sending letters informing them that we have done so!
Courtesy Resolution 2 – Thanksgiving for the Congregations which are housing the operations of the Diocesan Office
Whereas, Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, has provided a Google address for the diocesan office and meeting space for the diocesan staff, and
Whereas, St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, Keller, has provided storage space for diocesan files and has even preserved those files when there was a minor flood, and
Whereas, this generosity has been an encouragement to the diocesan staff and has facilitated the ongoing work of the diocese,
Resolved, that this Diocesan Convention express our deep gratitude in an appropriately social distanced way – by blowing kisses now to the clergy, staff, and lay folks of these congregations.
Courtesy Resolution 3 – Thanksgiving for the generosity of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas and the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado
Whereas, the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas presented to St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Hillsboro, a gift of church furnishings which filled the new sanctuary of the congregation, and
Whereas, the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado presented to the Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls vestments, Eucharistic vessels, and other items to facilitate and beautify their worship services
Resolved, that this Diocesan Convention express our appreciation and thanksgiving with warm Zoom embraces, which we offer to our friends in person when we see them in person
Courtesy Resolution 4 – Thanksgiving for the partnership of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas
Whereas, the Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas has, for the past 6 ½ years been a generous and encouraging partner to our diocese, and
Whereas, the Diocese of Northwest Texas has, by their example, shown us how to throw a good party – and helped us do that this summer by subsidizing the diocesan picnic,
Resolved, that we signify our undying gratitude through a wild round of Zoom applause.
The 39th Annual Convention of The Episcopal Church in North Texas will be Saturday, November 13, 2021. Delegates will attend via Zoom, visitors via YouTube.
The theme of the convention is There is a New Creation, from 2 Corinthians 5:17:
So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! 2 Corinthians 5:17
opening worship
The opening worship will be at 10 am Saturday, November 13, and will be live streamed at the Diocesan YouTube Channel.
Convention passed a resolution in response to the Bishop’s Address:
Resolution on the Bishop’s Address:
Resolved, That the Episcopal Church in North Texas does know Hope, deep in our souls we do know Hope; and we confess that there are moments in which we are distracted by the Siren song of grief and like Job yearn to shake our fists in anguish; however, because we are a people of the resurrection, not resuscitation, we pledge our whole beings to the sure and certain knowledge that our Maker is creating all things new, including our collective selves; therefore in this narthex moment we ask for the Grace and Courage of God to live as if all shall be well, all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.
Bishop Scott Mayer will preside. His sermon also will be his convention address. The text of his sermon will be available for download that morning, as will the worship booklet.
An offering will be taken for Episcopal Migration Ministries. Make an offering.
Convention worship will include celebration of the Eucharist. The clergy in each congregation will consecrate and distribute wafers to those of their congregations who wish to take part in advance of the Convention. They will communicate with parishioners about when and where to pick up wafers.
After a lunch break, the first business session will open at 1 pm.
Registration is closed.
Convention business
The Convention will meet via Zoom for delegates and alternates. Guests will view the Convention via password-protected live stream. The link to the Zoom meeting will be sent to delegates/alternates via the email address they provide at registration. The password to the live stream will be provided to guests at the email address they provide at registration.
Because of the limitations of meeting via Zoom, Convention business will be kept to the absolute minimum necessary to fulfill the canons. [See schedule below] If a delegate is unable or unwilling to participate via Zoom, an alternate must take that delegate’s place.
We will use the same voting system as last year, which means that delegates must register with the email they will use to vote.
Delegates will vote on the assessments table, the budget, resolutions, and to fill open positions on diocesan bodies. Delegates also will vote on the closing of St. Elisabeth/Christ the King and St. Andrew’s, as well as the closing of missions now under the control of ACNA.
Convention Committees
Nominations – Chair: Robert Pace, Trinity, Fort Worth
Resolutions – Chair: Kevin Johnson, St. Alban’s Theatre Arlington
The nominations committee chair and the committee members were appointed by the Bishop and the Standing Committee. We used email, telephone, and Zoom meetings to discussion to complete our work. The diocese was canvassed for qualified nominees via the EDFW newsletter, EDFW email updates, phone calls. Per canon, nominations were closed September 17 2021, and have all been vetted and verified.
In total, there are 10 nominees for 9 open positions, with no nominations received for Trustee, University of the South – Lay.
Nominations may still be made from the floor for the 2020 Diocesan Convention which will be held virtually.
Any nominations after the closing date of September 17, 2021, may be made from the floor at diocesan convention. Nominations from the floor will follow all the requirements for candidates, including sufficient copies of the nominees’ picture and biographical information for all clergy and convention delegates, plus verification of qualifications. The requirements for nominations from the floor of convention appear in Canon I. “Nominations from the Floor,” in the Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, found on the Constitution and Canons Committee page, here.
