Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 9)

Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 9)

Noonday Prayer readers needed at Baylor All Saints Hospital

Baylor All Saints Hospital needs Noonday Prayer readers on Tuesdays and Wednesdays every week. Please call Deacon Janet Nocher at 817-292-1786 if you are willing to serve on one of these days. From the earliest days of the Church, people set aside times for prayers at 9 am, noonday, and at 3 pm. As monasticism developed, these became the hours of the “little offices” of Terce, Sext, and None. The 1979 Book of Common Prayer restores an abbreviated Noonday office. You…

Support relief to Gulf Coast residents

A note from Episcopal Relief and Development regarding recent flooding in states along the Gulf Coast: Greetings, Sisters and Brothers in Christ. As flooding continues in the US Gulf Coast, Episcopalians are asking how to respond. Episcopal Relief & Development is working closely with dioceses in the region to reach the most vulnerable. We have created this bulletin insert so that you can share information and an opportunity for compassionate response with members of your congregation. Please continue to pray…

Trinity Treasure Trove Resale Extravaganza set for August 27

The Trinity Treasure Trove Resale Extravaganza will be Saturday, Aug. 27 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Church, 3401 Bellaire Drive South, Fort Worth, 76109. Come browse and buy from a carefully curated collection of clothing, furnishings, books, household items and much more. Proceeds benefit the ministries of Trinity Episcopal Church. Directions Google Map
preview guys and dolls

Support outreach by enjoying “Guys and Dolls”

St. Alban’s meeting at Theatre Arlington is sponsoring a Thursday, September 8, benefit performance of “Guys and Dolls.” Everyone is invited to attend. The event, an exclusive preview of the performance, will help support outreach programs such as those with Crow Elementary School and the Arlington Life Shelter. The musical comedy portrays the underworld of Prohibition-era New York and features a talented local cast. The show is directed and choreographed by Brandon Mason, with music direction by Alex Vorse. The evening…

Last year’s Mission and Outreach grant recipients share successes

The application for mission and outreach grants is now closed for 2016. Take a look below at successes in projects that received funds in the 2015 process. 2016 grant recipients will be announced after the committee meets at the end of August. 2015 Outreach Grant Successes The Mission and Outreach Committee of the diocese awarded grant funds to several projects within and outside the diocese in 2015. Open the sections below to read more about each project. Projects within the diocese…

EFM Mentor Training

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Stephenville, TX is hosting a Mentor training event September 9-11, 2016 for prospective and continuing mentors in the Education for Ministry (EfM) program, as well as others interested in the program. Training options There will be two training events offered: Basic/In Service: Foundations of Seminar Life Formation: Ministry in Daily Life Please be reminded that Sewanee’s change in training requirements for experienced mentors may necessitate your taking basic training: “mentors must return to Basic In-Service after…

Save the dates: three ordinations

The following ordinations are coming up in the next few months; two will be held in the Diocese of Texas. Save the dates so you can plan to attend. Lynne Waltman – September 14, 7 pm at All Saints’ in Fort Worth Andrew Ellison – September 22, 7 pm at Trinity Episcopal Church in Marshall Lisa Neilson – October 22, 11 am at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in College Station Ordination announcements will follow closer to these dates with more…

Note deadlines for submissions related to business at 2016 Convention

The 34th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is coming up November 11-12, 2016. Take note of the following deadlines, templates, and guidelines related to submitting information, proposals, nominations, and anything else required for the business of Convention. Open the sections below the deadline chart to see information related to Nominations, Resolutions, and Reports. Deadlines, forms and templates Application for a establishing or changing a diocesan entity – application template Send any other submissions related to the business of…

Church hospitality for a video game can create new connections

This article by Susan Kleinwechter, communications and publications director at St.-Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller, tells how one parish in the diocese is using the wildly popular game of Pokémon GO as an opportunity for outreach. She also offers suggestions for how other congregations might engage. Pokémon  and PokéStops and Gyms are showing up at several of our congregations. For instance, St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth, has a PokéStop right beside its front sign.  Check to see what’s showing up at your place. ——————————————-…

Nominations committee invites nominees for 28 open positions

Updated 7/20/2016 Nominations are now open for 28 (previously reported as 27) positions that will be filled at the 2016 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth in Fort Worth, Texas, on November 11 and 12. The number of open positions is higher than usual this year for two main reasons: we will be electing deputies to General Convention, which happens only once every three years, and we will also for the first time be electing nine of the…

Help send young people on pilgrimage – eat spaghetti!

All are invited to enjoy Spaghetti Dinner & Bingo at All Saints’ Episcopal Church at 6 pm on Friday, July 8. Proceeds benefit the youth participating in the All Saints’ 2017 Journey 2 Adulthood (J2A) confirmation pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral in England. The members of this J2A group have gotten to know each other over period of years, sharing experiences, studying, and praying together. The picture below is from a retreat they attended in Mineral Wells. The pilgrimage to Canterbury represents both a culmination…

Join St. Christopher’s DOK to explore praying with imagination

St. Christopher Episcopal Church is hosting a Quiet Day organized by the Daughters of the King on Saturday, August 6, 2016 from 9 am to 2 pm. Come spend time together in quiet and prayer. Topic Deacon Tracie Middleton from the Diocesan Office will lead an exploration of praying from scripture using the imagination. Here is her description of the day: There are many ways to approach the Bible. Some forms of Bible study focus on closely studying the words of…

Evangelism Matters conference in Dallas November 18-19

An innovative gathering, Evangelism Matters, is for those seeking a place to share, learn, and grow the Church’s capacity and passion for evangelism. This two-day conference will equip and empower evangelists for the journey ahead – communicating the Good News of Jesus in the Episcopal tradition. This conference will engage participants through inspiring presentations and valuable workshops by evangelism leaders. Among the planned activities is a keynote address by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. Registration is $100 per person ($125 after August 31), and…

Conference for church administrators

Church administrators, including treasurers, communicators, chancellors, church office staff, and clergy are the intended audience for an inter-denominational conference of The Church Network scheduled for July 6-8 at the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine. Get more details and register online. Christopher Thomas, currently serving as administrator of the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Dallas and previously administrator in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, is a long-time member of the organization and recommends it highly: I have been an active member of…

Save the Date: October 28 for “Now What?” symposium on church innovation

How can the church be creative and find new ways to use its buildings and resources? How can we innovate and find new ways to be the church? Save the date of Friday, October 28, 2016 for a one-day conference at Northway Christian Church in Dallas:  A few years ago, several congregatons in our diocese participated in a Recasting Assets process coordinated by the Episcopal Church Building Fund to re-think how they were using their space and resources and to connect with their…

Community vigils organized

Celebration Community Church is hosting a Candlelight Vigil on Monday at 7 pm for all affected by the Sunday morning shootings at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, and the community is invited. David Mack Henderson wrote: Both LGBTQA people and our broad supporters from throughout Tarrant County are welcome and encouraged to join us. There are moments when we need to gather to fortify our community and draw upon our grief and dismay to collectively empower our better endeavors. This is one of those…