Worship (Page 2)
Organ Recital with Joshua Stafford Friday, Feb. 21
A recital featuring Joshua Stafford, First Prize winner at the Longwood Gardens International Organ Competition, will be at 7:30 pm Friday, February 21, 2020, at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth. All 5,000 pipes will resound with thrilling and beautiful music by Dvorak, Mozart, Karg-Elert, Stravinsky, and Pierre Cochereau. Admission is free, the concert will last one hour, and a reception for everyone will follow. All Saints’ Episcopal Church is located at 5001 Crestline Road, Fort Worth. Watch a video…
Church musicians, clergy, and laity invited to conference on best practices
“Best Practices for Faithful 21st Century Worship and Music Leaders” will be October 10-11, 2019, at St Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Dallas. This conference brings clergy, musicians, and laity to engage in a thoughtful discussion of the most important task of the church, the worship of God. It is sponsored by the Church Music Institute (CMI) of Dallas with the generous support of the Lilly Endowment Inc. Keynote speaker is Rev. Peter W. Marty, editor of The…
Bishop Mayer statement in wake of Odessa mass shooting
Bishop Scott Mayer has issued this statement in the wake of the mass shooting in Odessa. ——————- And now I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. (John 13:34). The first words of Odessa Medical Center Hospital CEO Russell Tippin at the news briefing in the aftermath of the mass shooting in Odessa that left five dead and 21 wounded were about love. He asked everyone in the sound…
Prayer Cycle – 2022
The churches and people of the North Region of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas pray continuously for each other, for our brothers and sisters throughout the Anglican Communion. Download Prayer Cycles The diocesan prayer cycle offers two PDF documents for the entire calendar year. One is for Sundays and one for weekdays (Monday-Saturday). EDOTN Prayer Cycle Sundays (PDF) EDOTN Prayer Cycle – Weekdays (PDF) Throughout the worldwide Anglican Communion, daily prayer for provinces, dioceses, and bishops is encouraged: Anglican Cycle of Prayer…
All Saints’ Organ Gala to honor music ministry of Frederick Grimes
Three outstanding organists will be the focus of an Organ Gala at All Saints’, Fort Worth, at 7:30 pm Friday, January 25, 2019. Two of these artists will perform — All Saints’ Organist and Choirmaster Clive Driskill-Smith and concert organist Robert McCormick, organist and choirmaster at Saint Mark’s Church in Philadelphia. The third artist is honoree Frederick (Rick) Grimes, who retired in September 2018 as organist and choirmaster at All Saints’. This Organ Gala will honor the beautiful music that…
Solemn Evensong at All Saints’, Fort Worth
All are invited to Solemn Evensong at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, at 6 pm Sunday, January 20, 2019. The All Saints’ Choir, under Organist and Choirmaster Clive Driskill-Smith, will sing the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in B minor by T. Tertius Noble, and Thou Wilt Keep Him by Samuel S. Wesley.
Burial rites in Episcopal church offer comfort, joy, and hope
On page 506 of The Book of Common Prayer of The Episcopal Church is An Order for Burial. It lays out in clear language the order of the service, which remains essentially the same, no matter who is being buried. Everything is grounded in the hope of the Resurrection. The liturgy for the dead is an Easter liturgy. It finds all meaning in the resurrection. Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we too, shall be raised. The liturgy, therefore, is characterized…
Litany in the wake of a mass shooting
Bishops United Against Gun Violence, a group of more than 80 bishops, including Bishop Scott Mayer, released a Litany in the Wake of a Mass Shooting today, following yet another in an almost daily occurrence in the United States this year. “We mourn the murder of 12 precious children of God today in Thousand Oaks, California, and we weep for those who have lost people who were dear to them. We offer our prayers for solace, for healing and for…
Clive Driskill-Smith starting as new organist at All Saints’, For Worth
For more than two decades, worship at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Fort Worth, Texas has been enhanced by the extraordinary artistry of Organist and Choirmaster Rick Grimes. After 64 years as an organist and 24 years at All Saints’, Grimes retired from All Saints’ on September 9. The church’s beautiful music in the Anglican musical tradition will continue with Grimes’ successor, British organist and recording artist Clive Driskill-Smith. Driskill-Smith played his first Sunday services at All Saints’ on Sunday,…
Rick Grimes retires after 24 years as All Saints’ organist and choirmaster
Rick Grimes, organist and choirmaster at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Fort Worth, concluded his 24-year tenure on Rally Day at All Saints’ this past Sunday, September 9. The vestry honored him at his retirement with a proclamation, which was printed in the service leaflet. View Grimes’ biography on this site. Grimes’ career as an organist started at the age of twelve, when he began playing at the Presbyterian church in Hillsboro, and he plans to return there in his…
Independence Day – Collects for ALL in our nation
Every year, Byron Rushing, vice-president of The Episcopal Church’s House of Deputies, shares this about the prayers our Church and people pray on Independence Day. We offer it as a wider perspective on history and as an encouragement to think more critically about the long, hard road to freedom that many in our country have faced. Rushing writes: “July 4 lands on a Wednesday this year; I write this for those who will be commemorating Independence Day then or on Sunday, July 1. “Let me take this…
Prayer Formats: the Collect
The prayer format perhaps most characteristic of the Book of Common Prayer is the collect. A collect is a brief prayer that brings together several ideas succinctly. Though not a common word now, it’s just the noun version of the verb “to collect.” A collect often follows a format something like this: Address – the prayer begins with a name for God and often a description of God’s character or actions. Petition & Purpose – this section asks for something and…
A Prayer for Fridays
Lord Jesus Christ, by your death you took away the sting of death: Grant to us your servants so to follow in faith where you have led the way, that we may at length fall asleep peacefully in you and wake up in your likeness; for your tender mercies’ sake. Amen.
Prayers at the blessing of a marriage
When two people desire to form a lasting, lifelong partnership with each other in God’s love, they make their vows before God and the gathered community of family, friends and the Church. They in turn receive the grace and blessing of God to help them fulfill those vows. These are some of the prayers that The Episcopal Church uses in the blessing of a marriage: O God, you have so consecrated the covenant of marriage that in it is represented…
Prayers for the Royal Wedding
A prayer from the Church of England God of love, send your blessing upon Harry and Meghan, and all who are joined in marriage, that, rejoicing in your will and continuing under your protection, they may both live and grow in your love all their days, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Marriage prayers in The Episcopal Church When two people desire to form a lasting, lifelong partnership with each other in God’s love, they make their vows before God and…
Prayer Cycle – 2018
The churches and people of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth pray continuously for each other, for our brothers and sisters throughout the Anglican Communion, and for those who have separated from us. Download Prayer Cycles The diocesan prayer cycle offers two PDF documents for the entire calendar year. One is for Sundays and one for weekdays (Monday-Saturday). EDFW Prayer Cycle – 2018 – Sundays (PDF) EDFW Prayer Cycle – 2018 – Weekdays (PDF) Throughout the worldwide Anglican Communion, daily prayer for provinces, dioceses,…