Bishop Scott Mayer on mass shooting in Orlando

Bishop Scott Mayer on mass shooting in Orlando

Once again we awaken to news of a mass shooting, this time the worst in US history. This story unfolded in the early hours of the morning, with most of us hearing the news as we were on our way to worship. We know the dead are in the arms of God, so let us enfold in prayer and compassion those who love and mourn for them. Pray for the first responders, for the law enforcement agencies, the grief counselors, those who are donating blood, for all those who have responded from a need to do something to help.

And pray for the LGBT community in Orlando, reeling from this horrific outburst of hatred and fear. Pray for all our LGBT sisters and brothers, who I fear are feeling very vulnerable in the wake of this act of terror.

Pray for our nation, as we refuse to give in to fear. Let us return love for hate, light for darkness, reason for panic, acceptance for rejection.

And in the inevitable sad days ahead as we deal with the aftermath of this tragedy, stand grounded in our sure and certain knowledge of the Resurrection. We are part of the Jesus Movement, and as such, people of hope and love.

See a video message from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry here.