Posts (Page 52)

Posts (Page 52)

Register Early for Convention through Wednesday

Register now for the 2015 Diocesan Convention. Early Bird rates are available through this Wednesday, September 30, as follows: $20 for a 1-DAY registration $30 for a 2-DAY registration $30 per table for a vendor or exhibitor booth Rates will increase on October 1, going up to $45 for a two-day registration, $30 for a one-day registration, and $45 per table for vendor and exhibitor booths. Go to the Diocesan Convention page to register and pay online; you may also send payment…
photo of Suzi Robertson

Suzi Robertson to be installed as Priest-in-Charge, Good Shepherd, Granbury

God willing,  the Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer will install the Rev. Suzi Robertson as the priest in charge of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Granbury, Texas at 7 p.m. on October 6, 2015. Good Shepherd invites all to gather in faith and hope to celebrate the new mutual ministry of the people of their congregation and their new priest-in-charge. A reception will follow the service. This celebration is on the feast day of William Tyndale and Miles Coverdale. Episcopal clergy are invited to vest in cassock, surplice and red stole, and other clergy are…

Transform your congregation’s newcomer ministry

How congregations Invite, welcome, and connect people are vital steps for building healthy, vibrant and growing churches. Several thousand clergy and lay leaders from across the country have attended the dynamic “Invite-Welcome-Connect” training offered by Mary Parmer, a laywoman in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. Congregations that have put its principles into practice have seen sustained and measurable results, as well as new energy and spirit in the congregation. Read more about Parmer and her ministry. Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort…

Enjoy the Crestline Neighborhood Market at All Saints’ this Saturday

The Crestline Neighborhood Market at All Saints’ will be held this Saturday, Sept. 19 from 8:00 a.m. to noon at All Saints’ Episcopal Church. Come for fresh produce, tamales and other taste treats, the Juice Caboose and – this month – a live Blue Zones Cooking Demonstration with samples and recipes. The Market is held behind the church, which is located at 5001 Crestline Rd. in Fort Worth.

Bishop Mayer and Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori on Syrian refugees

On Saturday, September 12, Bishop Scott Mayer wrote to the diocesan clergy about the Syrian refugee crisis. You can read the letter below. Today Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori issued a statement along with suggestions for individual and congregational resources. Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) is following the developments closely, as is Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD). Follow Episcopal Relief and Development on Facebook and Twitter. Follow Episcopal Migration Ministries on Facebook and Twitter. Bishop Mayer’s letter Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,…

Here am I; Send Me: The Journey of Jonathan Daniels on October 4

Come to St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller and hear the story of Jonathan Myrick Daniels, Episcopal seminarian and civil rights martyr who gave his life so that others might have the right to vote in Alabama. At 12:30 pm Sunday, October 4, the Rev. Judy Upham and the Rev. Lauren Gough will present the award-winning documentary Here am I; Send Me: The Journey of Jonathan Daniels and discuss the 50th anniversary pilgrimage to Selma, which they attended.  Daniels is now…

Solemn Evensong October 4, All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth

Come to All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, to experience Solemn Evensong on Sunday, October 4 at 6:00 p.m. with the All Saints’ Choir, directed by Organist and Choirmaster Frederick Grimes. Music will include Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in B minor by T. Tertius Noble and the motet, Save us O Lord by Thomas Matthews. Admission is free. All Saints’ Episcopal Church is located at 5001 Crestline Road, Fort Worth.

Theologian, author Michael Hardin to speak September 28, 29

Michael Hardin, theologian, author of The Jesus Driven Life and co-founder of Preaching Peace, will speak in three lectures September 28 and 29 in the sanctuary of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller. Hardin will be addressing questions such as: Who is Jesus Christ for us today? How did Jesus view scripture? Did he believe every word was divinely inspired? Did the early church have the same doctrines we do today? Is God bipolar, loving one moment and full of wrath the…

Convention resolutions due Monday, Sept. 14

Diocesan Convention is coming up November 13-14, which means the 60-day deadline to submit any proposed resolutions is this coming Monday, Sept. 14. This instruction sheet has information on how to submit a resolution and the proper format. It includes: who can submit a resolution examples of the format specifics on how to craft and submit a resolution what procedure to follow if a resolution is submitted after the deadline. Resolutions should be submitted in writing to the Secretary of…

Registration for convention is open

The 2015 Diocesan Convention is November 13-14 at the Botanic Garden Center. Lay and clergy delegates, non-parochial clergy, guests and vendors can register for convention here. You also can watch a short video about the site and learn other details on that same page. This year, everyone will register online, including all delegates. But congregations will continue to pay for their delegates registration — an option which appears clearly on the registration form: There is a reduced cost if you register prior…

Botanic Garden Center site of 2015 Convention

The 2015 Diocesan Convention will be at the Botanic Garden Center in Fort Worth. on November 13-14. Watch the video above to learn about about the site. Plan to attend. All you need to know about convention is here or will be on this page soon. Come to the opening worship and hear Bishop Mayer preach. There will be workshops and a bishop’s address as well as vendors where you can do some shopping. As Bishop Scott Mayer says in…

Update regarding Supersedeas Order

On August 18, 2015, the Hon. John P. Chupp signed an agreed supersedeas order in the diocesan case pending in the 141st District Court. The terms of the order are HERE. The required cash deposit was timely made by the Episcopal parties on Thursday, August 27. The case proceeds on appeal to the Fort Worth Court of Appeals.

St. Luke’s, Stephenville to host EfM Mentor Training

This first Education for Ministry (EfM) Mentor Training in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is scheduled for September 11 – 13 at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Stephenville. Sixteen trainees have registered from the dioceses of West Texas, Dallas, Northwest Texas, and Fort Worth. Some are experienced mentors returning to established seminar groups, and others hope to start new EfM seminar groups in their congregations. The trainers are sent from around the country by the Beecken Center of the School of Theology at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee.…

See “Hello Dolly!” and benefit local charities

St. Alban’s meeting at Theatre Arlington is sponsoring a September 10 benefit performance of Theatre Arlington’s “Hello, Dolly!” and invites everyone in the diocese to attend. The event, an exclusive preview of the performance, will help support outreach programs like Crow Elementary School and the Arlington Life Shelter. The performance stars Persis Ann Forster as the incomparable iconic matchmaker, Dolly Gallagher Levi. The evening begins with a reception at 6:30 p.m., and show time is 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $25…

Bubble Soccer kicks off diocesan youth year

The Diocesan Youth Kickoff will be at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, from 4-6 pm on Sunday, September 13. The group will be playing Bubble Soccer. All youth in the diocese are welcome. Waivers must be signed by a parent or legal guardian to play.  Please bring the signed waivers to the event. Bubble Soccer Waiver (1) Go here to see what Bubble Soccer looks like. The next event will be a Lock-In at Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, …

Bishop Scott Mayer makes first visitation

The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer made his first visitation since his election as provisional bishop to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, worshiping in the Good Shepherd Chapel at University Christian Church. Bishop Mayer’s family attended St. Andrew’s from the time he was eight years old until he went to college, so it was a bit of a homecoming for him. After the service, Bishop Mayer stayed for a 20-minute impromptu question and answer session. Watch a video of…