Michele L. King, administrative assistant of the diocese, has announced her retirement, effective Friday, March 25, 2022. She joined the diocesan staff on March 3, 2014, working with Bishop Rayford High. When Bishop Scott Mayer was elected, she worked with him as well as with Assisting Bishops Sam Hulsey and High. Cards/letters can be sent to her in care of the diocese at P.O. Box 8695, Fort Worth, TX, 76124.

Bishop Rayford High said, “Michele was one of my first hires as Provisional Bishop of Fort Worth and I am so grateful I asked her to serve in her capacity. She brought organization, punctuality, clarity, and charm to the office. She has offered pastoral care to laity and clergy alike with grace and sensitivity. She also kept me out of some trouble from time to time! We can be proud of her as she represented Fort Worth serving as president of BEST [Bishop’s Executive Secretaries Together]. We will miss her welcoming voice and presence in the future and we wish her a blessed retirement.”
Bishop Scott Mayer said, “Michele will be missed by us all. She worked in partnership with the staff of Northwest Texas to keep track of my appointments, travel, and other commitments, not an easy task with two dioceses. She made our former office a warm and inviting place to be, kept the staff and visitors well supplied with chocolate and other necessities, and made sure enough caffeine was available for us all. Hospitality is one of her gifts, and everyone who visited this diocese benefited from it. We wish her all happiness as she moves into retirement.”
King served as national president of Bishop Executive Secretaries Together (BEST) 2018 – 2020, and served as national vice-president for two years before that. She led the BEST 32nd Annual Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico in 2019.
King came to the diocesan position after being parish administrator at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller.
Michele and her husband Charlie have 3 children: Dan, Jessica, and Andrew. They have one grandson and a granddaughter on the way.