Posts (Page 22)

Posts (Page 22)

Thomas Brown elected bishop in Maine

The Rev. Thomas Brown, rector of The Parish of the Epiphany in Winchester, Massachusetts, was elected the 10th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine on Saturday, February 9, 2019. The Rev. Canon Janet Waggoner was among the candidates on the slate announced on November 8, 2018, by the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine. Waggoner said, “Today, Saturday, February 9, the people of the Diocese of Maine elected the Rev. Thomas Brown as their next bishop. It was…

Texas Supreme Court to consider briefing; petitions for review still under consideration

On Friday, February 8, 2019, the Texas Supreme Court said it would like to consider briefing on the merits before deciding whether to take up the breakaways parties’ petition for review of the Fort Worth Court of Appeals April 2018 opinion in favor of the loyal Episcopalians of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth and our conditional cross-petition for review. The conditional cross-petition asserted additional grounds to prevail in the litigation. The petitions for review are still under consideration by the Supreme Court.…

Prayer Cycle – 2022

The churches and people of the North Region of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas pray continuously for each other, for our brothers and sisters throughout the Anglican Communion. Download Prayer Cycles The diocesan prayer cycle offers two PDF documents for the entire calendar year. One is for Sundays and one for weekdays (Monday-Saturday). EDOTN Prayer Cycle Sundays (PDF) EDOTN Prayer Cycle – Weekdays (PDF) Throughout the worldwide Anglican Communion, daily prayer for provinces, dioceses, and bishops is encouraged: Anglican Cycle of Prayer…

Corrie Cabes, postulant, preaches at Jonathan Daniels Evensong

Corrie Cabes, a postulant for Holy Orders in the diocese, preached at the Jonathan Daniels Evensong service on Tuesday, February 5, at Christ Chapel at Seminary of the Southwest  in Austin.  Drew Brislin from Diocese of Alabama led the service. Cabes’ sermon centered on a conversation with The Rev. Judy Upham about her experience during the Civil Rights movement in the 1960’s and particularly about knowing Daniels and serving alongside him. Read the sermon. Upham told Cabes that “nether of…

Episcopalians invited to join Lutherans at Legislative Event

The 86th Session of the Texas Legislature is underway in Austin and Texas Episcopalians have been invited by Texas Lutherans to join their 2019 Legislative Event from Sunday, March 17, to Tuesday, March 19, at the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin. The Lutherans have done this and the Methodist Women have done a similar event for many years. Registration is $100 and includes all event activities and Sunday dinner and Monday lunch and dinner. Attendees pay their own hotel…

Conference for nonprofit communicators

TCU is offering an inexpensive conference for communicators who work for nonprofits. Communicators for local churches have found this conference to have helpful information for their work. The theme for the  11th Annual TCU Nonprofit Communicators Conference on Friday, May 17, 2019, is Communication for Social Good, Impact, Authenticity & Executive Presence.  It will be at TCU’s Kelly Alumni & Visitors Center, 2820 Stadium Drive, Fort Worth, TX  7610, with free parking is next door to the center, or in the parking garage just north of…

Diocesan office moves temporarily

Drying up flood water, removing asbestos, jackhammering the floor, replacing pipes, pouring concrete, carpeting, painting – yikes! The diocesan office is closed for an indeterminate period of time, a result of water from a plumbing leak running all night long several days ago, and the staff has moved to temporary offices. The Rev. Canon Janet Waggoner said, “Best guess is that we’ll be back in the office sometime the middle of March.” The office staff is running a pool on…

Sacred Ground, a resource on race and faith

On February 1, 2019, The Episcopal Church announced a new film-and-reading based dialogue series on race and faith. This is part of the church’s continuing commitment to racial reconciliation, a priority set by General Convention and upheld by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and President of the House of Deputies Gay Jennings. The series includes the stories of Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian American histories “as they intersect with European American histories. . . Sacred Ground is especially targeted to help white…

Leadership Training Day set for all lay and ordained leaders

All lay and ordained leaders are invited to a Leadership Training Day from 9:30 to 3 pm on Saturday, February 23, 2019,  at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, Keller. Bishop Scott Mayer said, “This is the first leadership training session the diocese has offered in several years, and I urge all vestry members, and clergy in leadership roles in congregations to attend. The workshop topics were planned in response to questions and issues raised by leaders in various congregations so the material…

Bradley Dyche installed as rector at St. Luke’s, Stephenville

The Rev. Bradley Callaway Dyche was installed as rector of St. Luke’s, Stephenville, on Tuesday, January 29, 2019, by Bishop Scott Mayer. The Rev. David Krause,  Interim Rector of St. Francis’ Episcopal Church in Temple, was the preacher. He was the Canterbury Chaplain at Texas Tech University where Dyche began to discern a call to ordained ministry. Listen to a podcast of the sermon. Watch a short video of the evening, on YouTube or below. See more photos at the diocesan…

New president, lay member of Standing Committee elected

The Standing Committee of the diocese elected a new president and a new lay member in the wake of the death of Norm Snyder of Good Shepherd, Granbury, who was serving as president at the time of his death on December 18.  In the event of a resignation or death, the canons direct the Standing Committee to elect new members and officers. Bob Hicks of St. Christopher, Fort Worth, was elected president and David Skelton of St. Mary’s, Hillsboro, was elected…

Traveling the way of love – new video series

The Episcopal Church Office of Communication has announced a new video series, Traveling the Way of Love. Episcopalians are invited to join host Chris Sikkema, manager for special projects, The Episcopal Church Office of Communication, as he journeys across The Episcopal Church in search of stories of the ways people in the church are engaged in the seven practices which encompass the Way of Love. “The thing that I find most life giving and wonderful is going around and listening…

All Saints’ Organ Gala to honor music ministry of Frederick Grimes

Three outstanding organists will be the focus of an Organ Gala at All Saints’, Fort Worth, at 7:30 pm Friday, January 25, 2019. Two of these artists will perform — All Saints’ Organist and Choirmaster Clive Driskill-Smith and concert organist Robert McCormick, organist and choirmaster at Saint Mark’s Church in Philadelphia. The third artist is honoree Frederick (Rick) Grimes, who retired in September 2018 as organist and choirmaster at All Saints’. This Organ Gala will honor the beautiful music that…

Diocesan clergy to discuss “Living Faithfully in the Provisional”

The clergy of the diocese will gather to take part a conversation on “Living Faithfully in the Provisional” on Thursday, February 7, in DeWolfe Hall at All Saints’, Fort Worth. The conversation will be led by the Rev. Martin Smith,  who is well known throughout the Episcopal Church as writer, spiritual director, retreat leader, and teacher exploring contemporary spirituality. Smith was trained as a theologian at Oxford University, receiving his BA in 1968 and MA in 1970. After preparing for the…

A litany for those affected by the government shutdown

Province II of the Episcopal Church is offering litany for use in praying for all those affected by the government shutdown. Province II is comprised of the six dioceses of the state of New York, the two dioceses of the state of New Jersey, the Diocese of Haiti, the Diocese of the Virgin Islands, the Diocese of Cuba, and the Convocation of American Churches in Europe. Download a PDF for printing. Spanish and French translations will be available soon. Litany Officiant: …

Bishop Mayer visits All Saints’ Fort Worth

Bishop Scott Mayer visited All Saints’, Fort Worth, on Sunday, January 13, 2019. He preached, celebrated, and baptised, confirmed, and reaffirmed the baptismal vows of several people. In his sermon, Mayer explores the power of love, and the impact of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s bold declaration that “if it’s not about love, it’s not about God.” That message resonates with people as they shift from seeing church as a place to go to seeing church as a body of people, to…