'Thanksgiving' Tagged Posts

'Thanksgiving' Tagged Posts

St. Martin’s school children embrace Thanksgiving spirit

With Thanksgiving approaching, the students of St. Martin’s Episcopal School talked about many things that they were thankful for, including family, friends, toys, candy and Jesus. The Rev. Scot McComas, rector, and Ms. Corrie Cabe, school chaplain, both participated. During chapel, the children prayed over shoes that would go to homeless men getting a fresh start at Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County. Cabe asked the students to touch their shoes and think of people who might not have shoes.…

Trinity to celebrate with Lutheran neighbors for Thanksgiving

Trinity Episcopal Church will join with five neighboring Lutheran churches for a Thanksgiving Eve Service this year. Trinity will join with five area Lutheran churches: Faith, Grace, St. Matthew’s, San Gabriel and Trinity Lutheran. Trinity will host the service, scheduled for Wednesday, November 25 at 7:00 pm. After the service, attendees will gather in the Parish Hall at Trinity for a pie potluck. If you would like to bring a pie, Trinity has a sign-up sheet. All are welcome!

Trinity, Fort Worth, outreach featured in Star-Telegram

The outreach efforts of Trinity, Fort Worth, as “part of the South Central Alliance of Churches’ mission to get turkeys and trimmings into the hands of some of Fort Worth’s most disadvantaged residents” was featured with a large photo and short story on the front page of the Tarrant & Texas section of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram with a longer story in the Faith & Spirit section in the print and online editions on Saturday, November 22, 2014. The story…