Women’s retreat planned for August

Women’s retreat planned for August

The Province VII Episcopal Church Women (ECW) will host a women’s retreat August 26-28 at Christ the King Retreat Center in San Angelo, Texas.

Province VII ECW Retreat

The 2016 retreat will focus on the enneagram and spiritual growth, led by Kathleen Pittman. The topic is “The Enneagram and Spiritual Growth”

Returning to the true self that God created us to be is the goal of our spiritual journey. Recognizing when our own ego gets in the way of our God created true self gives wings to our journey and brings great insight and compassion into our lives and the lives of those we love. Part of this growth requires that we find balance in our lives. We will discover various practices we can add to our lives to fill in some missing pieces in order that we can truly grow into the person God made us to be so that God’s love and care can flow freely through us to the world.


About the Retreat Leader

Kathleen comes from Roswell, New Mexico and has been leading retreats for the last 15 years. She lived in Alabama for 40 years, has been an Episcopalian 35 years, taught K-12 for 14 years and has been in higher education for the past 23 years. She currently teaches in Roswell for Eastern New Mexico University-Portales teaching undergraduate elementary/special education literacy and social studies methods, graduate reading, research, and curriculum courses. In the Diocese of the Rio Grande, she serves as Education for Ministry (EFM) coordinator and is on the standing committee and trustees of the property. She is a member of St. Andrew’s where she is a Lay Eucharistic Minister, EFM mentor and a Daughter of the King.


The deadline to register is May 15, 2016.

Download the ECW Retreat Registration flyer and form.

If you have any questions, please contact Jo Ann Rachele, Province VII ECW President –  joannrachele@msn.com or Paula Howbert, treasurer at (432) 684-5668 pfhowbert@prodigy.net