The Nominations Committee, chaired by the Rev. Christopher Rodgers, has announced the nominees for election to various offices at the 2019 Diocesan Convention.
Go here for more information on Diocesan Convention.
Download a PDF of all nominees bios and photos
Elect four deputies and four alternates
Louis Eichenberger – St. Christopher’s, Fort Worth
I am a semi-retired nuclear engineer and goat farmer, living with my extended family on our hilltop property between Weatherford and Springtown.
Since my return to the Fort Worth diocese in 2009, I was active in the various forms of The Episcopal Church in Parker County until the end of efforts to maintain / establish an Episcopal church presence in Parker County. I now attend and sing in the choir at St. Christopher, Fort Worth. I have been the dean of the previous Western Deanery and served as secretary and executive council representative for the Southwestern Deanery due to attendance at ECPC. I was chairman of the Structures Committee for one year until a job made it impossible for me to continue in that position. I have served in various capacities on the Executive Council for five years and was on the Risk Management Committee. I am currently serving on the Finance Committee (since 2017) and on the Resolutions Committee for the 2019 Diocesan Convention.
I have volunteered with the convention organizations and for our official deputations at the last two General Conventions but did not have any official function. Based on my attendance at the previous conventions, I now feel prepared to take the next step and would like to be one of the alternate deputies for the Diocese of Fort Worth to the 2021 General Convention in Baltimore.
Marti Fagley – St. Christopher, Fort Worth
I am a member of St. Christopher, Fort Worth. I teach Sunday School, serve on the Vestry as the Liaison for Christian Education, and mentor an Education for Ministry group at St. Christopher’s. I served as a Lay Deputy to the 78th and 79th General Conventions and was on the Credentials Committee in Austin and hope to represent our diocese again with your support. For many years I was very active in the church plant for The Episcopal Church in Parker County, including serving on the Vestry, as Senior Warden, representative to and dean of the Southwest Deanery. As part of the church plant, I attended the Genesis Training for Cultivating New Ministries in the Episcopal Church. I have served on Executive Council, as a delegate to Diocesan Convention, as a member of the Standing Committee and as president of the Standing Committee. I sit on the Province 7 Board of Daughters of the King representing the Diocese of Fort Worth. Walt and I have been married 41 years; have 4 children and 10 grandchildren. Last year I retired from the Securities and Exchange Commission and spend time with our family, volunteering at church, traveling, and working on genealogy.
Bob Hicks – St. Christopher, Fort Worth
Robert (Bob) Hicks has been an active member of St. Christopher, Fort Worth, and the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth for over 19 years. He actively supports the growth in mission and ministry of our congregations and the diocese and has a detailed understanding of church governance and financial management. He currently serves on the Standing Committee (2018-2020) and is its president. He served as diocesan treasurer for five years; Lay Deputy (2012) and Alternate Lay Deputy (2015 & 2018) to General Conventions; Lay Representative on Executive Council; and member on the Constitution and Canons, C&C Overhaul, Diocesan Structure, Finance, and Policy committees. He is a trustee for the Fund for the Endowment of the Episcopate.
At St. Christopher, Hicks served two terms on the vestry; was Senior Warden and Vestry Clerk, Chair of the Planning Committee and Advance Commitment Team Leader for the successful building expansion during the difficult years from 2002 to 2009. He serves on the Finance Committee, is an usher, a delegate to diocesan convention and the clerk of the Vestry.
Hicks retired in 2004 after 34 years of service with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development where he served as director of operations for Multifamily Housing for the Southwest Region for the six years before retirement. He is a retired professional engineer with degrees from Texas A & M University in civil engineering and architectural construction.
He is married to Joan. They will celebrate their 46th wedding anniversary in February. They love to travel by RV to state and national parks. Bob also is interested in his family history and genealogy.
Cynthia Hill – All Saints, Fort Worth
My family joined The Episcopal Church in 2003, after having spent time in the church while our children attended St. Alban’s Episcopal School and then All Saints’ Episcopal School. For the diocese I have served two terms on the Commission on Ministry, two terms as SubDean of the Fort Worth West Deanery, and one term as a Lay Trustee to the University of the South. At All Saints,’ Fort Worth, my home church, I am the Godly Play Coordinator, and I am fortunate to teach Godly Play almost every Sunday. I belong to the Godly Play Foundation College of Trainers and lead trainings both within and outside the diocese. At All Saints’ I have served as part of the Kenya Mission Team since 2009, a Diocesan Convention delegate, and past Pastoral Care Commission Chair. I have a Masters in Ministry from Nashotah House and a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of North Texas. Additionally, I have studied with Jerome Berryman, the founder of Godly Play at General Theological Seminary in New York.
