Trinity FW looking for director of family life

Trinity FW looking for director of family life

Trinity Fort Worth is looking for a director of family life.

Director of Family Life
About Trinity Episcopal Church: 

Trinity Episcopal Church is in Fort Worth, Texas, in the diocese of the Episcopal Church in North Texas. We averaged 250+ Sunday attendance before the Coronavirus pandemic. Trinity has a vibrant core of families with children and youth. Trinity also has a preschool that maintains a stable enrollment and waiting list.

As we emerge from the pandemic and from building renovations, we seek a professional, intentional, family-oriented leader to help build creative and sustainable ministries for children, youth, and families at Trinity Episcopal Church.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Create and implement a plan to nourish and grow Trinity’s children and youth ministries.
  • Oversee, develop, and implement a curricula and program calendar for year-round Christian formation for children (infant through 5th grade) and Youth (6th-12th grade—in coordination with the Youth Minister).
  • In coordination with the clergy, develop worship life and opportunities for children, youth, and their families.
  • Create specific sustained formation and fellowship ministries and opportunities for the parents of children and youth in the parish.
  • Recruit, train, schedule, and supervise Trinity’s nursery caregivers.
  • Create outreach opportunities for Trinity’s children, youth, and their families —in coordination with the Youth Minister.
  • Seek opportunities to collaborate and strengthen the relationship with Trinity Episcopal School; plan, coordinate, and implement weekly school chapel service (in collaboration with clergy and school staff).
  • Coordinate all plans with parish staff, working with a team approach.
  • Communicate and promote all children, youth, and family activities and programs to children, youth, and families, as well as to staff and the congregation (as coordinated through the Parish Director of Communication).
  • Implement and monitor Safe Church policies, best practices, and compliance; background checks, volunteer application forms, volunteer interviews.
  • Help facilitate connections with children, youth, and families with the larger Episcopal Church and its life and ministry.
  • Build relationships with volunteers and grow the volunteer ministry for working with children and youth (in coordination with the Youth Minister).


  • Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university, or equivalent experience.
  • An identity consistent with the principles and ideals of the Episcopal Church; comfortable talking and teaching about aspects of faith and spiritual health.
  • Willingness to integrate parish identity statement with all formational activities.
  • Ability to engage technology.
  • Ability to manage and oversee budget appropriately.
  • Experience working with children, youth, and parents desired.

Salary and Benefits:

  • Competitive salary
  • Retirement plan
  • Full medical health coverage for individual
  • Paid leave for vacation, sick, and continuing education

Please send cover letter and resume to
Deadline for Submission: August 31, 2021