Liturgical Seasons (Page 6)

Liturgical Seasons (Page 6)

Resources for Lent

Updated March 1, 2019 Lent begins with Ash Wednesday – this year on March 6, 2019. Several organizations offer materials for personal or group Lenten devotions; here are a few options to guide and enrich your reflection. The Way of Love This Lent, Bishop Scott Mayer has urged us to make use of the Rule of Life our presiding bishop, Michael Curry, has offered to us — the Way of Love. The Episcopal Church Center staff has developed a huge variety…

Paper Bag Epiphany Pageant at All Saints’, Fort Worth

All are invited to the Paper Bag Epiphany Pageant at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, 5001 Crestline Road, Fort Worth, 76107, at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, January 6. This is a no-stress, no-rehearsals-needed pageant followed by a kid-friendly meal. Parents of children who would like to be in the pageant should bring them at 5 pm to DeWolfe Hall (parish hall), where participants will choose a costume from a paper bag and get lined up for the pageant at 5:30. For more information, contact Ted…

“Do not be afraid!”

Bishop Scott Mayer has issued a Christmas message: “Do not be afraid!” The Christmas story tells us these are the first words of the angel who appeared to the shepherds outside Bethlehem on a long ago December night. And no wonder. Here are humble hard-working folk, minding their own business, camping out with their sheep on a landscape not unlike those we see in parts of rural Texas north and west of Fort Worth – hardscrabble land redeemed day and…
Invitation to Christmas Worship in churches of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth

Celebrate Christmas – Episcopal Churches welcome you

We invite you to join the Episcopalians of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth as we celebrate the arrival of the Christ Child, and worship at an Episcopal Church near you. God loves us so completely that God became like us. God deeply loves us all, no exceptions.  May you experience God’s abiding love for you this Christmas. Arlington St. Alban’s Episcopal Church Holding services at Theatre Arlington 305 W. Main, Arlington (map) Christmas Eve 6:30 pm Service & Festive Reception Fort Worth All Saints Episcopal…

Good Shepherd, Granbury brightens holidays for children in Hood County

On Wednesday, December 16, Hood County Christmas for Children distributed toys, books, bikes, beds, clothes and other gifts to more than 2,000 families. The members of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Granbury support the highly-organized effort each year, donating gifts, volunteering to pack and organize gifts, and helping all day during distribution. Above, Barbara Snyder stands amid bags of gifts ready for distribution. Norm Snyder, Vice President of the organization and a member at Good Shepherd, has been volunteering for eight years and…

St. Anne’s Guild hosts bake sale at All Saints’

The members of St. Anne’s Guild invite everyone to their Holiday Bake Sale this Sunday, Dec. 13 at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. You’ll find delicious tamales, pralines, pies, cakes, brownies, gingerbread boys, handmade truffles and more. The sale will take place in DeWolfe Hall from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Proceeds from the sale will benefit Christian education offerings.

Christmas Concert set for Dec. 13 at All Saints’

All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Fort Worth offers a Concert of Christmas Music on Sunday, December 13 from The program will feature harpist Yumiko Endo Schlaffer, Dallas Symphony violinist Andrew Schast, and All Saints’ organist and choirmaster Frederick Grimes playing with the All Saints’ Choir and a chamber orchestra. Admission is free with no tickets or reservations required, and a reception for everyone will follow the concert. For more information, call 817-732-1424 or visit

Bishop Mayer visits St. Luke’s, Stephenville

Bishop Scott Mayer visited St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Stephenville, on Sunday, October 4, 2015, The congregation is still celebrating the return of their red front doors, recently repaired and repainted after an attack by a vandal. Bishop Mayer celebrated and preached and confirmed Alice Arrington Newsome, Randi Barnes, MacKenze Brister, Reegan Brister, and Cade Norman. There was a luncheon afterward in the parish hall. Watch a video of the bishop’s sermon, “A story of separation and unity.” See more photos…

Wise County Episcopalians worship in new building

A sweet incense of joy filled the tiny nave as the words of the Book of Common Prayer rang out once again in the white frame building on Church Street in Decatur in Wise County. The familiar prayers fell on the thirsty hearts of worshipers like rain breaking a long drought. On Sunday, May 17, 2015, Wise County Episcopalians celebrated Ascension Sunday with Holy Eucharist in the small white church that began its existence in 1889 as the Episcopal Mission…

Stations of the Cross at the Episcopal Church of Hamilton County

Members at the Episcopal Church of Hamilton County created crosses during Lent in preparation for Holy Week. The crosses reflect a wide range of artistic styles. They are displayed in the field next to the church where, at 6 pm on Good Friday, the congregation has invited the community to join them in the Stations of the Cross.  

Join us for Holy Week and Easter worship

Please join one of our congregations for worship during Holy Week and on Easter Sunday, as the people of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth join with Christians around the world to commemorate the Passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ, and then rejoices at the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. All are welcome in this place. Arlington St. Alban’s Episcopal Church holding services at Theatre Arlington 305 W. Main, Arlington, TX 76010 Phone: 817-264-3083 Palm Sunday 9:30am –…

Women of the Passion to be heard at St. Luke’s, Fort Worth

St. Luke’s in the Meadow Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, invites the public to a worship service featuring Women of the Passion, A Journey to the Cross at 5 pm Sunday, March 15. Women from Scripture narrate the story of Christ’s Passion, and station by station, the congregation will accompany Jesus in the traditional 14 Stations of the Cross. Composer, musician, and singer Ana Hernandez will lead short musical reflections and responses at each station during the worship service. Readers will give voice to the women who tell…

Church at home on a snowy Second Sunday of Lent

As the sun rises on this snowy morning of the Second Sunday of Lent, many of us in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth are homebound due to the ice and snow. But because our common prayers are what bind us together as Episcopalians, we can easily be together in Christ even when we are physically far apart. Bishop Rayford B. High, Jr., Canon Janet Waggoner, and the diocesan staff invite you to join us in Morning Prayer in your homes and…

Call for art – diocesan exhibit will feature Lent, Holy Week

Artists around the diocese are invited to contribute work to a diocesan art exhibit exploring Lent and Holy Week. The art will be on display in the diocesan office at 4301 Meadowbrook Drive, Fort Worth, 76103. People can visit the exhibit during diocesan office hours, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, March 12 – April 10.. The show will be the first in a series of exhibits at the diocesan office focused around themes of the liturgical calendar. If…

Episcopal congregations featured in news about Ash Wednesday

Six congregations and a campus ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth figured prominently in news coverage of Ash Wednesday in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and on KTVT Channel 11. Read the Star-Telegram story and watch embedded video. These congregations offered Ashes to Go as a form of outreach, taking Ash Wednesday out into the world of commuters, parents dropping children off at school, college students, and people on lunch breaks. Traditional Ash Wednesday services also were offered by…