Katie Sherrod – St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth
I was received into The Episcopal Church by Bishop Clarence Pope in 1985. I married the Rev. Gayland Pool in 1991. As a member of Fort Worth Via Media and as communications volunteer for the Steering Committee North Texas Episcopalians, I worked with others in our diocese as we struggled to remain in The Episcopal Church. I attended every General Convention from 1991 to 2006 as a reporter. After the diocese reorganized, I was honored to be elected as a deputy for the 2009, 2012, 2015, and 2018 General Conventions. I served as deputation chair in 2018. I was elected to the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church at General Convention 2009 and served for six years on that body. I served on the Communications Committee of General Convention 2009 and chaired that committee for General Convention 2012. I served on the General Convention Committee on Governance and Structure at General Convention 2015, and on the Committee on Churchwide Leadership at General Convention 2018. I have served on the Council of Advice for the President of the House of Deputies and on the Executive Council’s Task Force on the Episcopacy. I am currently serving on the Task Force to Study Sexism in TEC & Develop Anti-Sexism Training. I believe my broad knowledge of The Episcopal Church and my experience in its governance has served our diocese well. I hope to continue this service to the diocese as a deputy for General Convention 2021.
Brent Walker – The Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls
Brent Walker has served on church vestries and at the altar for three separate churches. Currently for the Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls, he is a Bishop’s Committee member, Treasurer, Eucharistic Minister, on the Altar Guild, coordinates the preparation of the bulletins, music selections, readers, and servers for Sunday Eucharist. In the dioceses of Dallas and Fort Worth, he has served as delegate to Diocesan Convention numerous times. Positions in the Diocese of Fort Worth since 2008 have included Executive Council (several terms as Northern Deanery Rep), Disciplinary Board (a 3-year term), and Finance Committee (a 6-year term). Attending the last three General Conventions, he was Alternate Deputy-Lay4 in 2012, and the Deputy-Lay4 in 2015 and Alternate Deputy-Lay1 in 2018. In addition to volunteering for Interfaith Outreach Services locally, he also has served on the board for seven years including roles as secretary and is currently chair-elect for 2019.
A Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Texas, Walker retired from 30 years of public service with the mentally ill, then worked 10 years in family violence with Air Force families, and currently works part-time at Midwestern State University. Married for 49 years, he has 3 children and 5 grandchildren.
Kathleen Wells – Trinity, Fort Worth
Kathleen Wells is an active member of Trinity, Fort Worth. Prior to the reorganization of the diocese, she served on the Steering Committee North Texas Episcopalians. At Trinity she has served on the vestry, as chancellor, been a member of Daughters of the King, Contemplative Prayer Group, and Education for Ministry group. On the diocesan level she served as chancellor (2009-2015); she served as Assistant Chancellor for Litigation from 2015-2018; she served on the Constitution & Canons Committee, the InReach Committee, and is the counsel of record for the diocesan parties in pending litigation with breakaways. For The Episcopal Church, she served as deputy to General Conventions in 2009, 2012 (chair), 2015, and 2018; she was a member of the Standing Committee on Constitution & Canons (2009-2015); Council of Advice to the Presiding Bishop’s Chancellor, 2015; General Convention Resolution Review Committee, 2015; Episcopal Chancellors Network, 2009-present; Assistant Chancellor for the Navajoland Area Mission, 2015-present.
Aidan Wright – St. Alban’s, Arlington
Aidan Wright was a deputy to General Convention 2018 where he served as a committee officer with the committee that helped to bring about the re-inclusion of the Diocese of Cuba into the broader Episcopal Church. He served the Fort Worth Diocesan Convention as a member of the Resolutions Committee last year and attended as a delegate from St. Alban’s the year before that. His home parish at this time is St. Christopher, Fort Worth, where he is co-leading the Christofolks group and running an evening bible study. Wright spent six years in camping ministry as a counselor at Camp All Saints Episcopal Camp in the Diocese of Dallas. He is currently an actor and set designer in the DFW theater community. But since he doesn’t enjoy being a starving artist, he works at Dallas Heritage Village at Old City Park handling their marketing, social media, and digital content in order to pay the bills.
