Leadership News (Page 53)

Leadership News (Page 53)

Six congregations opt in to ECBF training

Six Diocese of Fort Worth congregations – St. Alban Arlington; Christ the King, St. Luke’s in the Meadow, and St. Elisabeth in Fort Worth; St. Stephen Hurst; and All Saints Wichita Falls – have completed applications and notified Bishop High that they are committing to the year-long training process with the Episcopal Church Building Fund (ECBF) for “Recasting Church Assets.”

Last chance to register for the TENS conference

Only a few more days to register for the July 11 and 12 webcast of the “Flourishing in Faith” stewardship conference produced by The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS). For $75 per site, “distance” participants can attend opening worship, three plenary sessions with keynoter Clif Christopher, and four workshops being offered at the conference, which is held in Salt Lake City.

Congregations CAN talk straight about money

The June 19 posting on the Vital Practices “Vital Posts” Blog is all about how congregations discuss and perceive their finances. Half-way through our fiscal year, how do your congregation’s finances look? Are they on track? Does your congregation need to take stock or change course?

Diocesan convention plans gearing up

It’s only July, and the November diocesan convention seems far away. But the good folks of the Northern Deanery are already busy planning a Wichita Falls welcome for all comers. And registration for exhibitors is already available online.

Finance committee drafting budget

By the end of July, the members of the diocese’s finance committee will be ready to present a proposed budget – to deaneries during the month of August, and to the executive council at its Sept. 28 meeting at All Saints, Fort Worth.

Steven Charleston offers daily inspiration

Want to start your day in a wonderful way? Go to the Facebook page of Steven Charleston, who identifies himself as “a citizen of the Choctaw nation of Oklahoma.” Only in the next paragraph does he get around to mentioning his work in two seminaries and as the bishop of the Diocese of Alaska. Posted daily on Facebook are his morning meditations. Food for the spirit – balm for the soul – fire for the imagination.

July Spotlight on Congregations

What has the diocese and the larger church done for your congregation lately? In June, all the clergy of the diocese were invited to meet with Bishop High, getting to know one another better and learning more about pension and health care benefits. Toni Marie Sutliff, regional rep from Church Pension Group, flew in to spend the day presenting information and fielding questions. She even did some problem-solving, as well. All Saints School provided their usual “above-and-beyond” hospitality.

Diocesan reps carry greetings to Niobrara

Sandy Shockley and Deborah Nichols, both from St. Mary Hamilton, will attend the 141st Niobrara Convocation June 17-23, on the Lower Brule Reservation in the Diocese of South Dakota. The Niobrara Convocation – an annual gathering of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota peoples – has been termed “one of the most important events of the missionary work of the Episcopal Church in the United States.”

TENS conference July 12-13 in Salt Lake City

The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) – source of outstanding stewardship materials and teaching – holds its annual conference July 12-13 in Salt Lake City. Are you looking to plant the seeds of faithful giving in your congregation and diocese? Do you want to network with others passionate about generosity and discipleship? Can’t make it to Salt Lake City? No problem.

Task force begins overhaul of diocesan constitution and canons

As directed by the 30th Diocesan Convention, the diocesan Constitution and Canons Committee is taking the lead in a multi-year project designed to analyze and overhaul the constitution and canons for the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. The project will include a thorough review of the governing documents and practices from other dioceses, an ingathering of ideas and recommendations from individuals and groups across the diocese, and the eventual presentation of a proposed amended and restated constitution and canons for adoption by the diocesan convention.

Finance committee asks for budget input

The Finance Committee is requesting your input for the 2014 triennial budget. Copies of the 2014 preliminary budget (approved at the 2012 diocesan convention), information concerning congregation assessments, and a request form for budget funds have been sent to senior wardens, rectors/priests-in-charge, and treasurers via email.

Living the Good News available online

Living the Good News, a lectionary-based Sunday school curriculum, is now available in an online format. Lessons geared to specific age groups may be downloaded, along with support materials – session plans for leaders, take-home papers and journals for students, At Home with the Good News for families, music, session visuals, and the popular online Support Site (with additional resources for classrooms each week).

Church highlights wellness

As the administrator for the Episcopal Church’s denominational health plan, the Church Pension Group (CPG) offers wellness resources to the church – and especially all clergy and lay employees – through the Church Medical Trust. A wellness newsletter is published six times a year, and the CPG wellness website features tips and helps for cultivating and maintaining healthy practices.

June Spotlight on Congregations

What has the diocese and the larger church done for your congregation lately? On hand in the diocesan office are gluten-free communion wafers, available for any congregation that needs them. Contact Eleanor Doty (eleanor.doty@edotn.org, 817-534-1900) to arrange for getting a supply for your congregation.

Churches begin Recasting process

Three Diocese of Fort Worth congregations – St. Alban Arlington, St. Elisabeth Fort Worth, and St. Luke’s in the Meadow Fort Worth – have completed the application process to participate in Recasting Church Assets, a process of self-study facilitated by the Episcopal Church Building Fund (ECBF). Congregations participating in the program will begin meeting together late in the summer.