Posts (Page 114)
Diocese receives letter of support from the House of Bishops
Our diocese has received a letter written on behalf of the 126 bishops gathered at a House of Bishops meeting that took place in March. In it they send us their “deepest and heartfelt greetings” and share with us that “the bishops of the Episcopal Church stand shoulder to shoulder with” us. Read the April 24, 2009 letter of support from the House of Bishops.
Episcopal Church Women Reorganizational Meeting
The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Reorganizing Committee continues its work. On Saturday May 9 the following women were appointed to serve until the election of officers by the ECW body: Susann Eller (Trinity, FW) interim Secretary, Lynne Minor (All Saints, FW) interim Treasurer, and Concha Jones (Trinity, FW) interim Historian. Watch for the United Thank Offering (UTO) ingathering for Father’s Day, June 21. Zonnie Back (Good Shepherd, Granbury) will coordinate this special ingathering from all the parishes and faith communities…
Revitalized & Renewed Diocesan Altar Guild Meeting
A meeting of the revitalized and renewed Diocesan Altar Guild of the Diocese of Fort Worth was held at Trinity on May 2nd. Forty four Altar Guild members, representing 10 of the 17 congregations in the Diocese, were present. At the meeting, a representative from each parish that was there gave a brief description of what had happened to them since last November when Bishop Iker left the Diocese of Fort Worth. Some reports brought tears of sadness at first,…
Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh- Judge allows chancellor’s role, Episcopal Church intervention in property dispute
[Episcopal News Service] April 17, 2009 [Diocese of Pittsburgh] A judge has ruled in favor of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh on several points in its legal dispute with former leaders over control of diocesan assets, according to a release posted on the diocesan website. In a hearing April 17, Judge Joseph James of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County allowed diocesan chancellor Andy Roman’s appearance as the attorney for the Diocese of Pittsburgh of the Episcopal Church. The…
Statement from the Office of the Presiding Bishop concerning actions in Fort Worth on April 14, 2009
The Episcopal Church, with the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth and the Corporation of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, filed in court today for a declaratory judgment as the rightful owners of all diocesan property, real and personal, including funds and endowments. We feel sorrow that the former diocesan leaders took such actions that led us to this time. However, this is a necessary step in order for the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, comprised of Episcopalians of the…
Diocese of Fort Worth,Episcopal Church file suit to recover property and assets
On Tuesday, April 14, 2009, the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, the Corporation of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth and the Episcopal Church filed suit in the 141st District Court of Tarrant County, Texas in part to recover property and assets of the Episcopal Church. The defendants are former members of the corporation’s board and the former bishop of the diocese, all of whom have left the Episcopal Church. The petition seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, damages, an accounting, and attorney…
Pastoral statement concerning litigation from Bishop Ted Gulick
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, heir and steward of the legacy of generations of faithful Episcopalians, has this day brought suit to recover that legacy. We deeply regret that the decisions and actions of former diocesan leaders have brought us to this difficult moment. Even before 1850 when this area was part of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, faithful Episcopalians were preaching the saving gospel of Jesus Christ as part of the Episcopal Church…
Clergy of the diocese renew their ordination vows
On Monday April 6, the bishop, the priests and the deacons of the diocese renewed their ordination vows during a warmly intimate service attended by several lay people at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. Bp. Edwin F. [Ted] Gulick Jr. will participate in this same service in the Diocese of Kentucky for the priests and the deacons there, on April 8 at Grace Church in Hopkinsville and on April 9 in Christ Church Cathedral in Louisville. Bishop Gulick…
Bishop Gulick gets a Texas Crosier
“Encourage and support all baptized people in their gifts and ministries, nourish us from the riches of God’s grace, pray for us without ceasing, and celebrate with us the sacrament of our redemption.” ~Adapted from the service for Ordination of Bishop A bishop is called to be the shepherd of God’s flock and in Western Christianity a crosier [also spelled crozier] or a shepherd’s crook is an ancient symbol of a bishop’s office and authority. Bishops use their crosiers when…
Brite Divinity School at TCU will add Episcopal Studies Program in fall 2009
Brite Divinity School has announced the establishment of an Episcopal Studies Program rooted in classical Anglican tradition. The Episcopal Studies Program will begin on Aug. 24 with the opening of the fall 2009 semester. The Rev. Fred Barber, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, has been named part-time acting director of the new program, which will allow candidates for the Episcopal priesthood to complete the Master of Divinity in preparation for ordination without leaving North Texas. The program has the enthusiastic…
Statement Regarding March 24 El Paso County Colorado District Court Ruling on Breakaway Congregation
The Bishop and Diocese of Colorado, and the more than 500 members of Grace and St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church rejoice today that the members of the Episcopal parish will be returning to their church home as a result of a decision issued by District Court Judge Larry Schwartz. In that ruling, Judge Schwartz found that the historic property is held in trust for the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church and ordered the breakaway congregation that wrongfully took possession…