Elect four deputies and four alternates
Karen Calafat – St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth
Karen A. Calafat is rector of St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth, where she has served for 5 years. She is currently on the Standing Committee, Mission and Outreach Committee, and president of the Disciplinary Board. Karen is a founding Board Member of 4Saints Episcopal Food Pantry, and a Board Member of The Grove Retirement Home in East Fort Worth, as well as in the rotation of clergy who offer the Opening Invocation at Fort Worth City Council Meetings. She is a Certified Spiritual Director and enjoys opportunities to practice this vocation. When not fulfilling her mission to “help people live better,” Karen can be found hiking some mountain or canyon in one of our National Parks.
Bradley C. Dyche – St. Luke’s, Stephenville
Bradley C. Dyche is the rector of St. Luke’s, Stephenville. In the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, he currently serves as secretary of the diocese as well as on the Commission on Ministry, the Disciplinary Board, the Finance Committee, and the Strategic Advisory Group. He has been ordained 17 years. Additionally, he has served the Dispatch of Business Committee at every General Convention since 2000, managing the Calendar of Business for the House of Deputies since 2012. In seminary, he interned at the Office of General Convention. If elected, he says, “Our Diocese has been greatly supported by the wider Episcopal Church, and I would be honored to represent our joys, concerns, and needs at the next General Convention.”
Amy Haynie – Trinity, Fort Worth
Amy Haynie is the associate rector at Trinity, Fort Worth. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing from Midwestern State University, and then attended seminary at Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, graduating cum laude with a Master of Divinity degree. She was ordained a priest in December 2011 while serving at St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller. In the Diocese of Fort Worth, Amy has served on diocesan staff and as president of the Standing Committee. She served as a deputy to the 2012 and 2018 General Conventions, and as an alternate to the 2015 General Convention.
Amy has been married to David Haynie since 1992, and they have two young adult sons, Sam and Ben. They also have a 12-year-old Pomeranian, Johann, to keep them company in the empty and almost remodeled nest.
Tony Hiatt – Resurrection, Decatur
Tony Hiatt has served as priest-in-charge of the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection in Decatur since August 1, 2015. He is a graduate of Brite Divinity School and the Iona School for Ministry; while in seminary, he assisted in the revival of Cursillo in the diocese. Hiatt was ordained to the transitional diaconate in October 2014 and to the priesthood in April 2015. He served as deacon at St. Luke’s in the Meadow Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, during which time he was instrumental in the conception and planning for Four Saints Food Pantry. He remained at St. Luke’s as assisting priest prior to his appointment to what was then known as the Episcopal Church of Wise County. During his tenure in Decatur, the church has acquired a permanent worship space, moved from Mission Station to Mission status, and has increased attendance and membership by almost 100%.
Hiatt and his wife Lydia have lived in the Fort Worth area since 1999 and attended St. Anne’s and Trinity Episcopal Churches prior to Tony’s ordination. As a bi-vocational priest, Hiatt maintains his secular employment as an engineer with Trinity Industries in Dallas. He and Lydia have been married for 36 years and have three adult children and four grandchildren.
Kevin Johnson – St. Alban’s, Arlington
Kevin Johnson was called to serve as priest-in-charge of St. Alban’s, Arlington, in 2015. Prior to this he served parishes in the dioceses of East Carolina and West Texas, and as an engineer officer in the U.S. Army. A graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and Virginia Theological Seminary, Johnson also holds certificates in Congregational Development, Facilitating Organizational Change Management, and Spiritual Direction. For the broader church he has served on the Fort Worth deputation to the 2018 General Convention; Standing Committee, dioceses of Fort Worth and East Carolina; Board of Trustees, East Carolina; Commission on Ministry, East Carolina; and as chaplain for the National Liturgical Arts Conference. In the larger community Johnson has helped envision, organize, and found four non-profit organizations: the Neighbor to Neighbor Community Center, Ruth’s House Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence, the Inclusive Faith Coalition, and the 4Saints Food Pantry. He recharges by tossing on his backpack and exploring foreign environs.
