Posts (Page 96)

Posts (Page 96)

Ecumenical Seminar on the Church of the 21st Century at Brite Divinity

What will the Church of the 21st Century be like? That’s the question that’s on everyone’s mind, plate, planning committee, budget projection, etc. We know things are changing in our parishes and congregations, but we seem to be standing on the brink of something so new that we can’t quite get a firm grasp on it. All of us in every denomination are talking about this shift. So let’s talk about it together! The Rev. Carol Howard Merritt, a speaker, writer, and broadcaster will be featured. Read the detailed announcement…

Episcopal Youth Event 2014 to be held July 9-13 in Pennsylvania

[The Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs, February 26, 2013] Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori announced that the popular Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) will be held July 9-13, 2014 in the Philadelphia area in partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania. Read the full media release from the Episcopal Church.

Lenten Reflection: Honesty

Prayer, to be genuine, must be real. God is not interested in how “spiritual” we can look and sound. Prayer is meant to be grounded in the reality of our daily lives; it is meant to touch every part of us. To be genuine and effective, it must be honest and real. – Br. David Vryhof Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: Question for Reflection: Can you…

Lenten Reflection: Joy

Perhaps we could think of cheerfulness, a gentle good cheer as a spiritual practice, or, at least, as a spiritual good—as a way of being compassionate to those we live with. A way of bringing the light of Christ, the gracious light of Christ into the lives of others. – Br. Mark Brown Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: Question for Reflection: What practice might help you…

Lenten Reflection: Encounter

Coming into church many people take holy water on their forefinger to remind them of their baptism, make the sign of the cross, or bow, or simply pause on the threshold, aware of entering a holy place. “This is the gate of heaven” – a place of encounter. So come with expectancy. – Br. Geoffrey Tristram Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: Question for Reflection: Have you…

Lenten Reflection: Jesus

Especially during moments of space, you might find it inviting to breathe the name of Jesus: to breathe in the name of Jesus; to breathe out the name of Jesus. You might even find it inviting to pray the ancient “Jesus Prayer” as you breathe: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God: Have mercy upon me. – Br. Curtis Almquist Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view:…

Lenten Reflection: Intimacy

Jesus comes among us, as one of us, to reveal to us a greater love than we have ever known, and to invite us into an intimacy deeper than we could ever have imagined with the God whose very being is Love. – Br. David Vryhof Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: Question for Reflection: What might you do for God today, as a sign of intimacy?…

Lenten Reflection: Longing

As God’s people we have been here before. We have been in this place of longing for what once was and hoping for it again. And it is a good place to be! It helps to remind us about that for which we truly long, and that for which we truly hope. – Br. James Koester Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: Question for Reflection: Can you…


Lent is a very appropriate time for each of us to ask ourselves, “How is God working out his purposes in my life? How do I cooperate with God in this? And how am I blocking or thwarting God’s purposes?” When we stop to consider our spiritual lives, and take stock, as we traditionally do in Lent, it is better, I think, not to focus on ourselves but on God. – Br. Geoffrey Tristram Society of Saint John the Evangelist…

Introducing “Brother, Give us a Word” from SSJE

During Lent, we walk a purposeful, spiritual path of transformation; we start at one place and arrive at Easter in a new spiritual place.  As a resource for your spiritual journey this Lent, we offer you “Brother, Give Us a Word,” a reflection resource published by the monks from the Episcopal brotherhood of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist (SSJE). This monastic community of the Episcopal Church is spiritually vibrant and engaged with the world; you can read in this…