As part of our welcome for our new provisional bishop, the Rt. Rev. Scott Mayer, we’ve created a Facebook page for him. Using Facebook, the people in our diocese can learn more about him, and people in the Diocese of Northwest Texas and around the world can continue to experience the richness of his ministry.
Bishop Mayer’s Facebook page will be administered by the communications office of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, not regularly by Bishop Mayer himself, though he has some activity in social media. On his page, we’ll publish photos and videos of him at work around the diocese, photos he takes and wants to share, pastoral letters, news he wants to share, and anything he wants to announce. We’ll make sure to share the high points in his ministry in our diocese.
Please consider “Liking” Bishop Mayer’s page.
If you haven’t “Liked” the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth Facebook page, go ahead and “Like” it as well. If you’re not on Facebook, go over to Bishop Mayer’s Facebook page and our diocesan Facebook page – they are public websites open to be viewed by anyone on the web. We offer a rich news environment for our diocese. We often can publish news through our social media channels of Facebook and Twitter before or as we publish it in longer forms to our website or through email. Come be “social” with us!