Posts by Katie Sherrod (Page 33)
Convention workshops announced
The 2016 Diocesan Convention is November 11-12 at All Saints’ Episcopal School. On Fire with the Spirit is the theme of this year’s convention. The convention will feature workshops open to all comers. Is your congregation struggling for ways to help deal with poverty in your area? Have you looked for ways to connect across a racial, class, or income gap, whether at church, at home, or at work? Have you wondered how to help the rest of the church…
Deacons have new assignments
Two deacons in the diocese have new assignments that will begin September 1.. The Rev. Tracie Middleton will begin serving at Trinity, Fort Worth, with a focus on mission and outreach work. Middleton came to the diocese in 2011. She is currently serving at St. Stephen’s, Hurst. She will continue as communications and ministry support officer for the diocese, a position she’s held since 2014. She recently become co-chair of a newly formed Young Deacon Task Force within the Association of Episcopal Deacons.…
Daughters of Abraham to meet at All Saints’, Fort Worth
Three faiths, one community. Is it possible for hundreds of Jewish, Muslim and Christian Women to not only get along but to grow to love one another as sisters? Yes, it is, and it’s happening right here in this community. The Women of All Saints’ invite everyone to hear three speakers from Daughters of Abraham at 11 am on Saturday, July 23, in DeWolfe Hall at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth. Daughters of Abraham is an organization that promotes understanding…
Portraits of Bishops Mayer and Curry available
Several congregations have inquired about obtaining photos of Bishop J. Scott Mayer and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry suitable to display in their buildings. A high-resolution portrait of Bishop Mayer suitable for framing is available for download at this link; you may download photos from that link in whatever resolution you wish.. The photo shown above is a low-resolution photo. Photographer Lefty Brandon took the portrait. Several official high-resolution portraits of Presiding Bishop Curry are available. You may download Curry’s portraits here in whatever resolution you…
Former Presiding Bishop Edmond L. Browning dies
It is with great sadness that we share news of the death of former Presiding Bishop Edmond L. Browning, perhaps best know for his declaration that there “will be no outcasts” in The Episcopal Church. This message of inclusion became emblematic of his tenure in office as The Episcopal Church continued its exploration of the implications of the Baptismal Covenant to “seek and serve Christ in all persons” and “to respect the dignity of every human being.” Browning was elected…
Bishops issue statement in wake of Dallas shootings
Bishop J. Scott Mayer interrupted his sabbatical to issue a statement in the wake of the tragic shootings in Dallas last night. He is joined in this statement by Assisting Bishops Rayford B. High, Jr., and Sam B. Hulsey. ———- The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18 The news of the fatal shooting of four Dallas police officers and one Dallas Area Rapid Transit officer in Dallas last night is…
Godly Play supplies offered
St. Luke’s in Stephenville is revamping their Sunday School curriculum. If your congregation would like their Godly Play supplies, please contact the Rev. Curt Norman at According to the website,, “Children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach helps them to explore their faith through story, to gain religious language and to enhance their spiritual experience though wonder and play. Based on Montessori principles and developed using a spiral curriculum, the Godly Play method…
July Vestry Papers includes article by Susan Kleinwechter
The July Vestry Papers includes an article by Susan Kleinwechter, communications and publications director for St. Martin-in-the-Fields, about the partnerships St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller/Southlake has with both the City of Southlake and Fever Futbol. The original theme for the issue was buildings and grounds yet after hearing the stories of this congregation, as well as the others featured in this issue, Editor Nancy Davidge said she knew this Vestry Papers was really about mission and vision as well as bringing people together.…
Tony Hiatt installed as priest in charge in Wise County
The Rev. Tony Hiatt was installed a priest in charge at the Episcopal Church in Wise County on Monday, May 16, 2016, in the small white church 905 S. Church Street, Decatur, TX. that began its existence in 1889 as the Episcopal Mission Chapel of the Ascension. Read the history of the building. The Celebration of a New Ministry happened almost exactly one year after the Wise County Episcopalians moved into the historic building, on May 17, 2015. The Rt. Rev.…
Bishop Mayer begins sabbatical July 1
Bishop Scott Mayer will be on sabbatical from July 1 to October 31. “A sabbatical is a time to rest from work,” Bishop Mayer wrote in Common Purpose. “The word used in biblical Hebrew to describe God resting on that first Sabbath means, ‘He ceased from His labors.’ So while I intend to to take that seriously — and cease from work — I will take retreat time, reflect, read, exercise, play, travel, spend time with my family, and yes,…
Bishop Mayer visits St. Mary’s, Hillsboro
On Sunday, June 12, Bishop Scott Mayer visited St. Mary’s, Hillsboro, where his uncle, the Rev. Harry Mayer, had been vicar. Bishop Mayer said that in the mid-1980s, he visited Hillsboro several times to see his Uncle Harry and Aunt Flo in the vicarage. He was very fond of Harry. They shared an interest in baseball, the beach in Galvaston, and The Episcopal Church. Before Bishop Mayer went to seminary, his uncle gave him a substantial part of his theological…
Bishop Scott Mayer on mass shooting in Orlando
Once again we awaken to news of a mass shooting, this time the worst in US history. This story unfolded in the early hours of the morning, with most of us hearing the news as we were on our way to worship. We know the dead are in the arms of God, so let us enfold in prayer and compassion those who love and mourn for them. Pray for the first responders, for the law enforcement agencies, the grief counselors,…
Bishop Mayer makes first visitation to Trinity
Bishop J. Scott Mayer was at Trinity, Fort Worth, for Pentecost on May 15, 2016. Bishop Rayford High also was there and confirmed two of his grandchildren. Kiylinn-Edward Daniel Lee Blueford, Knox Harrison Charbonnet, Grier Kate Charbonnet, and Timmiesha Nicole Blueford were baptized and Paige (Atta) Charbonnet was baptized and confirmed. Jason McQuerry Charbonnet reaffirmed his baptismal vows. Tina Machu was received into The Episcopal Church. Riley Elizabeth Brackin, Elizabeth Shapard, Seiler Marie Nishimura, and Esther Macrina Wright…
St. Martin’s hears Mass in French on Pentecost
The Rev. Scot McComas of St. Martin-in-the-Fields said Mass in French on Pentecost this year, a new experience for the Keller/Southlake congregation. “I think it’s a way to show that the church or the diocese thinks outside the box. It connects people to when they studied French years ago. It allows us to connect with a larger church body, our convocation of Europe is based in Paris, etc. The church of Burundi, Rawanda speak French,” McComas said. He also pointed…
Partnership between theatre and church gives birth to building fund initiative
The Episcopal Church Building Fund (ECBF) has announced a creative new loan initiative between ECBF and Theatre Arlington in Arlington, TX, a dynamic community-minded regional theatre in downtown Arlington that has birthed greats like the lead singers of Pentatonix. This loan arose out of a highly innovative partnership between St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, currently worshiping in the theatre, and Theatre Arlington. Leaders of both non-profits are involved in a ground-breaking revitalization project aimed at transforming the Main Street corridor…
Crestline Neighborhood Market at All Saints’ Saturday, May 21
The Crestline Neighborhood Market at All Saints’ will be from 8 am to noon on Saturday, May 21 at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth.. Come early for the best selection of fresh produce, homemade pies, grass-fed beef, salted whiskey caramels and much more! The Market is set up in the parking area on Penticost St., directly behind All Saints’ Episcopal Church, 5001 Crestline Rd.,Fort Worth. For more, contact Virginia Durham,817-996-1522 or Constance Kilgore, 817-308-8045.