Posts by Katie Sherrod (Page 34)

Posts by Katie Sherrod (Page 34)

Crawfish Boil at All Saints’ Fort Worth to benefit Belize Mission

Bring friends to All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, for a Crawfish Dinner & Silent Auction on Friday, May 13 at 6:30 p.m. Enjoy a traditional Crawfish Boil with all the traditional fixings, plus Crawfish Races! The event will take place on the church lawn, weather permitting; if it rains, it will be inside DeWolfe Hall. Suggested donation is $15 for adults and $7 for children; proceeds benefit the 2016 Mission to help Holy Cross Anglican School in San Pedro, Belize.

Bishop Mayer speaks out in support of FWISD Transgender Student Guidelines

On Tuesday, May 10, the Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer issued this statement in favor of the Fort Worth Independent School District’s Transgender Student Guidelines: —– It is unfortunate that Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has decided to interfere in Fort Worth Independent School District’s setting of policies for the safety of all children. I note that the “Transgender Student Guidelines,” in its provision for “Restrooms and Related Facilities,” protects the privacy and comfort and safety of ALL children: “If…

Trinity communicator Sarah Martinez wins Polly Bond Award

  Sarah Martinez, communications manager at Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, received a Polly Bond Award of Merit for General Excellence for the Best Digital Periodical for a Parish/Cathedral at the recent Episcopal Communicators Conference in Portland, Oregon. The Polly Bond Awards for Excellence in Communication were Inspired by communicator and founding member Polly Bond. The Polly Bond Awards recognize outstanding work produced by members. “The recognition is for Trinity Weekly News—our weekly e-newsletter. I emphasized that it’s an effective and engaging communication…

The Rev. Bob Gross installed as priest in charge

The Rev. Bob Gross was installed as priest in charge at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Hurst, on Monday, April 18, by the Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer. The Rev. Karen Calafat, rector of St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth, preached. Calafat opened her sermon with a a story of a schoolboy telling a story about geese. Why geese? She pointed out that “geese are social creatures and depend on each other to survive. Did you know that geese can…

Bishop Mayer visits St. Christopher, Fort Worth

The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer visited St. Christopher Episcopal Church in Fort Worth on Sunday, April 17, 2017. He confirmed Allene Brown and Danielle Kahn. There was a reception afterward in the parish hall. Watch the bishop’s sermon. See more photos at the Diocesan Flickr Gallery.

Annual benefit for lepers of Hyderabad May 14

The annual benefit for Hopewallah, a tax exempt charity organization helping the lepers of Hyderabad, India. is at 5 pm on Saturday, May 14, in the Parish Hall at St. Christopher, Fort Worth. This popular event has raised thousands of dollars for this medical mission led by Dr. Andy Babbili, a member of St. Christopher. The Bishop Prabhudas Memorial Leprosy fundraising event will include an Indian dinner catered by Maharaja, a gospel sing by the Babbili family, a silent auction,…
Logo- Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King Province VII Assembly in Fort Worth

The Fort Worth Daughters of the King (DOK) order will host the Province VII Assembly at St. Christopher, Fort Worth, April 22-24. Bishop Sam Hulsey, assisting bishop of Fort Worth, will take part in the opening Eucharist at 8 pm on Friday, April 22, along with the Rev. Mike Gemingnani, Province VII chaplain, and the Rev. Hope Benko, Diocese of Fort Worth chaplain. The Glory Bound Singers from the Diocese of Texas also will be part of the service. Ms.…

Court of Appeals hears arguments

On Tuesday, April 19, 2016, the Fort Worth Court of Appeals heard oral argument in Episcopal Church v. Salazar. An audio recording of the argument may be found here. A decision is expected in the coming months. Provisional Bishop J. Scott Mayer and assisting bishops Rayford High and Sam Hulsey were present in the packed courtroom, along with many other people from the diocese. Bishop Mayer said, “I was very impressed with the depth and clarity of the case as…

