A note from Episcopal Relief and Development regarding recent flooding in states along the Gulf Coast:
Greetings, Sisters and Brothers in Christ.
As flooding continues in the US Gulf Coast, Episcopalians are asking how to respond. Episcopal Relief & Development is working closely with dioceses in the region to reach the most vulnerable. We have created this bulletin insert so that you can share information and an opportunity for compassionate response with members of your congregation.
Please continue to pray for all those impacted by storms and flooding, for first responders who are conducting rescue operations and for church communities who are reaching out to care for their most vulnerable members and neighbors.
To enable Episcopal Relief & Development to respond to the current Gulf Coast flooding and support emergency preparedness and long-term recovery efforts in the United States, we ask that you please donate to the US Disaster Response Fund.
Wishing you peace,
Sean McConnell
Senior Director, Engagement
Episcopal Relief & Development
Also, read a note from Katie Mears, Director of the US Disaster Preparedness & Response Program at Episcopal Relief & Development.
I am hearing from church leaders around the country that they are eager and ready to volunteer in Louisiana. I am so moved and grateful to see how willing The Episcopal Church is to serve in this way, and I want to be sure that our folks are helping in the most effective ways that support, rather than overwhelm, local efforts.
The bishops in the dioceses of Louisiana and Western Louisiana assure me that while there may be volunteer needs in the coming months, they are able to respond for the moment with their local members and friends: who can return to their own homes and don’t need to be housed or fed! It’s amazing to see neighbors helping neighbors, and when they tell us that out-of-state volunteers are not needed right now, we need to be sure to heed and respect that guidance.
We know that disaster recovery takes many weeks, months and years, and help will likely be needed down the road. Are you eager to volunteer in the response to the flooding in Louisiana and elsewhere? Would you like to receive information about upcoming mission trip opportunities? Please sign up at Ready to Serve; we will share lists of volunteers with impacted dioceses, who will then reach out as opportunities to serve become available.
In the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, Norm Snyder has recently taken over the role of Diocesan Disaster Coordinator, previously held by the Rev. Tracie Middleton.

The Diocese will keep in contact with our partners at ER-D and Gulf Coast dioceses to know when it becomes appropriate to potentially send a team of people to physically help. During the immediate rescue phase, donations are the most efficient and effective.
Additional resources are being compiled on our disaster relief and preparedness page.