David Madison – All Saints – SAES, Fort Worth
David Madison is the executive director of the Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools (SAES). Prior to accepting this position, he served as assistant head of school and head of the upper school at All Saints’ Episcopal School in Fort Worth. Earlier, he served the parish as a parochial associate. Madison graduated from Austin College, earned a law degree from Baylor University, and then attended seminary at Nashotah House in Wisconsin, graduating cum laude with a Master of Divinity degree. He was ordained a priest in September 2004. In May 2014, he completed a Doctor of Ministry degree at Virginia Theological Seminary. In the Diocese of Fort Worth, Madison served as president of the Standing Committee and also Title IV Intake Officer. He served as a deputy to the 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018 (alternate) General Conventions of The Episcopal Church; in 2012, he served on the Program, Budget & Finance Committee and in 2015 on the Dispatch of Business Committee.
Topher Rodgers – The Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls
Christopher Rodgers, aka Father Topher, fervently believes in practicing resurrection. The radical hospitality of proclaiming the Good News of God’s Kingdom as well as saying what Jesus said and doing what Jesus did promises new life for ALL people. Rodgers returned to his hometown to be priest-in-charge of the Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls (ECWF). In the span of one year, attendance has doubled, pledges have increased 59%, Christian formation has restarted, and mission as well as outreach have been extended to our neighbors at Midwestern State University, Jefferson Elementary, and Rider High School. This shared growth occurred while maintaining the great outreach efforts already underway at ECWF.
Rodgers believes the renewal of The Episcopal Church centers on recovery of Episcopal identity. This inherited treasure is the middle way (via media), the harmony of scripture, tradition, and reason, common worship, praying what we believe (lex orandi, lex credendi), the nexus of right thinking/right action (orthodoxy/orthopraxy), the Creeds, the Sacraments, and being the Body of Christ in the world.
He holds a BA in History, a BA in Government, an MPA, and an MS in Applied Economics, all from UT Dallas, as well as an MDiv from Virginia Theological Seminary. Prior to answering a call to ordained ministry, he was a senior analyst at the US Government Accountability Office, the Federal Reserve, GM Financial, and Fannie Mae. In the diocese, he serves on the Finance Committee and chairs the Nominations Committee.
Lynne Waltman – All Saints, Fort Worth
Lynne Waltman is an assisting priest at All Saints,’ Fort Worth, with ministries including administration and Bible Study. She leads a Centering Prayer Group that meets weekly.
She has been involved with ministry at All Saints’ for many years before she was ordained priest in 2016. As a lay person she served on the All Saints’ Vestry, as Junior Warden, Sunday school teacher, lector, and Eucharistic Minister. She was chair of the Outreach and Mission Commission and led “one-day missions” to the Presbyterian Night Shelter to prepare and serve meals. Trained as a Short-Term Missions leader, she trained members of the first mission team from All Saints’ to Belize about twelve years ago. She was part of this year’s mission to San Mateo, Belize.
On the diocesan level, she has been a member of the Diocesan Mission Commission, Health and Benefits Planning Committee, and is a current member of the Constitution and Canons Committee. For Diocesan Convention, she has served the past three years as chair of the Elections Committee and this year is serving on the Credentials Committee.
Dana Wilson – St. Luke’s, Stephenville WITHDRAWN
Dana Wilson has been worshipping and serving in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth since its reorganization in 2009. Before coming to St. Luke’s, Stephenville, in 2014, Wilson served as deacon for the Episcopal Church in Parker County from January of 2009 through May of 2013. At St. Luke’s she serves on the Food Pantry, preaches regularly, and was instrumental in St. Luke’s being designated a Jubilee Center in 2018 by the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church.
She is a graduate of the Education for Ministry (EfM) Program and has been mentoring EfM groups since 1986. In the Diocese of Fort Worth, she has helped to start and/or mentor EfM groups at the Episcopal Church in Parker County, St. Christopher, Fort Worth; St. Luke’s, Stephenville; and All Saints, Fort Worth. Wilson has served as the EfM Coordinator for the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth for five years which includes hosting an EfM Mentor Training event each September since 2015. She also trains EfM Diocesan Coordinators at training events at the University of the South in Sewanee, TN.
Wilson serves on the Congregational Assistance Committee in the Diocese of Fort Worth and has been the chair of the committee for the past year. She has recently been appointed to the Standing Committee to serve the remainder of the term in the absence of the Rev. Scot McComas, who moved to Arizona. She also has served on the Commission on Ministry in the early days of the reorganization of the Diocese of Fort Worth (2009) and has recently (2018) been re-appointed.
