Posts (Page 60)

Posts (Page 60)

Bishop High visits a congregation in Arlington TX in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth

Bishop High visits St. Alban’s, Arlington

Bishop Rayford B. High, Jr., visited St. Alban’s, worshiping in Theatre Arlington, on Sunday, February 15, 2015. He baptized and confirmed Sherry Morgan, confirmed, Fred Morgan and Robin Vaughn and received Beth Marshall into The Episcopal Church. There was a reception in the theatre lobby after the service. Bishop High then met with the St. Alban vestry. The Rev. Bruce Coggin also was there. He will be serving as interim until St. Alban’s new priest in charge, the Rev. Kevin…

Funding for the Future update

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stained glass image with Funding for the Future Campaign as words

Funding for the Future – What happens next?

Now that the planning study for the Funding for the Future campaign has concluded, here’s a brief look at where we are in the process, including what has been done so far and what happens next. View a slide show for an overview. Here is a timeline of the process so far, and looking slightly ahead to a decision point: September – Bishop High holds a preliminary meeting to ask people to serve on a campaign committee. October – The committee reviews consulting…

Bishop High issues letter following court hearing

The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., issued this letter after the Friday, February, 20, 2015, hearing in the 141st District Court, Tarrant County. Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, In August 2013, you may remember, the Texas Supreme Court returned our case to the 141st District Court, Tarrant County, to be tried on different principles than in the previous hearing. Our hearing before the Honorable Judge John P. Chupp on both sides’ motions for partial summary judgment was today.…

Episcopal congregations featured in news about Ash Wednesday

Six congregations and a campus ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth figured prominently in news coverage of Ash Wednesday in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and on KTVT Channel 11. Read the Star-Telegram story and watch embedded video. These congregations offered Ashes to Go as a form of outreach, taking Ash Wednesday out into the world of commuters, parents dropping children off at school, college students, and people on lunch breaks. Traditional Ash Wednesday services also were offered by…

Technology workgroups offer hands-on help

When a group from St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Arlington requested help learning to do more with their website, an idea was born: hands-on technology workgroups. Members of St. Alban’s who are involved with the church’s communications formats – WordPress website, Facebook, and the e-newsletter – invited diocesan communications staff to come work with them on Tuesday, February 10, with a follow-up session Wednesday, February 11. Six members of St. Alban’s arrived at Theatre Arlington, tech devices in hand, ready to work. Peter Polk…

Help for job seekers at All Saints’ career workshop

The recent announcement of long-time Fort Worth employer Radio Shack’s demise means some people in North Texas, including some in Episcopal church pews, may find themselves unemployed. The Career Solutions Workshop at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Fort Worth is a useful resource for anyone actively seeking new employment or hoping to make their next step up the career ladder. The workshop, also known as the Job Seekers class, is offered every Monday at 6 pm in the church’s parish hall. The class…

Brite, Diocese Announce Completion of Endowment of Hulsey Chair

Brite Divinity School, located at Texas Christian University, and the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth are pleased to announce the completion of a $2.5 million endowment of a faculty chair: The Right Reverend Sam B. Hulsey Chair in Episcopal Studies. Bishop Hulsey is the retired bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas. He and his wife, Isabelle, live in Fort Worth.The completion of the endowment of the Hulsey Chair was accomplished through gifts and pledges from 150 donors and…

Jeph Abara of St. Alban’s, Arlington, featured in news story

Jeph Abara, a member of St. Alban’s, worshiping in Theatre Arlington, is featured in a February 17, 2015, story in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram: Man’s love of running may be saving his life. The story begins,”Running is Jeph Abara’s life. It’s also one of the reasons the 70-year-old Arlington man is alive and doing so well today, his doctor says.” The story continues. “’Every day is a gift from God. Tomorrow may never arrive, whether you are healthy or not,”…
Wordart image of Common Purpose - Sharing God's Mission

Common Purpose – February 2015

Welcome to the online edition of Common Purpose, a bi-monthly print publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. In this issue: From Bishop High – For Lent, take something on St. Alban’s, Arlington, welcomes new priest Visit ERD’s photo exhibit in Dallas or online General Convention meets this summer in Salt Lake City Print a copy to share: Download a PDF of the February 2015 Common Purpose Subscribe or change your address: We’re here to help you! The Episcopal Diocese of…

For Lent, take something on

by Rayford B. High, Jr. I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that 2015 is moving along very quickly. Ash Wednesday is February 18!  Lent, with all its blessings, is upon us. Over my years in ministry, I have found spiritual growth and value in using Lent to spend less time worrying about me and instead focusing on others, especially those who have not been given the opportunities I have as an Episcopalian in this country. How…

St. Alban’s, Arlington, welcomes new priest

The Rev. Kevin Johnson, rector of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, in Washington, NC, has been called as the new priest-in-charge of St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Arlington, meeting in Theatre Arlington. It is a homecoming for Johnson. He grew up in Arlington, was confirmed at St. Alban’s, and graduated from Nolan High School. He graduated from the University of Texas, served in the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, and worked as an assistant professor of ROTC at Texas State…

Visit ERD’s photo exhibit in Dallas or online

Learn more about Episcopal Relief and Development’s 75 years of worldwide work by visiting their traveling anniversary photo exhibit, which will be at the Episcopal School of Dallas, 4100 Merrell Rd., Dallas, 75229, March 19 to April 2, noon to 7 p.m. Or visit it online here.  
logo of 2015 Episcopal General Convention in Salt Lake City

General Convention meets this summer in Salt Lake City

The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., and lay and clergy deputies from the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth will be taking part in the General Convention of The Episcopal Church June 25 to July 3 in Salt Lake City. The General Convention is the governing body of The Episcopal Church. It meets every three years as a bi-cameral legislature that includes the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops., which are made up of deputies and bishops representing…

All Saints’ Fort Worth commissions Stephen Ministers

Eight newly trained Stephen Ministers were commissioned at the 11:15 am Eucharist on February 8, 2015, at All Saints’ Episcopal Church. The new Stephen Ministers are Mr. Ed Ferree, Mr. Mark Howard, Mr. Robert David, Ms. Sallie Trotter, Ms. Ann Spence, Ms. Joanie Blanton, Ms. Kathleen Farrelly and Ms. Nancy Searway. With them in the photo are the Rev. Jordan Ware, Stephen Leaders Mr. Whit Smith and Ms. Mary Shannon, and the Rev. Johnson Shannon, pastoral adviser. Stephen Ministry training equips…

Daily Prayer for All Seasons available in PDF download

Daily Prayer for All Seasons, a book of daily prayers, is now available in a PDF download as well as in print. Download the English PDF of Daily Prayer for All Seasons Buy an English or Spanish print edition from Church Publishing According to the introduction of the book, it offers a “set of prayers that acknowledge in their brevity both the need to pray and the short time we have to pray.” This prayer book offers much for a…