'stewardship formation' Tagged Posts
TENS resources for stewardship free to all congregations
The Diocese of Fort Worth is now a member of TENS (The Episcopal Network for Stewardship). Diocesan membership means that all congregations have access to all the resources TENS has to offer – materials for bible study, annual campaign plans and models, personal financial planning, stewardship formation, congregational leadership, discipleship and generosity, and more. Access to the materials is through the “Member Resources” area of the TENS website, using a username and password available from the diocesan office. (Please call and ask – we’re happy to share!)
ECF webinars support congregational leaders
Looking for ways to grow your congregation and increase your skills for leadership? Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) offers free and low-cost webinars that offer an opportunity to learn from other leaders in the church. In April and May, you can register for outstanding sessions that focus on stewardship, vestries, and inviting new people into leadership. To participate, all you need is a computer and internet access, and about an hour of your time. Better yet, invite your vestry or ministry colleagues to join you to share the learning experience.