Posts (Page 80)

Posts (Page 80)

Congregations undertake “Reimagining”

Commemorating the fifth anniversary of the diocese’s re-organization, and in conjunction with a process taking place across The Episcopal Church (TEC), congregations throughout the Diocese of Fort Worth will re-imagine what “being church” means. That work will be shared February 8 with people from throughout the diocese, as well as with Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and House of Deputies President Gay Jennings.

Diocesan Office Closures

The diocesan offices will close at noon on Tuesday, December 31 and will remain closed on Wednesday, January 1, in celebration of New Year’s Day.

Questions for Reimagining Our Church

On Saturday morning, February 8, 2014, participants at Reimagining Our Church will share their reflections on four interview questions prepared by the Task Force to Reimagine The Episcopal Church (TREC). Teens and young adults are especially invited to participate. In preparation for this, Bishop Rayford High has asked that people go to the link, download the Engagement Kit, and reflect as a group on the four questions in the Interview section. This can be at an adult forum at a parish,…

Concert at St. Elisabeth Cancelled

The flu has struck some members of the Christ the King choir and caused the cancellation of tonight’s Christmas Concert, which was scheduled for 7:30 pm at St. Elisabeth Episcopal Church, 5910 Black Oak Lane, Fort Worth, 76114. The concert will be rescheduled.

An invitation to celebrate the continuing, 60-year ministry of the Rev. Courtland Moore

The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, invites us to celebrate the ongoing ministry of the Rev. Courtland Moore: Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Our friend and colleague in ministry Courtland Moore is about to mark a truly momentous day. On Dec. 21, 2013, Court will have served his Lord as an ordained Episcopal priest for 60 years! As you all know, he has played a major role in many of the key developments…

Free liturgy resources offered

Church Publishing Incorporated (CPI) has collaborated with the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to offer free worship and liturgical resources through the Office of General Convention and Church Publishing.

Engage God’s mission as a steward leader

Are you seeking ways to learn about leading your congregation to more faithful stewardship? The Ecumenical Center for Stewardship (ECS) is offering six different courses in its “Engaging God’s Mission” online series of virtual classes for steward leaders.

Diocese of Oklahoma hosts national peace event

You’re invited to join with laity, deacons, priests, and bishops from across The Episcopal Church April 9-11, 2014 in Oklahoma City, in order to confront the epidemic of violence in our nation. The gathering seeks to renew Christians’ Gospel-mandated commitment to choose peace in a world of violence.

Access a digital Advent Calendar

Add this digital Advent calendar, available on Pinterest, to your family’s seasonal devotions. (You do not need to sign in to Pinterest to follow the daily calendar.)

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop on the death of Nelson Mandela

[December 5, 2013] Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has issued the following statement: The people of The Episcopal Church join the world in mourning the death of Nelson Mandela, prophet and witness to justice. His leadership spanned decades, before and during imprisonment on Robben Island, and continuing into the establishment of a nation that aspires to serve the freedom and dignity of all human beings. He helped the world to see a shining vision of the incarnate Reign…

Cursillo #2 – Please join us in prayer

Traditionally, Cursillistas pray for those who are taking part in the retreat. We additionally invite all members of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth to join them in prayer during this weekend of renewal.

Bishop’s Address to 2013 Diocesan Convention

The following is a transcript of Bishop High’s address to the 2013 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth In years past, when I was rector of three different parishes, I always looked forward to our annual parish meetings where the community would gather – we even got folks from the 8 a.m. service to show up! We shared what we were doing to build up God’s kingdom in Victoria, or McAllen, or Waco, how we cared for each…