She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from Eastern New Mexico University in 1974. In 2012 She received a Master of Arts in Women’s Studies from Texas Woman’s University where she focused her research on women and religion. She has been married to Gary Wilson for 46 years and they have three grown children and 10 grandchildren.
Elect one
Laura Fleming – All Saints, Fort Worth
I am an Episcopalian from birth and a member of All Saints’, Fort Worth, since 1997. I have participated in the life of my church in numerous ways including, past vestry member, Sunday school teacher, and Outreach and Mission chairperson. I am currently an elected delegate representing ASEC and a Diocesan Executive Council lay member at large. Professionally, I am a licensed professional counselor in private practice. In addition to my business, I provide pro bono services to clients at Opening Doors for Women In Need. My personal goal for participating in the greater life of the Episcopal church is to encourage and support an environment that is open, accessible and inviting for all.
David Skelton – St. Mary’s, Hillsboro
David Skelton is filling an unexpired term on the Standing Committee and would like to continue. He has served as senior warden, junior warden, auditor, and treasurer at St. Mary’s. Immediately following the reorganization of the diocese, he arranged for the Episcopalians to rent St. Mary’s from the breakaway group for Sunday worship. The two groups have shared the building ever since, nearly always amicably. He and his wife Roberta have consistently provided leadership and hospitality for the continuing, vibrant ministry of St. Mary’s, one of the oldest continuing congregations in Hillsboro and this diocese. He also has served the diocese on the Steering Committee to reorganize the diocese and on the Ubuntu (Listening) Committee.
He recently retired from decades in family medical practice in Hillsboro, Texas. Formerly chief of staff of Hill Regional Hospital and managing partner of his medical firm, he also has served that community in scouting and youth sports leagues, the Chamber of Commerce, on Historic Preservation boards, and as City Council member and Mayor Pro Tempore of the City of Hillsboro.
Elect one
Tony Hiatt – Resurrection, Decatur
Tony Hiatt has served as priest-in-charge of the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection in Decatur since August 1, 2015. He is a graduate of Brite Divinity School and the Iona School for Ministry; while in seminary, he assisted in the revival of Cursillo in the diocese. Hiatt was ordained to the transitional diaconate in October 2014 and to the priesthood in April 2015. He served as deacon at St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth, during which time he was instrumental in the conception and planning for Four Saints Food Pantry. He remained at St. Luke’s as assisting priest prior to his appointment to what was then known as the Episcopal Church of Wise County. During his tenure in Decatur, the church has acquired a permanent worship space, moved from Mission Station to Mission status, and has increased attendance and membership by almost 100%.
Tony and his wife Lydia have lived in the Fort Worth area since 1999 and attended St. Anne’s and Trinity Episcopal Churches prior to Tony’s ordination. As a bi-vocational priest, Hiatt maintains his secular employment as an engineer with Trinity Industries in Dallas. He and Lydia have been married for 36 years and have three adult children and four grandchildren.
Chris Jambor – All Saints’, Fort Worth
Chris Jambor has been rector of All Saints,’ Fort Worth, since 2003, and a priest in the Diocese of Fort Worth for 21 years, following a successful career as a pediatrician. After the reorganization of the diocese, he served on the Standing Committee in 2009 and 2010 and as president of that body in 2010. He represented the diocese as deputy to General Convention in 2009. He serves on the Executive Council and as Dean of the Fort Worth West Deanery. During his tenure, Jambor has encouraged and supported mission partnerships with Holy Cross Anglican School in Belize and the creation of Amazing Grace School in Kenya for girls orphaned by AIDS. Local mission projects include the ongoing support of WestAid Food Bank, providing weekend food packages for 150 kids through the Como Recreation Center, and two Maundy Thursday Foot Clinics which provided more than 150 pairs of shoes, socks, and manna bags to the homeless in Fort Worth. He also hired Melanie Barbarito as a pastoral assistant, the first woman priest to be licensed to serve on a church staff in the diocese of Fort Worth.
