Episcopal Christian educators are invited to attend the annual Tapestry conference of Forma (formerly the National Association of Episcopal Christian Education Directors – NAECED), scheduled for Jan. 22-24, 2014 at the Crowne Plaza in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia.
The theme of the conference is “The Once and Future Church: Forming Faith as an Epic Adventure.” Registration for the conference is $249 for non-members. Joining Forma means a $30 discount on the cost of the conference, plus year-long access to resources and expertise via the Forma list serve.
A pre-conference day is offered on Wednesday January 22 from 9:00am-3:30pm, for an additional $25. The day features programming for those either new to the ministry of lifelong Christian formation or looking for a refresher/reframing. Members of the Forma board will be leading this experience. In the morning they will provide some Christian formation basics to people either new to the language or new to the concepts. The afternoon will feature a discussion on a timely Christian formation topic. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Be sure to register early! 2011, 2012, and 2013 Tapestry events were sell-outs!