Did you miss Peter Steinke‘s April and June workshops here in the Diocese of Fort Worth? Does your congregation need help finding its way through anxious times? Steinke’s DVD When Anxiety Strikes and his book How Your Church Family Works are both available through the diocesan office for use in your congregation.
Congregations and leaders around the diocese are invited to call the diocesan office at 817-534-1900 to arrange to borrow the resources. They can be used for ministry and staff trainings, adult formation, or congregation meetings.
The 40-minute DVD When Anxiety Strikes takes advantage of Steinke’s years of experience in dealing with congregational life. After listing the common triggers of anxiety, he offers insight as to how anxiety can overwhelm and paralyze congregations. He points out how the human brain deals with anxiety overload, and provides strategies for mitigating anxiety in individuals and congregations. The presentation was filmed live during a Bridge Builder network training event.
The book How Your Church Family Works takes as its subtitle “Understanding Congregations as Emotional Systems.” Steinke draws on the work of Dr. Murray Bowen and Rabbi Ed Friedman and applies his own many years of counseling experience to help congregations. He shows how to recognize and deal with the emotional roots of such issues as church conflict, leadership roles, congregational change, irresponsible behavior, and the effects of family of origin on current relationships.