Special Meeting of Convention information / registration

Special Meeting of Convention information / registration

The opening worship and the Special Meeting of Convention will be live streamed. See information about how to access the livestream at the bottom of the story. Bishop Mayer’s Convention Address will be his sermon.

UPDATES 6/15/2022 – If you are attending worship via the live stream, download the worship leaflet here. It also contains the Convention agenda and the text of the resolution on reunion.

UPDATED 6/14/2022 – The offering at Opening Worship of the Special Meeting of Diocesan Convention will be for St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Uvalde, TX, to be used for their continuing outreach to the victims of the Robb Elementary School mass shooting on May 24, 2022. Checks should be made out to Trinity Episcopal Church, with Uvalde in the memo line. Trinity will gather up the offering and then send one check to St. Philip’s.

UPDATED 6/10/2022 – Registration for the June 18 Special Meeting of Diocesan Convention will close at midnight on June 14. If you have not yet registered, please see the registration link below.

UPDATED 6/7/2022 – The Council of the Diocese of Texas will be voting on these resolutions at the Reconvened 173rd Annual Council Episcopal Diocese of Texas via ZOOM on Thursday June 9, 2022, at 6 pm: Reunion with the Episcopal Church in North Texas and Resolution Authorizing a Bishop Assistant Read more at https://www.edotcouncil.com/

 UPDATED 6/2/2022 – Resolution 1 and the Agreement of Reunion of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and the Episcopal Church in North Texas have been added under Convention Business below.

UPDATED 5/25/2022 – As the June 18, 2022, Special Meeting of Convention to vote on reunion with the Diocese of Texas (EDOT) approaches, one way to begin learning about EDOT is to subscribe to Diolog—EDOT’s bi-weekly diocesan newsletter with the latest news and updates. Subscribe at https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/…/EDOTNewsletter 


In accordance with the canons of the Episcopal Church in North Texas, the Rt. Rev. Scott Mayer has called a Special Meeting of Diocesan Convention for 10 am Saturday, June 18, 2022, at Trinity Episcopal Church,  3401 Bellaire Drive So., Ft. Worth, TX 76109. The sole business before convention is voting on reunification with the Episcopal Diocese of Texas (EDOT).

The Standing Committee  and the Executive Council of the diocese have expressed their support for reunification. Read much more at reunion2022.org

A vote of the Convention of the Episcopal Church in North Texas and a vote of the Council of the Episcopal Diocese of North Texas are necessary to move the process of reunification forward. The Episcopal Diocese of Texas will reconvene in Session Two of their Council at 6 pm on Thursday, June 9, 2022. Because these votes are occurring within 90 days of General Convention, both houses of General Convention must vote to approve the reunification during its meeting in Baltimore, MD, in July.

Upon approval of reunification and at a date set by General Convention, the Episcopal Church of North Texas will cease to exist as a diocese and become the North Region of the Diocese of Texas. Bishop Mayer will remain as an assisting bishop to Bishop Diocesan Andy Doyle of EDOT. He also will remain as diocesan bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas.


The sole business of the Special Meeting of Diocesan Convention is voting on reunion with the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.

Read Resolution 1

Read the Agreement of Reunion of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and the Episcopal Church in North Texas


A Pre-Convention Q&A will be held via ZOOM on at 6:30 pm Thursday, June 16, 2022. Register here for the Q&A.


Register here for the Special Meeting of Convention June 18, 2022.

In addition to registering online, all delegates, canonically resident clergy, and guests will need to sign in prior to the convening of the business session, either before the worship service, or at the break between the worship service and the business session of convention. Guests will be seated separately from voting delegates.


8:30 –   Coffee service is available – Parish Hall
9:00 –   Sign-in and credentialing open – Parish Hall; worship rehearsal in sanctuary
10:00 – Opening Worship service – Sanctuary
11:15 – Worship concludes; short break – sign-in and credentialing continues
11:45 – Business session convenes – Sanctuary
At the conclusion of the business session, lunch will be available in the Parish Hall.

Watch the Live Stream

The opening worship service and the Special Meeting of Convention will be live streamed.  Below are instructions to view both via different sources. Download the worship leaflet here. It also contains the Convention agenda and the text of the resolution on reunion.

(Please note, Trinity’s web broadcasts typically go live five minutes before the event’s posted start time. You may need to refresh your browser or app for the content to appear).


  • Click here to visit and Like Trinity’s Facebook page. The livestream will appear in your news feed when they broadcast.
  • If you want to watch on Facebook without a personal account, click this link to go to their live broadcast landing page. If you encounter problems, try this link to go to their Facebook video landing page.


  • Click here to access Trinity’s YouTube channel.
  • If you choose to subscribe to their channel you will be notified when a live broadcast begins (depending on the alert settings you’ve specified in your app or browser).


  • Click here to access Trinity’s Vimeo channel