All Saints’ Crestline Neighborhood Market begins third season April 16

The Crestline Neighborhood Market at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, will open its third season on Saturday, April 16, 2016 with several new vendors and the return of old favorites. The Market will be open the third Saturday of each month from April through October from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Crestline Neighborhood Market’s 2016 vendors include:  Sweet Lucy’s Pies  MarjiGee’s Kitchen Steel City Pops  Colletti Olive Oil  All Saints’ Veggies  Bolo Patisserie  Ash Creek Farm  Unbound Books  Frank’s Aquaponics  Our Special House  Chef Evan…

The Rev. Bob Gross to be installed at St. Stephen’s, Hurst

The Rev. Bob Gross will be installed as priest-in-charge at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Hurst, at 7 pm Monday, April 18. St. Stephen’s is at 463 West Harwood Road, Hurst, TX 76054. The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer will celebrate and the Rev. Karen Calafat will preach at this celebration of a new ministry.. Gross was ordained a priest on December 6, 2008, in the Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande. In the fall of 2014, he moved to the Episcopal…

Little Free Library dedication set at St. Luke’s

The Little Free Library at St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth, will be dedicated on Sunday, April 17, immediately following the 10 am worship service. The library was built by Audrey de Cardenas as her project for East Fort Worth 4H. It memorializes  Aaron Forrester, the deceased son of Laurie Alsobrook, a parishioner. The goal of the Little Free Library movement is “to promote literacy and the love of reading by building free book exchanges worldwide and to build a sense of community…
photo of Eddie, Shelley, and Bishop Mayer

Bishop Mayer celebrates Easter at St. Andrew’s, Fort Worth

Bishop Scott Mayer celebrated and preached on Easter Sunday at St, Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, worshiping at the Chapel of the Good Shepherd, University Christian Church. Bishop Mayer’s Easter Sermon Confirmation He also confirmed his sister-in-law, Shelly Lynn Mayer. Several members of the bishop’s family, including his wife, Kathy, and his mother, Mary, and Shelly Mayer’s husband, Cliff, also attended. There was a reception after the service. See more photos at the diocesan Flickr Gallery.

Easter Messages: Bishop Scott Mayer and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth has issued an Easter greeting to the diocese in this video. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has issued his 2016 Easter message. View Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Easter message or read the text of his message. Easter is the feast of Christ’s resurrection. The word derives from the Anglo-Saxon spring goddess Eostre. Christians in England applied the word to the principal festival of the church year, both the day and…

Fort Worth mayor to speak about Faith Cabinet

UPDATE: – This event has been cancelled because the mayor is unable to attend. Episcopalians in Fort Worth can meet their mayor and learn about community partnering opportunities at 9:30am Saturday, April 16, at St. Christopher Episcopal Church, Fort Worth. In addition to community matters, Mayor Betsy Price will speak about her Faith Cabinet and the difference faith communities can make in Fort Worth. map Bishop Scott Mayor also will be present to welcome the mayor. Continental breakfast will be served in…

Connie Kline, last charter member of St. Luke’s, Fort Worth, dies

Connie Kline died on February 29, 2016. She was buried on March 12, 2016, at St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth, on what would have been her 100th birthday. Kline was the last remaining charter member of St. Luke’s. Former rectors of St. Luke’s, the Rev. Gayland Pool and the Rev. Jim Horton, joined the current rector, the Rev. Karen Calafat in officiating at the funeral. Horton preached. In his sermon, Horton said, “There is one more truly glaring and…

Bishop Mayer preached at House of Bishops retreat

Bishop Scott Mayer preached at the Sunday Eucharist at the spring meeting of the House of Bishops at Camp Allen in the Diocese of Texas. As is the custom, the spring gathering was a retreat for the bishops.. The meeting began Friday, March 11 and ended Tuesday, March 15. It is the first meeting of the bishops chaired by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry since his election at General Convention last summer. During the course of the meeting, the bishops discussed racial…