Bishop Mayer issues call for prayer

Bishop Mayer issues call for prayer

Bishop Scott Mayer has issued a call for prayer.


Today, December 5, 2022, testimony began in the trial of former Fort Worth Police Officer Aaron Dean for the shooting of Atatiana Jefferson on October 12, 2019.

News reports say that “a neighbor called a police non-emergency line about 2:25 a.m. on Oct. 12, 2019, after noticing doors open at the house, which he thought was unusual. Smith has said that his intent was for police to check on the welfare of the residents, but police classified the call as an open structure.”

Jefferson, inside the house playing video games with her nephew, heard noises outside, got her gun out of her purse and went to the window. Officer Dean entered the back yard, saw Jefferson through the window, yelled for her to show her hands, and fired immediately through the window, striking Jefferson and killing her.

As the testimony phase of the trial begins, anxiety is high for our Black neighbors. Jefferson’s grieving family has been waiting a long time for this trial. This is a difficult time as well for the defendant Dean and his family.

I ask your prayers for all involved, especially for 11-year-old Zion Carr, Jefferson’s nephew who was 8 years old and was with her when she was killed.

Grant, O God, that your holy and life-giving Spirit may so
move every human heart and especially the hearts of the
people of this city, that barriers which divide us may
crumble, suspicions disappear, and hatreds cease; that our
divisions being healed, we may live in justice and peace;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

O God, you have bound us together in a common life. Help us,
in the midst of our struggles for justice and truth, to confront
one another without hatred or bitterness, and to work
together with mutual forbearance and respect; through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.