News (Page 91)
Texas Episcopal Priest Gives TED Talk
Last Fall, the Rev. Patrick Miller delivered a talk at Houston’s TEDx event. TED is a non-profit dedicated to spreading good ideas, most notably through videos on their website, They feature fantastic speakers, often the experts in their field, spreading the good news of their life’s work.
Anniversary Celebration
On February 7, 2009, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop, called to order a Special Meeting of the Diocesan Convention to elect a provisional bishop and other diocesan leaders. That gathering at Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, was the beginning of a renewed commitment to mission and ministry and renewal and reconciliation. On Wednesday, February 6, 2013, the eve of the 4th anniversary of that exciting day, the bishop, standing committee and executive council of the Episcopal Diocese…
Choral concert at St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth
The singing group Angelus will perform. Where: St. Luke’s in the Meadow1301 Meadowbrook Dr.Fort Worth, TX 76103 When: Friday, January 18, 2013 7:30 PM Unique among public high school vocal ensembles, Angelus is dedicated to the performance of sacred music from varied religious traditions and historical periods. Their upcoming tour to Texas will mark the 9th state the ensemble has visited since its inception in 2008. The ensemble has performed at the Episcopal and Catholic cathedrals of St. Louis, San…
Organ recital at All Saints’ Episcopal Church
The public is invited to an Organ Recital to be played by Frederick Grimes, organist and choirmaster at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, on Friday, Feb. 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the church.
MLK Day of Service
The Tarrant Area Community of Churches is encouraging all of us to make Monday January 21 “a day on, NOT a day off!”
Seminar on forgiveness in Granbury
Forgiveness is part of the journey of faith for many Christians. It is, on the one hand, something that compels us toward right relationships and justice. On the other hand, forgiveness is hard work that requires energy, spiritual integrity, and honesty. Forgiveness is not a fix for our relationships; rather it is a process one moves through. This seminar will engage participants in wrestling with the call of forgiveness in our lives even as it seeks to unpack the complexity of forgiveness in diverse contexts and situations. The day is designed to help people of faith discern how best to respond to individual, interpersonal, and communal pain and injustice through the work of forgiveness.
Leaders gather for strategic planning Jan. 25-26
Continuing the work begun last August with Donald Romanik, president of the Episcopal Church Foundation, diocesan leaders will gather Jan. 25-26 to engage the “big questions” faced by the diocese. Members of the diocese’s executive council, standing committee, corporation trustees, and trustees for the endowment of the episcopate have all been invited to attend, joining the original group which convened in August. Together these diocesan leaders will engage key questions which surfaced during the initial session: Why does the Diocese…
Stalcup School offers engaging seminars
Brite Divinity School’s Stalcup School of Theology for the Laity will sponsor a seminar, “The Faithful Struggle to Forgive,” on Saturday, Jan. 19. Led by Brite vice president and dean Joretta Marshall, the presentation is scheduled from 9am to 1:45pm at Acton United Methodist Church, 3433 Fall Creek Highway in Granbury. This seminar will engage participants in wrestling with the call of forgiveness in our lives even as it seeks to unpack the complexity of forgiveness in diverse contexts and…
Leadership workshop in March
Mark your calendar and plan to attend the March 2 diocesan leadership workshop, 9:30am to 3:30pm at St. Luke’s-in-the-Meadow (4301 Meadowbrook Dr., Fort Worth). The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, will offer the opening and closing plenary addresses, and will also lead two workshops: a session specifically for senior wardens, and a session on stewardship as a year-long, congregation-wide practice. Other workshops will include sessions on money management for congregations, communications,…
Epiphany Devotions
via The Episcopal Church, Office of Public Affairs Six devotions for the season of Epiphany were developed by Anglicans/Episcopalians and Lutherans in Canada and the U.S. This project is designed to illuminate and enliven the full communion agreements that exist between the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, as well as The Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The devotions follow the shared gospels for the Sundays and are appropriate for both…
Bishop High on the Twelve Days of Christmas
The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High Jr. talks about the Twelve Days of Christmas.
Jordan Haynie Ordained Deacon
Jordan Melissa Haynie was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on the Feast of St. Thomas, Friday, December 21, 2012, at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, Keller, TX.
Hope and Peace In a Violent World
Rabbi Matthew Gevirtz, Bishop Mark Beckwith and Imam Deen Shareet appear on a “Faith on Fridays” segment on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” They talk about the aftermath of the Newtown shootings, the times when God transcends the limits of our faith, and how working together the Newark Interfaith Coalition for Hope and Peace has reached out in the wake of the violent gun deaths of young people in their city.
National Religious Leaders speak out on gun violence
The Episcopal Cafe reports on a gathering of religious leaders speaking out on gun violence at the National Cathedral.
ECF Web Conferences Winter 2012
As part of ECF’s on-going efforts to assist congregations in developing their leadership and financial resources, we are offering a wide range of web conferences for clergy and lay parish leaders this winter. There is no cost to participate in most of the web conferences and all lay and clergy leaders are welcome to participate.
Responding to Tragedy: Resources for Schools
As the nation comes to terms with the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, school leaders, chaplains, teachers, and parents yearn for ways to talk with and support the children in their care.