Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 11)

Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 11)

Trinity Arts Gala

Trinity hosts Arts Gala Saturday, April 9

This Saturday, April 9, enjoy an evening devoted to visual and performance art. Attend the Trinity Arts Gala at Trinty Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. Saturday Evening Schedule 5:00 PM – Doors open with light hors d’oeuvres and a silent auction in the parish hall. 6:00 PM – Dinner is served in the parish hall. Dinner is followed by a concert in the nave. Dessert will be served in the parish hall following the concert. Results of the silent auction will be announced. Artists…
Godly Play Core Training 2017

All Saints hosts Godly Play training

All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, has rescheduled its Core Godly Play Training course for June 9-11. Anyone interested in learning this Montessori-based method of facilitating children’s learning is invited to register. A Godly Play Foundation participation certificate will be awarded upon completion of Core training. WHAT IS GODLY PLAY? The Godly Play Foundation’s website describes the method of teaching in this way: Children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach helps them to explore their faith…

Episcopal Relief donations have far-reaching impact

During the month of September and also at our 2015 Diocesan Convention’s opening Eucharist, we raised funds for Episcopal Relief & Development’s work with refugees fleeing Syria. Photos above from Episcopal Relief & Development’s blog  and the video below give a glimpse into some of what those funds do. To stay informed on more of what Episcopal Relief & Development is doing, sign up here. It has been five years since the start of the Syrian conflict, which has displaced…
Curry-Jennings final four

Curry-Jennings Final Four contest benefitting Episcopal Relief & Development

Today, The Episcopal Church tips off the Team Curry v. Team Jennings challenge, a Final Four contest to benefit Episcopal Relief & Development. The Most Rev. Michael Curry, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, was previously the bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina. He roots for the University of North Carolina Tar Heels. The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, president of the House of Deputies of the Episcopal Church, grew up a couple of buzzer-beating half court shots from the…

Invite-Welcome-Connect National Summit

How can we effectively invite new people, welcome them into our congregations, and connect them to what we’re doing? Attend the second Invite Welcome Connect national summit Thursday,  April 28 through Saturday, April 30, 2016, at Camp Allen in Navasota, about 60 miles north of Houston. Registration includes lodging for two nights, six meals, social events, and all materials – $200 per person for double occupancy, $245  per person single occupancy. Inviting, welcoming and connecting people who come to our churches are critical…

Episcopal Relief & Development exceeds 75th Anniversary Goal

Thanks to the generous support and coordinated efforts of thousands of Episcopalians and friends, Episcopal Relief & Development’s 75th Anniversary Celebration exceeded its goals for fundraising and engagement throughout the Church and beyond. During the 75-week celebration, the organization raised $7.94 million as part of a special campaign. They connected with supporters through live events, webinars, stories and a traveling photo exhibition. “After 75 years of serving millions of people around the world, Episcopal Relief & Development and our faithful supporters had…

Women’s retreat planned for August

The Province VII Episcopal Church Women (ECW) will host a women’s retreat August 26-28 at Christ the King Retreat Center in San Angelo, Texas. Province VII ECW Retreat The 2016 retreat will focus on the enneagram and spiritual growth, led by Kathleen Pittman. The topic is “The Enneagram and Spiritual Growth” Returning to the true self that God created us to be is the goal of our spiritual journey. Recognizing when our own ego gets in the way of our God…
dok province vii assembly

Fort Worth hosts DOK Province VII Assembly

Fort Worth will host the Province VII Daughters of the King (DOK) for its annual Assembly this year on April 22-24. We are the host diocese for the first time since the re-organization – and probably many years before. DOK President Marti Fagley said, “We are expecting more than 70 women to attend from around the province.” The Glory Bound Singers are Daughters from the Diocese of Texas and will also participate in the Sunday morning worship at St. Christopher’s at 10:30 am April…
event at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller/Southlake Texas

Lenten Quiet Day at St. Martin’s, Keller on March 19- UPDATED

Men, women, and teens are invited to a Lenten Quiet Day from 9:30 am to 2 pm on Saturday, March 19, 2016. This Lenten Quiet Day offers time that is set apart to stop and rest and be with the Lord. The meditations will use beautiful Lenten icons and the deep symbolism written in the art will be shared. The day starts at 9:30 am with Morning Prayer in the church sanctuary. A soup and bread lunch will be served at noon. The quiet…

Vestry Papers features Demi Prentiss’ work

The January-February edition of Vestry Papers from the Episcopal Church Foundation includes an article by former diocesan ministry developer Demi Prentiss and her co-author, J. Fletcher Lowe. The article, titled “Get the Hell Out of Church!!”, urges church leaders to shift their focus from inside to outside, and from church-sponsored outreach to individuals understanding themselves as “on mission” in their everyday lives. The material is based on their 2015 book, Radical Sending: Go to Love and Serve. The ideas Prentiss and Lowe present are…

St. Luke’s in the Meadow offering Taize services

All are invited to worship in the style of Taizé on the first Friday of each month at 6:30 pm. at St. Luke’s in the Meadow. Fort Worth. Taizé is an ecumenical style of worship, involving singing and silence, designed to facilitate a spirit of contemplation. The use of candles, icons and Biblical chants create a meditative environment.  It was born at the Taizé Community, an ecumenical monastic order in Taizé, Saône-et-Loire, Burgundy, France. It is composed of more than one hundred brothers, from Catholic…

Retreat on prayer practices offered

St. Alban’s, meeting at Theatre Arlington, is offering Pray All Ways, a retreat on prayer practices. The first session on Saturday, March 26 from 9 am to noon, will explore praying with beads. The Rev. Kevin Johnson explains: For millennia beads have been used as a tool to aid in prayer. For this Lenten mini-retreat, come create your own set of special prayer beads while learning about Christianity’s rich history of using them. Lent is an excellent time to explore practices that…

Godly Play training offered

All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, will host a Core Godly Play Training course March 3-5. Anyone interested in learning this Montessori-based method of facilitating children’s learning is invited to register. A Godly Play Foundation participation certificate will be awarded upon completion of Core training. What is Godly Play? The Godly Play Foundation’s website describes the method of teaching in this way: Children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach helps them to explore their faith…

All Saints’ offers help for job hunters

If you are in the job market, or know someone who is, free professional help is available at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. The Career Solutions Workshop is a useful resource for anyone seeking new employment, or hoping to make their next step up the career ladder. The 12-week workshop, which runs on a repeating cycle, begins anew on Monday, February 8 at 6 pm. Because Monday is the introductory session, it’s the optimal time to join the class, although…

The Rev. Dr. Wil Gafney re-introduces the Bible

Re-Rereading, Re-Writing, Re-Telling Biblical Stories The Rev. Dr. Wil Gafney, Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible at Brite Divinity School and a priest licensed in the Diocese of Fort Worth, will re-introduce participants to the Bible, a book many believe they already know. This seminar will (re)introduce bible readers and hearers to a text that in spite of focusing overwhelmingly on male characters nevertheless offers a plethora of women whose presence invites reconsideration of the stories we may have learned. Beginning with…

Donations matched for refugee services

Refugee Services of Texas  has been offered a matching grant through the Deena Jo Heide-Diesslin Foundation of Fort Worth. The Diesslin family is encouraging congregations of all faiths to contribute to the Refugee Services of Texas’ Area of Greatest Need fund. Donations from congregations will be matched by the foundation on a dollar-for-dollar basis, up to a total of $75,000. Refugee Services of Texas presented a workshop at our 2015 Diocesan Convention.This slide presentation given during the convention offers more information about what Refugee…