News (Page 92)

News (Page 92)

The Holy Innocents

One of the more striking contrasts on the Christian calendar is the commemoration of the Feast of the Holy Innocents on December 28, three days after the celebration of Christmas. In remembering the young children slaughtered by King Herod in Matthew’s account of Jesus’s birth, the Church jolts us from Christmas joy into a contemplation of the ways in which violence and human brokenness, in spite of Christmas, still enslave the human race. Today, just as two thousand years ago, the most jolting violence of all is that committed against innocent children.

National Council of Churches on Response to Sandy Hook

I have been inspired by the great outpouring of support and compassion I have seen in the faith community’s response to the devastating shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School. From prayer vigils to pastoral care resources, and from moving sermons to the many, many prayers for the families and community in Newtown – the outpouring of God’s love to this community through God’s people has been hope fulfilled.

Church Bells To Be Tolled In Remembrance

On December 17, Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy called for a statewide moment of silence and church bells to be tolled 28 times at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, December 21. Texas Govenor Rick Perry has requested that Texas churches join in this.

Former Fort Worth Parishioner to be Ordained

We have received notice that Laura Eileen Beck will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons in Christ’s One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church by The Right Reverend Dr. Edward J. Konieczny, Bishop of Oklahoma, on Saturday, the twenty-ninth of December, 2012, at Trinity Episcopal Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Laura attended St. Christopher, Fort Worth, from 2003 until 2008. Her interest in becoming an Episcopal priest was stimulated by her training as a Stephen Minister here. She was commissioned…

Henry Penner Ordained to the Diaconate

Henry Penner of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller, was ordained to the sacred order of deacons at the 30th Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth on November 2, 2012, at Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX.

Executive Council Finds Missing Piece

“It” is the reorganization of the Executive Council. The reorganization is the result of the revised Canon 10 passed at the Diocesan Convention November 2-3 in Stephenville. The Executive Council exercises “the powers of Convention between meetings thereof, implementing the directives and policies of that body, initiating and developing new work, but not acting in conflict with the expressed will of Convention.”

Bishop, Standing Committee of Diocese of Fort Worth in solidarity with South Carolina Episcopalians

The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., the Standing Committee, and the people of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth stand in prayer and solidarity with the Episcopalians of the Diocese of South Carolina as they move through a time of challenge and confusion. They applaud the Most Rev. Katharne Jefferts Schori for her pastoral letter reaching out to South Carolina Episcopalians. Media Release The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., the Standing Committee, and the people of the Episcopal…

Presiding Bishop issues pastoral letter to the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina

The Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs Thursday, November 15, 2012 Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has issued a Pastoral Letter to the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina. The following is the November 15 Pastoral Letter from the Presiding Bishop.   Katharine, a servant of Christ, to the saints in South Carolina. May the grace, mercy, and peace of Christ Jesus our Savior be with you all. You and the challenges you are facing in South Carolina remain…

Justin Welby appointed as new Archbishop of Canterbury

In North Texas, we awoke to official announcements that a new Archbishop of Canterbury had been appointed. The Rt. Rev. Justin Welby, aged 56, currently Bishop of Durham, will succeed Dr. Rowan Williams. Bishop Welby will be installed as Archbishop of Canterbury in Canterbury Cathedral on 21st March 2013. There are many press announcements, but a few to read are: The Church of England official announcement of the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury The office of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s announcement,…

The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Wort welcomes Bishop Rayford High…to Facebook

As part of our welcome for our new provisional bishop, the Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., we’ve created a Facebook page for him.  Using Facebook, the people in our diocese can learn more about him, and people in the Diocese of Texas (who he served as bishop suffragan), and around the world can continue to experience the richness of his ministry. Bishop High’s Facebook page will be administered by the communications office of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, not by…