Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 5)
Safeguarding policy updated to allow primary certification online
The members of the Executive Council voted at their September meeting to update the Safeguarding policy related to preventing sexual exploitation of children and adults. View or download the revised policy Previously, those taking Safeguarding courses were required to take the first two courses in person and could update others online. Now, participants can take courses online initially if they would like – it’s no longer required to take an in-person course first. Visit the Safe Church Training page on the…
2017 Pre-Convention Deanery meetings
Attend a deanery meeting to learn what’s going on at the upcoming Diocesan Convention and get involved in collaborating with other Episcopal churches in your area. Links below include a map to each location. Fort Worth West – Tuesday, Oct. 17; 5:30 pm at All Saints’, Fort Worth Southwestern – Sunday, Oct. 22; 2:30 pm at St. Luke, Stephenville Fort Worth South – Tuesday, Oct. 24; 5:30 pm at St. Christopher, Fort Worth Northern – Sunday, Oct. 29; 11:30 am at…
Register early for Diocesan Convention
Register now to receive the “Early Bird” rate for Diocesan Convention. Early Bird rates (before Oct. 1) are $65 for a 2-day registration and $40 for a 1-day registration. After Oct. 1, rates are $80 for a two-day registration and $55 for a one-day registration. The registration fee includes one meal per day. The 2017 Convention will be held Friday, November 10 – Saturday, November 11, 2017 at the Cleburne Conference Center. Visit the Convention web page for complete details; the page…
2016 Canons (pagination correction)
Download the 2016 Diocesan Canons What was changed? This update fixes a pagination problem (inaccurate page numbers in the table of contents) and corrects a typo in canon I.2.2
Diocesan website launches updated format
Welcome to the updated website of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. We have made some changes to the appearance and format of the site. Here are answers to questions you may have and opportunities to give feedback. Questions you may have You may notice something acting strangely on the site or a mistake in the information on a page. Please let us know of any issues or problems you encounter, or if there is something you can’t find.
How to begin helping after the storm
Many of us have family and friends displaced and experiencing damage from Hurricane Harvey. Below are some sources of information and ways to begin helping. Please donate and volunteer as you are able, but before you do so, please read the information below. Visit our diocesan disaster resources page for additional links and information. Bishop Scott Mayer statement Bishop Scott Mayer has issued a statement that concludes with this prayer: “May God hold close all who have died, all the people suffering from this storm,…
Godly Play Core Training
All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, will host a Core Godly Play Training course August 3-5. Anyone interested in learning this Montessori-based method of facilitating children’s learning is invited to register. A Godly Play Foundation participation certificate will be awarded upon completion of Core training. Core training is the essential training for all storytellers and doorpersons in the Godly Play room. WHAT IS GODLY PLAY? The Godly Play Foundation’s website describes the method of teaching in this way: Children have an innate…
Refresh your spirit Saturday at St. Luke’s in the Meadow
All are invited to take part in a Quiet Day hosted at St. Luke’s in the Meadow this coming Saturday, July 29 from 9-12. The time will consist of: Lectio Divina (which, in short, is a holy reading/ holy pondering of scripture.) Time to walk an indoor labyrinth. Labyrinths are a means of moving meditation. Some people find them a helpful tool for meditation or prayer. Space for personal prayer, journaling or practicing other spiritual expressions. Group sharing and discussion…
Note deadlines for submitting items related to 2017 Convention business
The 35th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is coming up November 10-11, 2017 in Cleburne. Take note of these 2017 convention deadlines below. Also available are templates, forms and guidelines related to submitting information, proposals, nominations, and anything else required for the business of Convention. Open the sections below the deadline chart to see information related to Nominations, Resolutions, and Reports. Items that are underlined and in blue are links that you can click to access forms and…
Nominations open for 2017 Diocesan Convention
Nominations are now open for eight positions that will be filled at the 2017 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth in Cleburne, Texas, on November 10 and 11. The Nominations Committee earnestly seeks participation from parishioners across the spectrum of our diocese. Diocesan members are invited to read, pray, and discern if they know someone to nominate, or if they are called to offer themselves in nomination, for any of the elected positions described below. Nominations may be…
Author Lisa Pulliam to speak June 21 at All Saints’
Author, speaker and entrepreneur Lisa Carol Pulliam will speak at a Women of All Saints’ event on Wed., June 21 at All Saints’ Episcopal Church. The event will begin with desserts for all at 6:30 p.m. in DeWolfe Hall, followed by Lisa’s presentation and a book signing for Toes in the Sand: My Journey from Domestic Engineer to Entrepreneur . Lisa is the daughter of All Saints’ parishioners John and Carol Burnam, and 25 years ago, she was married to her…
Register for EfM Mentor Training in Stephenville
UPDATE: The Basic training class is now full. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Stephenville, TX is hosting a mentor training September 15-17, 2017 for prospective and continuing mentors in the Education for Ministry (EfM) program, as well as others interested in the program. Training options There will be two training events offered: Basic/In Service – Foundations of Seminar Life (FULL) Formation – Deepening TR: Four Sources and Four Movements Please be reminded that Sewanee’s change in training requirements for experienced mentors…
Apply for mission and outreach grants
Do you have an idea for making a positive impact in your community with the church’s help? Is there a project your church is involved in that could use a little extra funding? Apply now for mission and outreach grants. The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, through its Mission and Outreach Committee, will be awarding grants to programs that assist our communities, encourage personal participation by our congregations, and that will be strengthened by the endorsement of the diocese. Whether you are an…
Join Webcast with Richard Rohr at St. Alban’s
St. Alban’s in Arlington will host a webcast of Richard Rohr’s “The Universal Christ: An Archetype for Everything.” Join the event on Thursday, June 22 from 7 to 8:30 pm in the Administration building of Theatre Arlington. All are welcome to attend the free event. Rohr serves as a Franciscan priest, Christian mystic, and author of numerous books. Titles include Falling Upward, Eager to Love: The Alternative Way of Francis of Assisi, and most recently, The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation (with Mike Morrell). Over his month-long…
Artist Gwen Meharg at two Fort Worth area churches
Fort Worth artist Gwen Meharg will lend her talents at two churches in our diocese. Sunday, May 14, at 11:30 am worship, Meharg will be at Trinity Episcopal Church in Fort Worth, painting during the sermon preached by the Rev. Tracie Middleton. Deacon Middleton will preach on the theme of Living Stones, from the Bible readings for the day: Acts 7:55-60, Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16, 1 Peter 2:2-10, and John 14:1-14. This is a new experience for Middleton, who hopes that people will see the…
Support medical help for leprosy patients in Hyderabad
The annual fundraiser for Hopewallah, a tax exempt charity organization helping the lepers of Hyderabad, India. is at 6 pm on Saturday, May 6 *, in the Parish Hall at St. Christopher, Fort Worth. This popular event has raised thousands of dollars for this medical mission led by Dr. Andy and Latha Babbili, members of St. Christopher; Dr. Babbili travels to India every year to provide treatment to members of leper colonies around Hyderabad. The Bishop Prabhudass Memorial Leprosy fundraising event will include…