Posts (Page 56)
Brite reception celebrates Episcopal Studies
On Friday, May 29, 2015, Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth had a reception at the Mira Vista Country Club in celebration of Episcopal Studies at Brite Divinity School. The program celebrated the completion of the endowment of the Rt. Rev. Sam B. Huley Chair in Episcopal Studies, the Rev. Fred Barber’s service to Brite, and the new Episcopal Board of Trustees members. Dr. Newell Williams, president of Brite, asked Bishop Rayford B. High, Jr. to begin the program with…
First Community of Hope class commissioned
The first class of Community of Hope Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth was commissioned Sunday, May 24, 2015, by Bishop Rayford B. High, Jr. at St. Christopher Episcopal Church, Fort Worth. The class included (pictured from left to right) Eleanor Forfang Brockman, St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth; David Carpenter, St., Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth; Juan Portillo, San Miguel Lutheran Church, Fort Worth; Donna Clopton, St. Christopher, Fort Worth; Nick Busken, St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort…
Bishop High visits All Saints’, Fort Worth
On Pentecost, the two main services at All Saint’s. Fort Worth, were filled with adults wearing red and babies wearing white as the Rev. Christopher Jambor and Bishop Rayford High baptized eleven babiies and administered First Communion to six little girls. Bishop High smilingly pointed out that the babies participated very vocally in the liturgy. Babies baptized at the 9 am service were: Willa Leigh Giesinger, daughter of Jason Giesinger and Ashley Kirk Pierce Samuel Greenhaw, son of Frank and…
Bishop Sam Hulsey reflects on his friend, Bishop Scott Mayer
I retired 17 ½ years ago as bishop of the Diocese of Northwest Texas – eighty counties stretching from Perryton to Monahans to San Angelo to Albany to Vernon where I served for 27 years of ministry out on those prairies and loved it. When I returned to my hometown of Fort Worth, I found a diocese in turmoil and sadness. Since then I have been deeply impressed by the faithfulness of many Episcopalians who now compose the Diocese of Fort…
Prayer for One Who Has Died in Military or Public Safety Service
God the King of Glory, in whose hands are the living and the dead: We give you thanks for [N. and] all those who have laid down their lives in the service of our country. Grant them your mercy and the light of your presence; and give us a sense of your will and purpose, that we may understand that the work you have begun in them will be perfected through Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, in whom all…
Scot McComas to be installed as rector of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, will install the Rev. Scot McComas as rector of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller/Southlake at a Celebration of New Ministry on Saturday, May 30 at 11 am. St. Martin’s invites all to gather in faith and hope and celebrate the new mutual ministry of the people of their parish and their new rector. Clergy are invited to vest in cassock, surplice and white stole. A reception will follow the service. St. Martin-in-the-Fields…
Bishop High visits St. Andrew’s, Fort Worth
Bishop Rayford B. High,Jr., visited St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, worshiping in the Good Shepherd Chapel at University Christian Church. He confirmed James Barnett, son of The Rev. Edwin and Mrs. Leigh Ann Barnett. He was sponsored by Mason Chevaillier of St. Andrew’s, and Matt Hubbard of St. Christopher Episcopal Church, Fort Worth.
Wise County Episcopalians worship in new building
A sweet incense of joy filled the tiny nave as the words of the Book of Common Prayer rang out once again in the white frame building on Church Street in Decatur in Wise County. The familiar prayers fell on the thirsty hearts of worshipers like rain breaking a long drought. On Sunday, May 17, 2015, Wise County Episcopalians celebrated Ascension Sunday with Holy Eucharist in the small white church that began its existence in 1889 as the Episcopal Mission…
Scott Mayer elected provisional bishop
The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas, was elected provisional bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth at a special meeting of Convention on May 16 at Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Worth. Delegates also voted to accept the resignation of the Rt. Rev. Rayford B.High,Jr., effective June 30. A luncheon followed the election and installation, with food provided by All Saints’, Fort Worth; Trinity, Fort Worth; St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller; and St. Alban’s,…
The Man in the White Hat
Diocesan Communication Director Katie Sherrod created a video tribute to the Rt. Rev. Rayford High, featuring his signature Stetson cowboy hat(s). “Every child knows the good guys wear white hats.” The video was shown Saturday, May 16, during the luncheon following the special meeting of convention to elect High’s successor, the Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer, who will become the 4th Provisional Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, beginning on July 1, 2015. This video is also published on the Episcopal…
Historic Episcopal Mission to host Episcopal worship again
At 10 am on Sunday, May 17, 2015, Episcopalians in Wise County will begin worshiping regularly in an historic Episcopal Mission in Decatur. The Rev. Bruce Coggin will preside at Holy Eucharist, appropriately enough just after Ascension Day. The church was started as the Episcopal Mission of the Ascension in 1889 by the Rt. Rev. A. C. Garrett, noted missionary bishop of northern Texas. The small white building at 905 S. Church Street in Decatur had been operating as a wedding…
Attend May 16 Special Meeting of Convention
Updated on Thursday, May 14 – online registration is now closed. The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High. Jr., has called a Special Meeting of Convention for 10am Saturday, May 16, 2015, at Trinity Episcopal Church, 3401 Bellaire Drive So., Ft. Worth, TX 76109 to elect the next provisional bishop. The Standing Committee of the diocese has nominated the Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas. Under the proposed arrangement, Mayer will continue as bishop of…
Bishop High visits Hamilton County
On Sunday, May 3, Bishop Rayford B. High, Jr., visited the Episcopal Church of Hamilton County. He confirmed Brandi Marie Rogers, Elizabeth Page Rogers, Nathan Blake Rogers, Helen Francis Rogers, David William Powers, Jordyn Deahl Johnson, Dorothy Jean Buckner, and Billy Gene Buckner. He received Anthony L. Rogers into The Episcopal Church. Each of them was presented with a prayer book signed by the bishop. Musicians Janie Stein and Marty Bates provided music, followed by a luncheon. See more photos at the diocesan Flickr gallery.
Update on Episcopal Relief & Development’s Response to Nepal Earthquake
Shared by Episcopal Relief and Development Episcopal Relief & Development is responding to immediate needs for food, shelter and clean water in earthquake-impacted Nepal through the ecumenical ACT Alliance, and is exploring further opportunities for action through other partners in the region. The organization is in contact with the Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia regarding its appeal for the work of the Deanery of Nepal (part of the Diocese of Singapore), and may also support partners in northern India and…
Taste of Trinity fundraiser May 29
Mark your calendars: Trinity Episcopal Church will hold a Taste of Trinity fundraiser on Friday, May 29 from 6 to 9 pm in the parish hall. The event includes a meal and wine tasting featuring selections from Lost Oak Winery in nearby Burleson, Texas. The fundraiser will help Trinity fulfill its vision of strengthening parish systems and structure. SILENT AND LIVE AUCTION ITEMS INCLUDE… Golf outing for four: Mira Vista Country Club Weekend getaway at Bishop Hulsey’s Weatherford ranch Membership for two: Stage West…
Prayer for those affected by the Nepal earthquake
Lord, who is our shepherd, We pray for the people of Nepal in this time of want. Guide those who grieve to still waters; restore their soul. Lead those who are searching to the right places. Comfort those who are trapped in the darkest valley of fear. May generosity and compassion overflow in response so that goodness and mercy may follow all who will live in the shadow of this earthquake. May they dwell in secure houses and know healing…