'texas quickstepper cloggers' Tagged Posts
Entertainment at convention reveals hidden talents in diocese
The convention attendees were treated to performances by the Wichita Falls Youth Symphony Orchestra and the Texas Quickstepper Cloggers. But things started to get a little out of hand when the conventioneers became a part of the show…
Entertainment at the 2013 diocesan convention
Attendees at the 31st Diocesan Convention in Wichita Falls on November 8-9, 2013, will get a chance to learn more about their host city, not only by taking the Oil Baron Tour, but also from experiencing some local entertainment at the Friday night dinner and social hour. Dinner on Friday, November 8, will be accompanied by the Quartet of the Wichita Falls Youth Symphony Orchestra. The Wichita Falls Youth Symphony Orchestra provides music educational opportunities for junior and senior high string, wind and percussion students. During the season,…