Elect two
Cathy Estrada – All Saint’s, Fort Worth
Catherine Estrada is a lifelong Episcopalian. She joined All Saints, Fort Worth, in 1966 when she was 6 years old. She attended All Saints Episcopal School in Vicksburg, Mississippi for grades 10, 11, and 12th. Currently, Catherine is an Alternate Delegate for the Diocesan Convention.
Estrada has an undergraduate degree in Political Science from Hampshire College, and a Masters in School Administration from Texas Christian University. She currently sits on several boards: Uplift Education, Reading Partners, and Tex Protects. She is being honored in October by Tex Protects for her work, dedication, and advocacy on behalf of the abused and neglected children of Texas. Past boards include: Texas State Psychology Board (7 years), and Communities in Schools Advisory Board at Texas Education Agency (5 years).
Mary Ferguson – St. Luke’s, Stephenville
My name is Mary Ferguson. I am delighted to be nominated for an at-large position on Executive Council for the diocese of Fort Worth. My husband Mike and I have been members of St Luke’s, Stephenville, since 2009. Since then I have served in several capacities at our parish: altar guild, quilters, children’s Sunday school, and co-director of the ECM campus lunch program. I am also a graduate of EFM. My Bachelor’s degree is in Nursing. Mike and I live in Hico with our dog and we have three grown children.
Beth Mewhinney – St. Luke’s, Stephenville
Beth Mewhinney was born and raised in Arlington, VA, and has lived in Stephenville for the past 33 years. She is a member of St. Luke’s, Stephenville. She was recently received into the church after having attended regularly for the past three years. She is currently enrolled in the EfM program and is in Year 3.
She recently retired from a career as a licensed professional counselor and is involved in several of St. Luke’s ministries. She is also part of the local coalition to help the homeless in Erath County. She is the mother of two adult daughters and has four grandchildren.
Suzi Reid – St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth WITHDRAWN
One of my favorite prayers is, “And now, Father, send us out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord…” Having been a member of St. Luke’s in the Meadow since December 1969, has been a blessing to me and my family. We have been encouraged to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. And love your neighbor as yourself.”
During the 47 years, my joy and service has included participation in these roles: Liturgical Committee, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Chalice Bearer, Altar Guild, Flower Guild, president of the Women of St. Luke’s, Sunday School teacher, EYC sponsor (12 years), Stephen Ministry, Deanery delegate, Convention delegate, greeter, day school secretary, St. Francis Garden Guild, Lay Reader, and participant in Cursillo #70, as well as a current member of Executive Council.
Having taught art to K-5th graders for 35 years (1980-2015), it has been another opportunity to “be Christ in the world.” Together with my students, we studied art, communication of feelings, beauty, cultures, and history. We had a good time, and no one gets angry at their art teacher because students want and need to share.
Elect one
Kevin Johnson – St. Alban’s, Arlington
Kevin Johnson was called to serve as priest-in-charge of St. Alban’s, Arlington, in 2015. Prior to this he served parishes in the dioceses of East Carolina and West Texas, and as an engineer officer in the U.S. Army. A graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and Virginia Theological Seminary, Johnson also holds certificates in Congregational Development, Facilitating Organizational Change Management, and Spiritual Direction. For the broader church he has served on the Fort Worth deputation to the 2018 General Convention; Standing Committee, dioceses of Fort Worth and East Carolina; Board of Trustees, East Carolina; Commission on Ministry, East Carolina; and as chaplain for the National Liturgical Arts Conference. In the larger community he has helped envision, organize and found four non-profit organizations: the Neighbor to Neighbor Community Center, Ruth’s House Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence, the Inclusive Faith Coalition, and the 4Saints Food Pantry. He recharges by tossing on his backpack and exploring foreign environs.
Topher Rodgers – Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls
Christopher Rodgers, aka Father Topher, fervently believes in practicing resurrection. The radical hospitality of proclaiming the Good News of God’s Kingdom as well as saying what Jesus said and doing what Jesus did promises new life for ALL people. Rodgers returned to his hometown to be priest in charge of the Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls (ECWF). In the span of one year, attendance has doubled, pledges have increased 59%, Christian formation has restarted, and mission as well as outreach have been extended to our neighbors at Midwestern State University, Jefferson Elementary, and Rider High School. This shared growth occurred while maintaining the great outreach efforts already underway at ECWF.
