Posts (Page 70)

Posts (Page 70)

Episcopalians invited to respond to Status of Women questionnaire

The Office of Public Affairs of The Episcopal Church has invited responses to the 2015 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. The news release is below: [August 12, 2014] Input is requested from members of The Episcopal Church for a questionnaire that will form the foundation of the church’s presence and participation at the 2015 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) meeting, March 9-20, 2015. The questionnaire is located here. In 2015, UNCSW will undertake a…

Constable Fund grants application process open

The Office of Public Affairs of The Episcopal Church has announced that the application process is now open for Constable Fund grants for the 2014-2015 cycle. Applications can be submitted by a programmatic office of the DFMS, one of the General Convention CCABs (committee/commission/agency/board), or one of the Provinces of the Episcopal Church. The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is in Province VII. The deadline is November 1, 2014. The release is below: The Constable Fund provides grants to fund mission initiatives…

Anglican Cycle of Prayer includes Diocese on August 19, 2014

Bishop Rayford B. HIgh, Jr., received this email from Lambeth Palace, office and official residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury, on Friday, August 15. ———— Dear Bishop, Warm greetings from Lambeth Palace in London. This is to let you know that on Tuesday, you will be prayed for at Lambeth Palace as well as by many other people using the Anglican Cycle of Prayer produced by the Anglican Communion Office. We will be praying for you, your work and your diocese.…

The Episcopal Church responds in Ferguson, Mo.

On Thursday, August 14, the Rt. Rev. Stacy Sauls, chief operating officer of the Episcopal Church Center in New York City, wrote to the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church about how church staff and Episcopal congregations are responding to the situation in Ferguson, Mo., in the aftermath of a police shooting of an unarmed man. Circumstances surrounding the shooting are still under investigation. News outlets report that the governor of Missouri has ordered the Missouri Highway Patrol to take…

Packing lunches, touching lives

On the second Sunday of every month, teens and parents gather at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, Keller, to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and put together a complete lunch (water bottle, sandwich, chips, protein bar, and dessert) for the homeless people being served by the Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County. Union Gospel Mission’s goal is to end homelessness.The goal of the Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) of St. Martin’s is to make 70-100 sack lunches to help feed them.The first…

Steinke resources offered free

Did you miss Peter Steinke’s April and June workshops here in the Diocese of Fort Worth? Does your congregation need help finding its way through anxious times? Steinke’s DVD When Anxiety Strikes and his book How Your Church Family Works are both available through the diocesan office for use in your congregation.

Judge Mollee Westfall featured in news story

State District Judge Mollee Westfall, member of All Saints Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, and the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, is featured in a front page article of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram Thursday, August 7, 2014 edition. The story is about two programs Judge Westfall administers that offer a new approach to probation – SWIFT, or Supervision With Intensive enForcemenT, and HOPE or Hawaii’s Opportunity Probation with Enforcement program. The story reports that “SWIFT was launched in September…

ERD helping victims of Ebola epidemic

The fact that Dr. Kent Brantly, 33, one of the Americans infected with the Ebola virus, trained as a resident at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth and worshiped at Southside Church of Christ on Hemphill Street when he lived here has raised local awareness of the terrible toll the virus is taking in Africa. Newscasts in the United States have tended to focus on the plight of the two Americans. But hundreds of Africans also have been affected. Episcopal Relief…

A deacon and a bishop reflect on Cursillo

Why go to Cursillo? Here are two reflections on the lasting impact of Cursillo on lives of lay and ordained alike.   The Rev. Tracie Middleton, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Hurst I’m grateful for the opportunities Cursillo provides for meeting and getting to know people across the diocese and the wider Church. Intentionally carving out an entire weekend for seeking God’s purposes is bound to benefit your spiritual life, especially in the context of a supportive community that has come…

All women invited to Trinity Quiet Day

The Rev. Carlye Hughes will lead a Quiet Day for the women of Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Worth from 9 am to 2 pm on Saturday, August 16, 2014. The day is open to women from other parishes. Participants are asked to bring a brown bag lunch. Tea and coffee will be provided.The Quiet Day is sponsored by the Trinity Chapter of Daughters of the King. The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) is an organization that includes both lay…

Urgent appeal from Bishop High

I know all of you have been following the terrible news coming out of Gaza and Israel. I join with Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and other religious leaders in calling for an end to the growing violence in Gaza and Israel. The death of innocents on both sides is a tragedy over which God must weep. I ask the people of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth to pray for the people of Gaza and Israel, to pray that…

Is Cursillo worth a weekend? Yes!

Why give up a long weekend for Cursillo? Because the rewards are enormous and lifelong, according to people in the diocese who have attended. Here is what some Fort Worth Episcopalians say about their Cursillo experience and its impact on their lives: Marti Fagley, St. Francis of Assisi – the Episcopal Church in Parker County: “I made my Cursillo weekend in 1992. There was nothing about the weekend, that I hadn’t heard before, but it changed my ministry profoundly. What my heart…

40th Anniversary of women’s ordination: video, PB’s sermon

The Office of Public Affairs of The Episcopal Church has announced that a video of the special celebration of the 40th anniversary of women’s ordination on July 26 is now available here. The event was hosted by the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania. It celebrated the 40th anniversary of the ordination of the Philadelphia Eleven to the priesthood in The Episcopal Church at the Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia, the site of the ordinations in 1974. Although there was no canon at the…