Posts (Page 46)

Posts (Page 46)

Solemn Evensong Sunday, February 28

Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness by joining in Solemn Evensong, a treasure of the Anglican tradition, as part of the observance of the Lenten Season at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth. All are invited at 6 pm on Sunday, February 28, with the All Saints’ Choir and Rick Grimes, organist and choir master. All Saints’ also will have the Stations of the Cross every Friday in Lent at 6 pm. Palm Sunday is March 20 and…

Bishops of reorganizing dioceses meet with presiding bishop

The bishops of the reorganizing dioceses of The Episcopal Church met with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on February 10-11 at the Church Center in New York City. Bishop Scott Mayer joined Bishops Dorsey McConnell of Pittsburgh, David Rice of San Joaquin, and Charles von Rosenberg of South Carolina in a wide-ranging discussion with the presiding bishop designed to update him on developments in those dioceses. Reorganizing dioceses have much in common As the meeting unfolded the bishops discovered that, even…

News coverage of Ash Wednesday features Episcopalians

Ash Wednesday news coverage in the Fort Worth – Dallas area featured congregations of our diocese. Ellen Bryan of NBC Channel 5 News interviewed the Rev. Karen Calafat of St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth, about the burning of palms to make the ashes for Ash Wednesday and about Ash Wednesday in general.   St. Luke’s offered Ashes to Go in front of the church across from Meadowbrook Elementary School and Meadowbrook Middle School. St. Alban’s, worshiping in Theatre…

Retreat on prayer practices offered

St. Alban’s, meeting at Theatre Arlington, is offering Pray All Ways, a retreat on prayer practices. The first session on Saturday, March 26 from 9 am to noon, will explore praying with beads. The Rev. Kevin Johnson explains: For millennia beads have been used as a tool to aid in prayer. For this Lenten mini-retreat, come create your own set of special prayer beads while learning about Christianity’s rich history of using them. Lent is an excellent time to explore practices that…

Godly Play training offered

All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, will host a Core Godly Play Training course March 3-5. Anyone interested in learning this Montessori-based method of facilitating children’s learning is invited to register. A Godly Play Foundation participation certificate will be awarded upon completion of Core training. What is Godly Play? The Godly Play Foundation’s website describes the method of teaching in this way: Children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach helps them to explore their faith…

All Saints’ offers help for job hunters

If you are in the job market, or know someone who is, free professional help is available at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. The Career Solutions Workshop is a useful resource for anyone seeking new employment, or hoping to make their next step up the career ladder. The 12-week workshop, which runs on a repeating cycle, begins anew on Monday, February 8 at 6 pm. Because Monday is the introductory session, it’s the optimal time to join the class, although…

Invitation to a Holy Lent

As Ash Wednesday approaches, Bishop Scott Mayer invites us into a holy Lent.  Lent is the liturgical season that begins with Ash Wednesday and continues for approximately 40 days before culminating in Easter Sunday. On Ash Wednesday, Episcopalians and other Christians join in the ancient ritual of having a cross of ash put on our foreheads as a reminder of our mortality. There are many ways to observe Lent, several of which are mentioned in the Prayer Book liturgy for…

How to make ashes for Ash Wednesday

It is the season of ashes.  On Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, Episcopalians join other Christians around the world in participating in an ancient ritual. We have crosses of ash placed on our foreheads as an outward and visible sign of our mortality. Those ashes come from the burning of palms from Palm Sunday. Last year, those graceful green and blessed palms marked our remembrance of the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Now, dried and yellowed, the palms…
Lenten Programs in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth

Join us for Ash Wednesday and Lent

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and continues for approximately 40 days before culminating in Easter Sunday. Ash Wednesday is on February 10 this year. Lent traditionally has been a time of retreat, reflection, and repentance, a time to clear away the distractions of the world and to focus on our relationship with God and with one another. People often choose to give something up for Lent. But there are other ways of observing Lent. The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer,…

High, Hulsey named assisting bishops

The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer has announced that he, with the support of the Standing Committee, has asked the Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr. and the Rt. Rev. Sam B. Hulsey to serve as assisting bishops in the diocese and they have accepted.     An assisting bishop is a bishop appointed by the diocesan bishop to provide short-term assistance with episcopal duties in the diocese. As assisting bishops, High and Hulsey will work at the direction of Mayer,…

The Rev. Dr. Wil Gafney re-introduces the Bible

Re-Rereading, Re-Writing, Re-Telling Biblical Stories The Rev. Dr. Wil Gafney, Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible at Brite Divinity School and a priest licensed in the Diocese of Fort Worth, will re-introduce participants to the Bible, a book many believe they already know. This seminar will (re)introduce bible readers and hearers to a text that in spite of focusing overwhelmingly on male characters nevertheless offers a plethora of women whose presence invites reconsideration of the stories we may have learned. Beginning with…

Donations matched for refugee services

Refugee Services of Texas  has been offered a matching grant through the Deena Jo Heide-Diesslin Foundation of Fort Worth. The Diesslin family is encouraging congregations of all faiths to contribute to the Refugee Services of Texas’ Area of Greatest Need fund. Donations from congregations will be matched by the foundation on a dollar-for-dollar basis, up to a total of $75,000. Refugee Services of Texas presented a workshop at our 2015 Diocesan Convention.This slide presentation given during the convention offers more information about what Refugee…

Crafton leads retreat on “The Courage to Grow Old”

“Everybody knows that getting old is not for sissies. You have to be tough to last as long as some of us have!” Barbara Crafton, Episcopal priest and author of The Courage to Grow Old, will share her wit and wisdom. Trinity Episcopal Church invites other Episcopalians who have some mileage, as well as those who care about them, to join Crafton for a retreat on Saturday, February 13. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 9 to 9:30 a.m.: Coffee and guest check-in 9:30 a.m.: Welcome and first address, “The…

Internship opportunities

Check out the video below for a brief overview of the Jubilee Urban Intern Program and the Episcopal Urban Intern Program. The programs are open to young adults ages 21-29 who have a bachelors degree. View the job listing on the diocesan Job Board.

Bingo, Mardi Gras, Solemn Evensong coming up at All Saints’, Fort Worth

February at All Saints’, Fort Worth, will feature several events in addition to their regular worship schedule. Bingo Night – All are welcome to Bingo Night from 6 to 8 pm Friday, February 5. Pizza, popcorn and dessert will be served, with proceeds benefiting All Saints’ 2016 Belize Mission.  Mardi Gras – Come let the good times roll  at the Pancake Supper & Mardi Gras Celebration beginning at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, February 9, in DeWolfe Hall.There will be a traditional pancake feast with…

More resources for Lent

We are delighted to share two additional Lenten resources. Praying in color for a personal devotion Praying in Color offers adults and children a way to mark the day-by-day journey of Lent daily praying & drawing with a calendar template. The author says, “It doesn’t involve making false promises to myself about sitting down for thirty minutes a day and praying/studying/meditating and then feeling guilty when I fail… I think of each mark or stroke of color as a wordless prayer.”…