News (Page 80)

News (Page 80)

Pre-convention deanery meetings set

Dates for pre-convention deanery meetings have been set. These are the meetings at which delegates to convention and others who are interested review the proposed diocesan budget, any proposed resolutions, and nominations for election at convention. They also must elect a dean (1 year) and a sub-dean (1 year). Deaneries also will elect a lay and/or clergy representative to executive council (3 years). The results of those elections should be sent to Eleanor Doty at the diocesan office at…

Report of meeting of executive council on September 28, 2013

The executive council of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth met on Saturday, September  28, 2013, in the parish hall at All Saints Episcopal Church, 5001 Crestline Road, Fort Worth, TX, 76107. The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., opened the meeting with prayer. He gave a brief report of the recent House of Bishops meeting in Nashville. Coverage of the meeting can be found at Episcopal News Service. Bishop High particularly mentioned a useful conversation with the bishops’ ecumenical…
photo of string quartet of Wichita Falls Youth Symphony Orchestra

Entertainment at the 2013 diocesan convention

Attendees at the 31st Diocesan Convention in Wichita Falls on November 8-9, 2013,  will get a chance to learn more about their host city, not only by taking the Oil Baron Tour, but also from experiencing some local entertainment at the Friday night dinner and social hour. Dinner on Friday, November 8, will be accompanied by the Quartet of the Wichita Falls Youth Symphony Orchestra. The Wichita Falls Youth Symphony Orchestra provides music educational opportunities for junior and senior high string, wind and percussion students. During the season,…

Stalcup School of Theology for the Laity at Brite Divinity School Presents: Vulnerability, Resistance, and Transformation

The Seventh W. A. Welsh Seminar on Vulnerability, Resistance, and Transformation, presented by the Stalcup School of Theology for the Laity at Brite Divinity School at TCU, will be Saturday, September 21, 2013, from 9:00 AM to 1:45 PM at Northway Christian Church, 7202 W. Northwest Highway, Dallas, Kristine A. Culp, Dean of the Disciples Divinity House and is Associate Professor of Theology in the Divinity School, University of Chicago, is the presenter. Vulnerability is part of being creatures who…

Episcopal Relief and Development in Syria

From the ERD’s blog: As has been widely reported for many months, violence and the lack of security in Syria have caused tens of thousands of civilians to flee their homes throughout the country. People are seeking refuge across the borders and in smaller towns like Tartous and Mashta El Helu with the hope that things will subside. However, the latest headlines demonstrate that the conflict continues to escalate and displaced families continue to require assistance. With great appreciation the…

Daughters of the King to institute new chapter and have annual assembly

The Daughters of the King of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth will institute the St. Mary Magdalene Chapter at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church meeting at Theater Arlington, 305 W. Main St., Arlington, TX, at 9:30 am Sunday, September 29, 2013. On Saturday, October 12, 2013 the Fort Worth DOK Assembly will be at St. Luke’s in the Meadow, 4301 Meadowbrook Dr., Fort Worth. The Rev. Carlye Hughes, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, will lead the assembly from…

Seminarian Carl Saxton writes about his summer with Continuing Indaba

[Carl Saxton is a candidate for Holy Orders in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, studying at Sewanee, the University of the South, School of Theology.] As I boarded my flight to London in the Atlanta airport I felt excitement mixed with, if I’m honest, a little bit of fear. Ten weeks hadn’t seemed like that long of a time when I had talked about it in the comfort of my own home. Now though, it seemed like an eternity…

Registration for delegates & alternates to the 2013 Diocesan Convention

Registration for delegates and alternates for the 2013 Diocesan Convention November 8-9 in Wichita Falls are being handled through their congregations, and not online. This year, congregations have been asked to register and pay for their representatives prior to the Oct. 4 cut-off for the “early bird” rate, as posted in Announcing registration dates and fees for the 2013 Diocesan Convention. Each congregation has been sent a registration packet from the diocesan office to conduct registration of their delegation. If you are a congregation’s delegate or…

Learning opportunities offered

The coming weeks bring opportunities for learning and growing in mission and ministry. Take advantage of one or more: Effectively Responding To Domestic Violence: Resources for Clergy — A Seminar for Clergy & Congregational Leaders – Domestic abuse abuse (physical, verbal and emotional) devastates lives. Dealing with it is difficult.  Not dealing with it can be disastrous. Can you spot the signs? Are you equipped to address them when you see them among members of your congregation? Join Tarrant Area Community of Churches, Safe Haven…

September Spotlight on Congregations

What has the diocese and the larger church done for your congregation lately? Check out the worship leader training detailed above – and be sure to attend. And register to come to the diocesan convention, Nov. 8-9 in Wichita Falls. All are welcome!

Transition Trainings postponed – ministry continues

Last week’s news from the Texas Supreme Court made clear that resolution of litigation will not be soon. Because of the change in situation, the Transition Trainings scheduled for Sept. 12 and 14 will be postponed. Leaders who had RSVP’ed have been contacted, and plans are in the works for adapting these trainings to the longer timeframe that the decision has given us. Said Bishop Rayford High, “We have plenty of work to do being the church and sharing God’s good news.”

Letter from Bishop Rayford High on next steps after Texas Supreme Court opinion

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, After a day and a half back in the office, I want to share with you several very important things about our diocese. First, I will be meeting with our legal team and we are actively working on the next steps forward in the litigation. I have heard that some folks think we are giving up. That is not true. We will keep you as informed as possible as these plans unfold while still…