The Rev. Heulette Carolyn (“Lynn”) Sparks Lundelius died on May 7, 2022, at the age of 91 in Williamsburg, Virginia. The funeral will be 11 am on Saturday, June 4, 2022, at Trinity Episcopal Church, 3401 Bellaire Drive So., Fort Worth, TX, 76109. The Rev. Sandi Michels will preside and preach.

Lundelius was ordained a deacon in 1984 in the Episcopal Church in North Texas, then known as the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, and to the priesthood in 1991 in the Diocese of Washington (DC).
A lady with remarkable taste and style, she also was very fond of cats and Mexican food. She enjoyed preaching, ministry, and travel.
She had a long record of service to The Episcopal Church as a lay person, running the alter flower guild at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Fort Worth for many years. She was active in the Charismatic Movement within the church.
She later was called to ordained ministry. After receiving her Master of Divinity from the University of Dallas, she was ordained to the diaconate in 1984 at All Saints’, Fort Worth.
In 1991, she was ordained to the priesthood in the Episcopal Diocese of Washington at Grace Episcopal Church Georgetown. Because her calling was to serve as an interim priest for congregations who were transitioning from one rector to another, her ministry took her throughout the Washington, DC, area. As an interim rector, she served at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in College Park, Maryland, and at St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church in Wheaton, Maryland, among others. She also served as a chaplain at the Washington National Cathedral.
She married her husband, Charles R. Lundelius, in 1950, in Bryan, Texas. He died in 1993. She is survived by her son, Charles R. Lundelius, Jr., and her daughter, Mary Carolyn Doeren, and by five grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial donations to Episcopal Relief and Development.