News (Page 104)
ENS: breakaway bishop seeks challenge to authority of Episcopal bishop
FORT WORTH: Breakaway bishop seeks challenge to authority of Episcopal bishop, others; September 9 hearing set in dispute By Pat McCaughan, September 02, 2009 [Episcopal News Service] Attorneys for Jack Iker have asked a Texas court for permission to challenge the authority of Provisional Bishop Ted Gulick Jr. and the standing committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. Iker, who left The Episcopal Church in 2008 but refused to relinquish church property or assets, is responding to a pending lawsuit filed by The…
The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth responds to motions filed by former leaders
Attorneys for the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, the Corporation of the Diocese of Fort Worth, and the Episcopal Church are preparing a response to motions filed by attorneys for former bishop Jack L. Iker and former members of the corporation’s board. A hearing has been set for September 9 in the 141st District Court in Tarrant County. Bishop Iker and these former leaders left the Episcopal Church in 2008 and have since aligned themselves with another church, the Anglican…
Presiding Bishop’s statement on the legal issues in litigation in the Diocese of San Joaquin
July 25, 2009 [Episcopal News Service] Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori issued a statement concerning the Superior Court ruling in Fresno County, California. The full text of the Presiding Bishop’s statement follows. The Presiding Bishop’s Office announced that on July 21, 2009, the Superior Court of Fresno County, California, issued an order resolving most of the legal issues in litigation involving the identity and property of the Diocese of San Joaquin. The court ruled in favor of the church and the…
Superior Court of California grants summary adjudication to San Joaquin
The Rt. Rev. Edwin F. [Ted] Gulick, Jr., the Standing Committee, and the Board of Trustees of the Corporation of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth welcome the July 21, 2009 decision of the Superior Court of California, County of Fresno, Central Division that grants a summary adjudication to the continuing Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin in its litigation regarding which leaders have authority over the diocese and its property. This California decision joins other courts in Texas and other states…
Additions to Loan Closet
Last week I had the pleasure to meet Roy and Emily McAlpine at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport. Roy has been instrumental in getting many boxes of vestments and linens to the Diocesan Loan Closet from the Diocese of Connecticut, and we have been in contact for months by phone and e-mail. When we met he had with him wonderful items that Holy Trinity, Enfield Connecticut, had sent to the Diocese of Fort Worth. It was like Christmas! Many beautiful silver…
Diocese files response to motion to dismiss suit to recover property and assets of the Episcopal Church
Attorneys for the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, the Corporation of the Diocese of Fort Worth, and the Episcopal Church have filed a response to the motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction filed on May 8, 2009 by attorneys for former bishop Jack L. Iker and former members of the corporation’s board. The motion to dismiss was a response to the suit filed in the 141st District Court of Tarrant County, Texas, on April 14, 2009, by the Episcopal…
Good News Abounds
The Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is pleased to announce several pieces of good news: Provisional Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Edwin F. [Ted] Gulick Jr., is extending his time with the diocese until after the annual diocesan convention on Nov. 13-14, 2009. Richard Henderson, Fort Worth attorney, has been appointed assistant chancellor of the diocese. Growth in the diocese is causing some parishes to find larger quarters. Bishop Gulick also is the bishop of the Episcopal…
Bishop Gulick sends letters to clergy who left the Episcopal Church
The Rt. Rev. Edwin F. [Ted] Gulick Jr., provisional bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, has sent letters to those 72 members of the clergy of the diocese who joined with former Bishop Jack Iker in choosing to leave the Episcopal Church and realign with the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone. Click to read the bishop’s letter here: Gulick-letter-to-clergy-who-left-Episcopal-Church-May-26-2009 Bishop Gulick wrote, “I want to begin by thanking you for your service as a priest or deacon in…
CareForTheTroops interfaith program offers support for returning troops and families
A thoughtful discussion among a group of Episcopalians has developed into a program for congregations, clergy and individuals to help military families and troops returning from war areas. CareForTheTroops is a not-for-profit interfaith effort designed to address the spiritual and psychological needs of military families while working with congregations to make them more welcoming and understanding of the issues they face. The comprehensive website,, provides tools, resources and links aimed to equip congregation to reach out and support the…
Integrity Fort Worth celebrates Bishop Gulick’s ministry
Board of Integrity treats our bishop to dinner On Thursday, May 28, the Board of Integrity Fort Worth celebrated Bishop Gulick’s ministry as Provisional Bishop of the Fort Worth Diocese by treating him to dinner at Joe T. Garcia’s Restaurant. During the dinner, Integrity expressed the need for the full inclusion of all people to be recognized in the church, despite one’s sexual orientation. Bishop Gulick sees all issues of inclusion related to our theology of Holy Baptism and made…
Commission on Ministry identifies ordination candidate characteristics
Bishop Ted Gulick met with the Commission on Ministry on Saturday, May 16. They discussed the characteristics they will be looking for in candidates for ordination. For deacons – Hospitality, Fearless, Discerning, Socially aware (networking/collaborative), Innovative, Articulate, Values the story of every person, Intelligent, Compassionate, Advocate/”Paraclete”, Equipper. For priests, they will look for candidates who are Healthy/Balanced, Compassionate, Courageous, Well Read and Educated, Articulate (Preacher), Spiritually Grounded, Humble, Critical Thinker/Reflective, Faithful Living, Story Teller, Intelligent, Generosity of Spirit-One Who Makes…
The First 100 Days of our Reorganized Diocese
The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth reorganized on Feb. 7. As we near the first 100 days since then, it is a good time to review events. The diocese is healthy and growing. Since Bp. Gulick has been in office, fifty new Episcopalians have joined us, either through confirmation, reception or baptism. Fifteen of the new Episcopalians have come to the church in the displaced parishes—St. Stephen’s Hurst, Parker County Episcopalians, and St. Alban’s, Arlington. The rest came into the…
Diocese receives letter of support from the House of Bishops
Our diocese has received a letter written on behalf of the 126 bishops gathered at a House of Bishops meeting that took place in March. In it they send us their “deepest and heartfelt greetings” and share with us that “the bishops of the Episcopal Church stand shoulder to shoulder with” us. Read the April 24, 2009 letter of support from the House of Bishops.
Episcopal Church Women Reorganizational Meeting
The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Reorganizing Committee continues its work. On Saturday May 9 the following women were appointed to serve until the election of officers by the ECW body: Susann Eller (Trinity, FW) interim Secretary, Lynne Minor (All Saints, FW) interim Treasurer, and Concha Jones (Trinity, FW) interim Historian. Watch for the United Thank Offering (UTO) ingathering for Father’s Day, June 21. Zonnie Back (Good Shepherd, Granbury) will coordinate this special ingathering from all the parishes and faith communities…
Revitalized & Renewed Diocesan Altar Guild Meeting
A meeting of the revitalized and renewed Diocesan Altar Guild of the Diocese of Fort Worth was held at Trinity on May 2nd. Forty four Altar Guild members, representing 10 of the 17 congregations in the Diocese, were present. At the meeting, a representative from each parish that was there gave a brief description of what had happened to them since last November when Bishop Iker left the Diocese of Fort Worth. Some reports brought tears of sadness at first,…
Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh- Judge allows chancellor’s role, Episcopal Church intervention in property dispute
[Episcopal News Service] April 17, 2009 [Diocese of Pittsburgh] A judge has ruled in favor of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh on several points in its legal dispute with former leaders over control of diocesan assets, according to a release posted on the diocesan website. In a hearing April 17, Judge Joseph James of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County allowed diocesan chancellor Andy Roman’s appearance as the attorney for the Diocese of Pittsburgh of the Episcopal Church. The…