Rodgers believes the renewal of The Episcopal Church centers on recovery of Episcopal identity. This inherited treasure is the middle way (via media), the harmony of scripture, tradition, and reason, common worship, praying what we believe (lex orandi, lex credendi), the nexus of right thinking/right action (orthodoxy/orthopraxy), the Creeds, the Sacraments, and being the Body of Christ in the world.
He holds a BA in History, a BA in Government, an MPA, and an MS in Applied Economics, all from UT Dallas, as well as an MDiv from Virginia Theological Seminary. Prior to answering a call to ordained ministry, he was a senior analyst at the US Government Accountability Office, the Federal Reserve, GM Financial, and Fannie Mae. In the diocese, he serves on the Finance Committee and chairs the Nominations Committee.
Noy Sparks – Non-Parochial WITHDRAWN
Noy Sparks is a native of Fort Worth. He began his ministry as a Baptist preacher and was ordained an Episcopal priest in Florida. He returned to Texas in 2016 to serve as a chaplain at All Saints’ Episcopal School and until recently was on staff at All Saints’ Episcopal Church. A native of Fort Worth, he holds a Master of Theological Studies from the Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, FL. He has been married to Lynda Kay Hellewell since 1969 and they have three children and nine grandchildren. His leadership roles include, but are not limited to:
Associate Priest for Pastoral Care- All Saints Episcopal Church, Ft. Worth, TX. 2017- October 2019Interim Chaplain for Middle and Upper School- All Saints Episcopal School, Ft. Worth, TX. 2016-2017Priest in Charge- St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Hamilton, TX. 2016-2017Priest in Charge- Christ Church Episcopal, Longwood, FL. 2013-2016Assistant Priest- Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando, FL. 2012-2016Professor of Humanities- Valencia College, Orlando, FL. 2003-2016
Elect one
Luci Hoad – All Saint’s, Fort Worth
Luci Hoad currently works as the dean of students for 11th and 12th grade at All Saints’ Episcopal School. She has been an Episcopalian since 1984 and a member of All Saints’ Episcopal Church since 1995. She was held various positions within the church including: greeter, Sunday school teacher, sub deacon, vestry member, youth leader, Maundy Thursday foot clinic and pilgrimage chaperone. Within the diocese of Fort Worth, she has held previous positions including: delegate, resolutions committee, and LTC convened for a diocese seminarian. Within the community she volunteers for The Warm Place, Junior Service League, and the Good Neighborhood Animal Rescue.
Connie Lefler – All Saint’s, Fort Worth
I am now retired and thoroughly enjoy volunteer work. In the diocese, I am a delegate to Diocesan Convention and have been a delegate or alternate for many years. I am currently a lay member of the Diocesan Disciplinary Board and also served on the Disciplinary Board in the past. I served on the diocesan Constitution and Canons Committee for seven years, and I have served as sub-dean for Fort Worth West Deanery.
At All Saints,’ Fort Worth, I am on the Finance Committee and the Facilities Committee. I have served on the Vestry, been Senior Warden and Junior Warden, and have chaired several committees.
In the community, I am on the Resident Council at The Stayton where I live. I served on the board of the Mental Health Association and chaired its Finance Committee. I am in the Junior League of Fort Worth and the Tarrant County Medical Society Alliance.
My education includes a PhD in Biochemistry from UNC-Chapel Hill. I also have an MBA from TCU which facilitated my management of my husband’s OB/GYN office for twenty years.
Elect two
Karen Calafat – St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth
Karen A. Calafat is rector of St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth, where she has served for five years. She is currently on the Standing Committee, Mission and Outreach Committee. and President of the Disciplinary Board. Calafat is a founding Board Member of 4Saints Episcopal Food Pantry, and a Board Member of The Grove Retirement Home in East Fort Worth, as well as in the rotation of clergy who offer the Opening Invocation at Fort Worth City Council Meetings. She is a Certified Spiritual Director and enjoys opportunities to practice this vocation. When not fulfilling her mission to “help people live better,” she can be found hiking some mountain or canyon in one of our National Parks.
Amy Haynie – Trinity, Fort Worth

Amy Haynie is the associate rector at Trinity, Fort Worth. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing from Midwestern State University, and then attended seminary at Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, graduating cum laude with a Master of Divinity degree. She was ordained a priest in December 2011 while serving at St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller. In the Diocese of Fort Worth, she has served on diocesan staff and as president of the Standing Committee. She served as a deputy to the 2012 and 2018 General Conventions, and as an alternate to the 2015 General Convention.