Nominees for Standing Committee — Clergy
Alan Bentrup
Alan Bentrup St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller Alan Bentrup currently serves as rector of St. Martin-in-the-Fields in Keller, Texas. He previously served as Canon for Evangelism and Mission for the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina and Associate Rector at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church outside of Houston. Prior to seminary, Alan spent 10 years as a marketing and business development consultant in Dallas and Houston. A Fort Worth native, Alan earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Texas at Arlington.
Alan is the co-founder and curator of Missional Voices, a hub of conversation about innovative ministries and missional communities in The Episcopal Church. He also holds several leadership positions across the Episcopal Church, including as a Trustee for Voorhees College (an Episcopal-affiliated HBCU); a member of the Council of Advice for Episcopal Relief & Development; and on the planning and leadership teams for several Episcopal conferences and events. A graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary, Alan was the first student to earn the New Mission Practices concentration at Virginia Theological Seminary.
Karen Calafat
Karen A. Calafat St. Luke’s, Fort Worth
I am excited to be part of the Episcopal Church in North Texas! We are a small, but tenacious bunch of faithful Episcopalians. I have just celebrated my 7th anniversary as Rector at St. Luke’s in the Meadow. We have seen some major changes in the past year and we keep showing up to ‘love God, love our neighbors, and love each other.’ It has been a humbling yet inspirational season in our parish and in the diocese. The things that give me the most delight in life are serving at St. Luke’s and being called, “Mom,” by two amazing young adult children who are making a difference in this world with their talents and service.
I have just completed my first term on the Standing Committee. It has been an honor to serve during these major transitions for our Diocese and I would be happy to serve again for the sake of continuity as we discern our way forward. I have also served on the Disciplinary Board and the Mission and Outreach Committee. I am currently a Delegate to General Convention and look forward to fulfilling that role in 2022. I believe in the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church in North Texas and look forward to serving in any capacity where my gifts might be put to use.
Nominees for Standing Committee – Lay
Matt Pierson
Matt Pierson, Trinity, Fort Worth Dr. Pierson is an active leader in our church and in the community. He works as an educational consultant, striving to provide excellent education to students from low-income backgrounds across Texas. Matt has served on Trinity’s vestry since 2018. He has also been an usher, lector, Lay Eucharistic Minister, helped plan stewardship campaigns, and helped lead the last parish retreat. He also serves as a member of the Trinity Foundation board. He would be an excellent leader and communicator on the Standing Committee.
Dr. Pierson is an active leader in our church and in the community. He works as an educational consultant, striving to provide excellent education to students from low-income backgrounds across Texas. Matt has served on Trinity’s vestry since 2018. He has also been an usher, lector, Lay Eucharistic Minister, helped plan stewardship campaigns, and helped lead the last parish retreat. He also serves as a member of the Trinity Foundation board. He would be an excellent leader and communicator on the Standing Committee.
Nominees for Executive Council – Clergy
Paula Jefferson
Paula Jefferson St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller
Greetings. I’m pleased to stand for election to the executive council. This Episcopal diocese has been my home for 23 years. I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve as the diocese emerges from the shadow of schism.
My previous career as a CPA/consultant is helpful for organizational planning, strategic/vision development, financial and organizational management.
I have served as a curate at St. Martin-in-the-Fields since July 1, 2020. This has been a time of learning–about the Church, parish life, and my own ministry. In this engagement, pastoral care and Christian formation have been my emphases.
Nominees for Executive Council – Lay
Jon Back
Jon Back Good Shepherd, Granbury
I moved to Granbury to work at the Comanche Peak Nuclear plant in 1986. I am now retired and active in local boards and church groups. I was a nuclear reactor operator in the Navy, serving for 8 years before moving here.
I have been on and off the Good Shepherd vestry several times, serving once as Junior Warden and as Secretary/Clerk for many years. I was a member of the Constitution and Canons Committee for two terms, serving briefly as Chair until COVID-19 made meetings difficult. I have been the Southwest Deanery representative on Executive Council for the last 2 years and delegate or alternate to Convention more times than I can remember.
Laura Fleming
Laura Fleming All Saints’, Fort Worth
I have been an Episcopalian since my birth. I am currently working in private practice as a Licensed Professional Counselor. On a personal note, I am married, have two children, two dogs. I was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. (Yes, I love horses.) I moved to Columbia, Missouri for college and later Texas for graduate school. I volunteer at Opening Doors for Women in Need and Holy Cross Anglican School in Belize.
I am an All Saints delegate and a current member of the Dioceses Executive Committee. I am an active member of various committees and guilds at All Saints.
