Leadership News (Page 25)

Leadership News (Page 25)

Safeguarding policy updated to allow primary certification online

The members of the Executive Council voted at their September meeting to update the Safeguarding policy related to preventing sexual exploitation of children and adults. View or download the revised policy Previously, those taking Safeguarding courses were required to take the first two courses in person and could update others online. Now, participants can take courses online initially if they would like – it’s no longer required to take an in-person course first. Visit the Safe Church Training page on the…

2017 Pre-Convention Deanery meetings

Attend a deanery meeting to learn what’s going on at the upcoming Diocesan Convention and get involved in collaborating with other Episcopal churches in your area. Links below include a map to each location. Fort Worth West – Tuesday, Oct. 17; 5:30 pm at All Saints’, Fort Worth Southwestern – Sunday, Oct. 22; 2:30 pm at St. Luke, Stephenville Fort Worth South – Tuesday, Oct. 24; 5:30 pm at St. Christopher, Fort Worth Northern – Sunday, Oct. 29; 11:30 am at…

Register early for Diocesan Convention

Register now to receive the “Early Bird” rate for Diocesan Convention. Early Bird rates (before Oct. 1) are $65 for a 2-day registration and $40 for a 1-day registration. After Oct. 1, rates are $80 for a two-day registration and $55 for a one-day registration. The registration fee includes one meal per day. The 2017 Convention will be held Friday, November 10 – Saturday, November 11, 2017 at the Cleburne Conference Center. Visit the Convention web page for complete details; the page…

Singers, musicians invited to be part of Lessons and Carols

Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, will host a service of Advent Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 3 at 5 pm.  Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price and Fort Worth Independent School District Kent Scribner will be among the readers from the wider community. Church musicians and choir members from across the diocese are invited to be part of this uniquely Episcopal (Anglican) service. Interested people should contact Debbie Clark at debora.d.clark@gmail.com for more information. Rehearsals will be held on Sunday afternoons, November 12,…

Diocesan website launches updated format

Welcome to the updated website of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. We have made some changes to the appearance and format of the site. Here are answers to questions you may have and opportunities to give feedback. Questions you may have You may notice something acting strangely on the site or a mistake in the information on a page. Please let us know of any issues or problems you encounter, or if there is something you can’t find.

“Bless the dying, soothe the suffering. . .”

On Tuesday, August 29, Bishop Scott Mayer issued this statement addressing Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath. ————- Like all of you, I have been riveted by the news coming out of Rockport, Houston, and the other areas hit by Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath. As the full extent of the damage becomes known, it is clear that help will be needed for a very long time along the Texas coast. While the immediate need is rescue of those in peril,…
Satellite image of Harvey

How to begin helping after the storm

Many of us have family and friends displaced and experiencing damage from Hurricane Harvey. Below are some sources of information and ways to begin helping. Please donate and volunteer as you are able, but before you do so, please read the information below. Visit our diocesan disaster resources page for additional links and information.   Bishop Scott Mayer statement Bishop Scott Mayer has issued a statement that concludes with this prayer: “May God hold close all who have died, all the people suffering from this storm,…

The Nominations Committee wants you!

Are you called to serve in elected office? Your life experience, passion, and voice can make a difference in this diocese. At every level of organization, in everything we do, the Church benefits from new, energetic, and committed leadership. There are eight positions to be filled by election at the 2017 Diocesan Convention. Executive Council members-at-large Standing Committee Members Sewanee Trustee Disciplinary Board members Are you called to lead us forward? Experience in a previous leadership role is not required.…

St. Alban’s part of new Inclusive Faith coalition

St. Alban’s Theatre Arlington has joined with four other area congregations to form a coalition of Inclusive Faith groups. The congregations are Embrace United Church of Christ, Richland Hills; Galileo Christian Church, Mansfield/Kennedale; Welcome Table Christian Church, Arlington; and Westminster Presbyterian Church, Arlington. The Inclusive Faith Coalition (IFC) is open to churches, synagogues, and mosques in the greater Arlington area that value and practice full inclusion of LGBTQ+ people.  Any interested congregation can contact us at ifc@inclusivefaithcoalition.org or 817.773.3147 IFC engages in: Public Faith Declaration:…

Diocesan clergy respond to Charlottesville

Several clergy in the diocese reflect on the events in Charlottesville in a sermon and in statements: The Rev. Carlye Hughes, Trinity, Fort Worth Hughes, rector of Trinity, Fort Worth, in her powerful sermon on Sunday continued the journey through Genesis with the story of Joseph. Trinity has been exploring the stories of Genesis as “the first story of who we are.” In the story of Joseph, who was his father’s favorite and a tattletale, and who acted “in the…

South Carolina Supreme Court rules property belongs to Episcopal Church

The South Carolina Supreme Court has said that nearly all the property involved in litigation between a breakaway group and The Episcopal Church belongs to The Episcopal Church. The Court heard the case nearly two years ago. Read several stories here. Read the South Carolina Supreme Court opinion here. Bishop Skip Adams of South Carolina said, “We are grateful for this decision and for the hard work of the court in rendering it. We also give thanks to God for the…

Free webinar on refugee program updates

Episcopal Migration Ministries and the Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations are hosting a one-hour free webinar, Welcome in Action: Education, Advocacy and Outreach at 3 pm on Tuesday, August 15. This webinar will provide the latest updates on the travel ban, refugee funding, and upcoming opportunities to engage in advocacy and outreach in support of refugee resettlement. Lacy Broemel, Episcopal Church Refugee and Immigration Policy Analyst, and Kendall Martin, Episcopal Migration Ministries Manager for Communications will lead the webinar. Registration is required and is available here.  The webinar will…
Godly Play Core Training 2017

Godly Play Core Training

All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, will host a Core Godly Play Training course August 3-5. Anyone interested in learning this Montessori-based method of facilitating children’s learning is invited to register. A Godly Play Foundation participation certificate will be awarded upon completion of Core training. Core training is the essential training for all storytellers and doorpersons in the Godly Play room. WHAT IS GODLY PLAY? The Godly Play Foundation’s website describes the method of teaching in this way: Children have an innate…

Participate in Texas Impact Lobby Day

The Social Justice Group of Trinity Episcopal Church has extended an invitation to anyone in the diocese who wants who join them in going to Austin for Texas Impact’s Lobby Day on August 1. The group hopes to carpool from Trinity’s parking lot. Kathleen Wells is the contact person at Kathleenwells1@yahoo.com  and 8177094207. If you want to participate, register for free here. Texas Impact is “a statewide religious grassroots network whose members include individuals, congregations, and governing bodies of the Christian, Jewish and…