She has been married to David Haynie since 1992, and they have two young adult sons, Sam and Ben. They also have a 12-year-old Pomeranian, Johann, to keep them company in the empty and almost remodeled nest.
Ayo Omoniyi – St Martin’s in the Field, Keller
Ayo Omoniyi is a deacon at St Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller. He was ordained at St. Martin’s on December 18, 2017, by Bishop Scott Mayer.
He is married to Tope, and they have three beautiful children, two in college and one in high school. When he’s not working and serving at church, he loves playing cards, listening to reggae music, and cooking.
Born in Nigeria, he was baptized, and confirmed in the Church of Nigeria, part of the Anglican Communion. He has deep roots with other family members in church ministry. His grandfather was one of the first ordained catechists by the missionaries in Odo-owa, Ekiti State, Nigeria. His brother was ordained as a priest in the Anglican Church of Nigeria at 23 years old.
Omoniyi holds an Associate of Arts in General Studies from El-Reno Junior College, El-Reno, Oklahoma (1986), a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (Public Relations) from Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma (1987) and a Master of Criminal Justice Administration from Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (1992).
Topher Rodgers – The Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls
Christopher Rodgers, aka Father Topher, fervently believes in practicing resurrection. The radical hospitality of proclaiming the Good News of God’s Kingdom as well as saying what Jesus said and doing what Jesus did promises new life for ALL people. Rodgers returned to his hometown to be priest in charge of the Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls (ECWF). In the span of one year, attendance has doubled, pledges have increased 59%, Christian formation has restarted, and mission as well as outreach have been extended to our neighbors at Midwestern State University, Jefferson Elementary, and Rider High School. This shared growth occurred while maintaining the great outreach efforts already underway at ECWF.
Rodgers believes the renewal of the Episcopal Church centers on recovery of Episcopal identity. This inherited treasure is the middle way (via media), the harmony of scripture, tradition, and reason, common worship, praying what we believe (lex orandi, lex credendi), the nexus of right thinking/right action (orthodoxy/orthopraxy), the Creeds, the Sacraments, and being the Body of Christ in the world.
He holds a BA in History, a BA in Government, an MPA, and an MS in Applied Economics, all from UT Dallas, as well as an MDiv from Virginia Theological Seminary. Prior to answering a call to ordained ministry, he was a senior analyst at the US Government Accountability Office, the Federal Reserve, GM Financial, and Fannie Mae. In the diocese. he serves on the Finance Committee and chairs the Nominations Committee.
Elect one
Jill McClendon – Resurrection, Decatur WITHDRAWN
Jill McClendon is a lifelong Episcopalian. She and her husband, Phil, participated in the reorganization of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, beginning in 2008, and were active with the establishment of the Episcopal Churches of Parker County and of Wise County, where she currently serves as Bishop’s Warden. She also served as Dean of the Western Deanery and was Delegate to the annual Diocesan Convention several times. McCLendon recently completed Education for Ministry (EFM) training, as well as EFM mentor training, and hopes to start a new EFM group in the near future. Professionally, she was a U.S. Foreign Service Officer, having served as a U.S. diplomat at several Embassies overseas. McClendon’s educational background includes a BA in history/political science and business administration/economics with a minor in psychology, an MA in political science/international relations, and coursework toward an MA in education.
Jennifer Rodgers – The Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls
Jennifer Rodgers is an ardent Episcopalian and the wife of a newly ordained priest, Topher Rodgers. She loves the church and is passionate about its ministry in the world. She has served in numerous church roles including vestry member, lay catechist, choir member, and is currently part of the EDFW Constitutions and Canons Committee. A graduate of TCU, she is a proud Horned Frog with a BS, summa cum laude, in Economics. She is also a proud Comet, holding an MS in Applied Economics from UT Dallas.
Rodgers has recent experience with residential seminary life, having relocated to Alexandria, VA for her husband to attend Virginia Theological Seminary, while continuing her long tenured career with the Federal Reserve. She understands the opportunities and challenges that come with seminary life, as well as the importance of supporting Episcopal seminaries because of the invaluable educational and formational experiences they offer. If elected, she would be honored to serve as the Trustee for Sewanee, University of the South, in order to represent the interests of the Diocese of Fort Worth as well as seminarians and seminary families.