Keen Haynes
Keen Haynes St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller
A retired United States Marine and father of five, I now work as a Senior Software Engineer for a life sciences company. My wife of 34 years, Rebecca, our 14-year-old son Ronnie, and I moved to Fort Worth 5 years ago. A cradle Episcopalian, I drifted away from the Church after graduating from high school. I returned to the Episcopal Church shortly after my dad’s death, seeking the peace and comfort he had demonstrated in the last years of his life. He contributed those feelings to his belief in God and the Episcopal Church. I quickly became active in the Church, serving as usher, a member of Bishop Committee and Vestry, and on the Executive Council in both the Diocese of San Diego and the Episcopal Church in North Texas. I find that my continued service work increases my closeness to God and the feeling of being part of my Church.
I currently represent the Fort Worth East Deanery as a member of the Executive Counsel and serve on the Diocesan Mission & Outreach and Nomination Committees. In addition to serving as a convention delegate, I was on the Resolution Committee for the 2019 Episcopal Church in North Texas Diocesan Convention. While living in California I served on the Executive Council in the Diocese of San Diego and on numerous Diocesan committees. I have the pleasure of serving as the current Senior Warden for St. Martin-in-the-Fields. I am actively involved with the Finance Committee and the Christian Formation Commission. Prior to my appointment as Sr. Warden, I served on the Vestry as Stewardship Chair. I have represented St. Martin as a delegate to the Diocesan Convention on multiple occasions, served as chair of a discernment committee and as an usher. As a member of Bishop Committee at St. Thomas in Temecula, CA I was the Jr. Warden and Chair of the Stewardship Committee.
Nominees for Disciplinary Board — Clergy
Amy Haynie
Amy Haynie Trinity, Fort Worth
Amy is currently the Associate Rector at Trinity Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. She has also served as the Priest in Charge of the Episcopal Church in Wichita Falls, and the Associate Rector of St Martin in the Fields in Keller. Amy has been married to David since 1991 and they have two adult children.
Chair of Credentials
Diocesan Deputy to General Convention
Standing Committee
Executive Council
Lynne Waltman
Lynne Waltman All Saints’, Fort Worth
Assisting Priest, All Saints’ Fort Worth, since 2016. Business Manager, All Saints’, since 2004.
Diocesan roles:
Constitutions & Canons Committee, member
Resolutions Committee, Chair
Alternate for General Convention 2022
Fort Worth West Deanery, Dean
Elections Committee, Former Chair
All Saints’:
Outreach & Mission Committee, Former Chair
Nominees for Disciplinary Board — Lay
Gene Jackson
Gene Jackson St. Luke’s, Stephenville
I live in Walnut Springs, am a retired elementary teacher and banker, have a daughter and three grandchildren and three cats. My hobbies are wood turning and photography, and I am an eight-year participant of the Tarleton Crosstimbers Choir and a lifetime member of the Tarleton Alumnae Association.
I am a lifelong Episcopalian, longtime member of St. Luke’s Stephenville, active in church activities, Convention delegate and Convention reporter for the congregation for 5 years, dedicated volunteer at our Tarleton lunch program for the past 7 years, participant in our Christmas Pageants, sang in the choir when it was active, and past volunteer for our Campus Ministry U-R Loved Library meetings.
I felt a calling to expand my volunteer assistance to the diocesan level, so decided to apply for the Lay Disciplinary Board position that became available recently, sincerely hoping that no meetings are scheduled at all for this group, but praying that if a problem arises, I and the other members may faithfully and fairly resolve the issue.
Your vote for Disciplinary Board member will be appreciated.
Nominee for Trustee, University of the South – Lay
No nominations received
Resolutions [except for changes to Constitution/Canons] must be submitted to the Resolutions Committee by September 17, 2021.
Canon I.2.4.1 requires that “each Parish, Mission and Mission Station, diocesan-wide ministry, permanent diocesan officer, and diocesan committee, board, entity, and institution shall submit to the annual meeting of the Convention a written report briefly summarizing its work since the last annual meeting of Convention and its plans and goals for the following year.”
All reports will be given only in writing, so it is important to read the packet thoroughly. All reports must use this template.
The deadline for reports to be sent to the convention secretary is September 28, 2021. They should be sent to secretary@edotn.org.
Each deanery is required to convene for the Pre-Convention meeting in October. Visit the Deaneries page to find meeting dates, current officers, and deanery information. If you find no meeting scheduled on the calendar, contact your dean.
This schedule is a draft. Some details may change.
10:00 am – Opening Worship live stream
11:30 am – Break
1:00 pm – Business Session I via Zoom
2:00 pm – Break
2:15 pm – Business Session II via Zoom
3:30 pm – Convention Recesses
*all times approximate