'south carolina' Tagged Posts
Ruth Woodliff-Stanley elected bishop of South Carolina
The Rev. Canon Ruth Woodliff-Stanley was elected the 15th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina on the second ballot on Saturday, May 1, 2021, in an election held at a Special Meeting of Convention. Assuming the required consents are given, she will be consecrated October 2, 2021. The Rev. Kevin Johnson, rector of St. Alban’s Theatre Arlington, also was on the five-person slate. In its report of her election, the diocese wrote, “Once consecrated in October, Bishop-elect Woodliff-Stanley…
President of the House of Deputies speaks to Episcopalians in South Carolina
On January 26, President of the House of Deputies Gay Clark Jennings gave these remarks to the convention of the Episcopal Church in South Carolina.
Presiding Bishop preaches to Episcopalians in South Carolina
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori preached the following sermon Jan. 26 at Grace Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina.