Standing Committee

Standing Committee

The Standing Committee has three lay members and three clergy members. (Hover your cursor over the photos to see names.)


President – The Rev. Dana Wilson, St. Luke’s, Stephenville


Dr. David Skelton, St. Mary’s, Hillsboro
Dr. Barbara Evans, All Saints’, Fort Worth
Dr. Matt Pierson, Trinity, Fort Worth
The Rev. Dana Wilson, St. Luke’s, Stephenville
The Rev. Tony Hiatt, Church of the Resurrection, Decatur
The Rev. Karen Calafat, St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth

Role of the committee

The Standing Committee of The Episcopal Church in North Texas is one of the organizations involved in the governance of our diocese and includes both lay and clergy leaders. The Constitution of the Episcopal Church (Article IV) describes the role of diocesan Standing Committees in this way:

When there is a Bishop in charge of the Diocese, the Standing Committee shall be the Bishop’s Council of Advice. If there be no Bishop or Bishop Coadjutor or Suffragan Bishop canonically authorized to act, the Standing Committee shall be the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese for all purposes declared by the General Convention.

More details about how the Standing Committee functions are set down in the Canons of our diocese and in the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church.