Funding for the Future
Funding for the Future update
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Funding for the Future – What happens next?
Now that the planning study for the Funding for the Future campaign has concluded, here’s a brief look at where we are in the process, including what has been done so far and what happens next. View a slide show for an overview. Here is a timeline of the process so far, and looking slightly ahead to a decision point: September – Bishop High holds a preliminary meeting to ask people to serve on a campaign committee. October – The committee reviews consulting…
Campaign Committee reports to Executive Council
Floyd McKneely, chair of the Funding for the Future Campaign Committee, reported on the work on the committee at the Executive Council’s first meeting of 2015. Read about that meeting here. McKneely said that the campaign team conducted interviews and a focus group in each of the five deaneries. The interviews with individuals covered basically the same information as the online survey.The focus group survey was exactly the same as the online survey.The focus groups’ answers are collected separately so…
Funding for the Future Campaign Goals
The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, with its commitment to be a place where “all are welcome,” has a unique call to make a difference in these 24 counties of north central Texas in the 21st century. In the six years that have passed since some of our diocesan leadership left The Episcopal Church while claiming Episcopal Church property, the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth has stabilized, grown and gained momentum in mission and ministry. We are, in this new…
Capital Campaign Survey Link open through Feb. 15
At diocesan Convention in November, the Convention voted to explore a diocesan-wide capital campaign. A Capital Campaign Committee has been formed, chaired by Floyd McKneely, and a study process is underway to determine the purposes and goals of this campaign. Goals identified at the outset of the study include these: funding for clergy salaries for church plants and church “re-plants” funding for a full-time bishop funding for campus ministry funding for other mission and ministry endeavors – things that we can…