Register now for the 2015 Diocesan Convention. Early Bird rates are available through this Wednesday, September 30, as follows:
- $20 for a 1-DAY registration
- $30 for a 2-DAY registration
- $30 per table for a vendor or exhibitor booth
Rates will increase on October 1, going up to $45 for a two-day registration, $30 for a one-day registration, and $45 per table for vendor and exhibitor booths.
Go to the Diocesan Convention page to register and pay online; you may also send payment by check if you prefer. Attendees and guests coming from out of town are encouraged to also consider reserving hotel rooms early, as there will be other large events in the area at the same time. The convention page includes a link to hotels near the Fort Worth Botanic Garden, as well as a map.
The convention page will be regularly updated with all convention-related information leading up to the convention itself.
Earlier, the image above indicated the wrong date – the correct date for Convention is November 13-14.