News (Page 89)
Congregations partnering with ECBF
A group of Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth congregations will be partnering with the Episcopal Church Building Fund (ECBF) in the coming year, participating in the Recasting of Building Assets process. The project focuses on congregations who wish to deepen their connection to their community and to build mission and value, as well as develop financial self-sustainability through the creative use of building assets.
Thriving in Change offers discernment opportunity
Is your congregation wrestling with an issue, trying to make a decision? Bring a group to Advent Lutheran on Saturday, April 6, to learn a practice that will help your members communicate more effectively while listening for God and each other.
Transitions can be exciting and life-giving
Joseph Duggan, an Episcopal priest and fellow of the Episcopal Church Foundation, has created a Facebook page, “Congregational Seasons: A Resource for Transitions,” dedicated to supporting congregations in transition through resources, networking and best practices. It celebrates creative people around The Episcopal Church who have the vision and resources to assist congregations towards becoming vital and viable.
Schedule for Leadership Workshop on March 2, 2013
The detailed schedule of workshop sessions is: 9:30 – 10:00 Gathering 10:00 – 10:15 Opening 10:15 – 10:45 Plenary – Bishop Rayford High 11:00 – 12:15 First session – choose one Stewardship – Bishop Rayford High Money 101 – Internal controls, budgeting – David Lowder Database CAN Be Fun! Connecting with ACS – Christopher Thomas & Eleanor Doty Why do we want by-laws? – Kathleen Wells 12:30 – 1:15 Lunch, with moderated conversations: Cursillo, Stewardship Nuts & Bolts, Meeting Guidelines, InReach,…
Report from Diocesan Altar Guild February 2013 Meeting
The 5th annual Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth altar guild meeting was held at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church on Saturday, February 23, 2013 with approximately 50 participants. Seven churches in the diocese were represented: St. Luke’s in the Meadow – Fort Worth, St. Luke – Stephenville, Trinity – Fort Worth, Christ the King – Fort Worth, St. Alban’s – Arlington, St. Christopher -Fort Worth, and St. Martin-in-the-Fields – Keller. Altar guild members worshiped together in St. Martin’s sanctuary. They altar guild…
Ecumenical Seminar on the Church of the 21st Century at Brite Divinity
What will the Church of the 21st Century be like? That’s the question that’s on everyone’s mind, plate, planning committee, budget projection, etc. We know things are changing in our parishes and congregations, but we seem to be standing on the brink of something so new that we can’t quite get a firm grasp on it. All of us in every denomination are talking about this shift. So let’s talk about it together! The Rev. Carol Howard Merritt, a speaker, writer, and broadcaster will be featured. Read the detailed announcement…
Episcopal Youth Event 2014 to be held July 9-13 in Pennsylvania
[The Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs, February 26, 2013] Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori announced that the popular Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) will be held July 9-13, 2014 in the Philadelphia area in partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania. Read the full media release from the Episcopal Church.
General Convention 2015 dates announced: June 25 – July 3 in Salt Lake City
Following a decision by the Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements, the General Convention Office has announced the dates for the 78th General Convention of The Episcopal Church in 2015: Thursday, June 25 to Friday, July 3.
Introducing “Brother, Give us a Word” from SSJE
During Lent, we walk a purposeful, spiritual path of transformation; we start at one place and arrive at Easter in a new spiritual place. As a resource for your spiritual journey this Lent, we offer you “Brother, Give Us a Word,” a reflection resource published by the monks from the Episcopal brotherhood of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist (SSJE). This monastic community of the Episcopal Church is spiritually vibrant and engaged with the world; you can read in this…
Episcopal Church Office of Black Ministries offers Lenten Study Resource
The Episcopal Church Office of Black Ministries has issued a free Lenten Study Resource designed to invite all ages to participate in the reflective nature of Lent. The Lenten Study Resource, “Fill Me, Use Me…for the Work of Ministry” is available here.
Ash Wednesday in the Diocese of Fort Worth
“Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” “Ashes to Go” and even “Drive-thru Ashes” were offered in several locations in the diocese on Ash Wednesday, February 13. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the liturgical season of Lent, a time of reflection and prayer lasting 40 days. It culminates in Holy Saturday and Easter, which this year is March 31. Priests make the sign of the cross in ashes on people’s foreheads as a visible symbol of…
How Does the Roman Catholic Church Choose a Pope?
News on February 11, 2013 that Benedict XVI would resign from his position as pope rocked the Roman Catholic Church and rippled through the Christian world, leaving many questions unanswered. There’s one question that can be answered, though, even though Episcopalians have no skin in the game: How do they choose the pope?
The Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church, 2012, available online and pre-order
The Episcopal Church Canons and Constitution, updated following the 2012 General Convention, is available online as a PDF from the General Convention office and pre-order from Church Publishing Inc.
The Canons and Constitution reflect all changes that became effective January 1, 2013.
Ashes to Go and Drive-thru Ashes on Ash Wednesday
“Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Several local Episcopal priests will be offering “Ashes to Go” and even “Drive-thru Ashes” on Ash Wednesday, February 13. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the liturgical season of Lent, a time of reflection and prayer lasting 40 days. It culminates in Holy and Easter, which this year is March 31. Priests make the sign of the cross in ashes on people’s foreheads as a visible symbol of human mortality.…
Lenten Quiet Day at Trinity
Meditations and prayers of Iona, Scotland, will be featured at a Lenten Quiet Day, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 2, 2013, at Trinity Episcopal Church, 3401 Bellaire Drive So., Ft. Worth, TX, 76109. The Daughters of the King are presenting the day, with Emily Williams as facilitator. Meditations and prayers will be offered at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., noon and 1 p.m., with closing prayers at 1:45 p.m. People are invited to stay for the whole day…
January spotlight on congregations
What has the diocese and the larger church done for your congregation lately? Thanks to the work of St. Alban’s Arlington and the Episcopal Church Building Fund (ECBF), several congregations are banding together to participate in ECBF’s “Recasting Church Assets” project. Is your congregation interested? Contact Demi Prentiss, ministry developer (email removed), or Amy Haynie, InReach coordinator (email removed).