Posts (Page 64)

Posts (Page 64)

Trinity, Fort Worth, outreach featured in Star-Telegram

The outreach efforts of Trinity, Fort Worth, as “part of the South Central Alliance of Churches’ mission to get turkeys and trimmings into the hands of some of Fort Worth’s most disadvantaged residents” was featured with a large photo and short story on the front page of the Tarrant & Texas section of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram with a longer story in the Faith & Spirit section in the print and online editions on Saturday, November 22, 2014. The story…

Handouts from Convention Workshops

The three workshops at the 2014 Diocesan Convention were very successful. The Oldest Profession: In the Beginning was the Word workshop on communication was given by Kai Ryan, Canon to the Ordinary,  and Carol Barnwell, Director of Communication for the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. They have posted their workshop resources here. Resources include Social Media for The Episcopal Church, Website 101, Facebook for Churches, Twitter for Your Ministry, Media Relations 101, Ten Essential Questions to Ask Before Using a New Communications…

2014 Diocesan Convention Social Media Transcript

We are sharing a chronological transcript of social media posts from our 2014 Convention November 14-15, 2014, as it tracks the flow and events of our convention. We chose to use the hashtag #DioFW for Convention conversations on Twitter, Instagram and Flickr. Attendees of the Convention workshop on communications will understand that this illustrates communicating our Convention story from the inside out. Read the transcript on Storify. [

The Rev. Curt Norman elected president of Standing Committee

The Rev. Curt Norman, rector of St. Luke’s, Stephenville, was elected president of the Standing Committee at a brief meeting on the second day of the 32nd Diocesan Convention on November 15, 2014, at the Jack Daniels Club at Globe Life Park in Arlington. The meeting was called by outgoing president Ms. Elinor Normand of Trinity, Fort Worth. Newly elected members are  Mr. Joel Walker, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller; and the Rev. Amy Haynie, priest in charge, the Episcopal Church of…

Bishop High’s Address to Diocesan Convention

This is the text of the address of the Rt. Rev. Rayford B.High, Jr., sixth bishop of Fort Worth, to the 2014 Diocesan Convention, November 15, 2014, at Globe Life Park in Arlington. ———— Around 55 A.D., at Ephesus, Paul wrote one of the most valuable letters not only about life in a particular local church, but about his, Paul’s, character, mind and vigorous presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His words from the 12th chapter of his first…

Elections at 2014 Diocesan Convention

The 32nd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth at Globe Life Park in Arlington elected these people to positions on Friday, November 14: Becky Snell, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller; lay member of Disciplinary Board Andrew Benko, St. Christopher, Fort Worth; clergy member of Disciplinary Board Susan Slaughter, retired, clergy member of Disciplinary Board Andrew Wright, Trinity, Fort Worth; Trustee of University fo the South Joel Walker, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller; lay member of Standing Committee Amy Haynie, Episcopal Church of Wichita…

2014 Diocesan Convention opens with worship

The 32nd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth at Globe Life Park in Arlington opened Friday, November 14, with Eucharist celebrated by the Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., 6th bishop of the diocese. The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, preached. A diocesan choir led by John Dosher, director of music at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, Arlington, led the robust singing. See more photos of the worship at the diocesan Flickr…
WordArt for faith and life blog at the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth

Announcing a new blog: Beauty & Bravery

Beauty and Bravery is a new blog, a new way of connecting in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. Our diocesan communications team does an excellent job of sharing the who, what, when, where, and how news about many of your adventures in Christ. In this new blog Bishop High and I hope to stir conversation about the “why” behind the “what” and “how” of the work of ministry we do together in this diocese. In addition to the things…
prayer for veterans and servicepeople

Prayer for Veterans and Military Men and Women

Gracious God, we give thanks for military men and women, both from the past and present, and for their courageous service and sacrifice to our country and its people to secure the blessings of life, liberty, and justice for all. May our remembrance be a timely reminder that our freedom was purchased at high cost, and should not be taken for granted. Give us resolve to labor in faithful service to you until all share the benefits of freedom, justice,…

Bishop High visits St. Martin’s, Keller

The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., visited St. Martin in the Fields Episcopal Church, Keller, on Sunday, November 9, 2014. Two were baptised, Leslie Fowles and Nicholas Hardman. The bishop received three, Kathy Wilkinson, Gary Wilkinson and John Dumbleton, and confirmed four, Leslie Fowles, Heather Wilson, April Elliott, and Gregory Anderson. It was also the last Sunday for the Rev. Mike Wallens, who has been the interim rector at St. Martin’s. The parish will be calling a rector soon. The parish marked the…

2014 Diocesan Convention

The 2014 Diocesan Convention will be held November 14-15, 2014 in Arlington, Texas, at the Jack Daniel’s Club at Globe Life Park (formerly Rangers Ballpark in Arlington). Everything you need to know about the convention is or will be here!

Hashtag for 2104 Diocesan Convention is #diofw

The social media hashtag for the 2014 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is #diofw. You can use this hashtag in Twitter and on Facebook to identify that your posts are tied to our convention. Hashtags facilitate searches for others who are not attending our convention. During convention, the communications staff will be posting to Twitter and Facebook using those hashtags, as we are able. Please add your voices to the conversation!

Kent Tritle Organ Recital November 21 at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth

Kent Tritle, Organist/Music Director of the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York City and Organist of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, will present a free organ recital at All Saints’ Episcopal Church,Fort Worth, at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, November 21, 2014. Kent Tritle is one of America’s leading choral conductors. Called “the brightest star in New York’s choral music world” by The New York Times, he is also music director of the Oratorio Society of New York, the acclaimed…

Christmas Boutique & Lunch at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth

The public is invited to a Christmas Boutique and Lunch at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, on Friday, November 14. St. Anne’s Bookstore & Gifts at the church will be open for shopping from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, with lunch available for $10 after 11:00 am. This unique gift shop within the church carries jewelry, books for children and adults, scented soaps and candles, greeting cards, African basketry, and many other items. Christmas shoppers will want to see the line…