News (Page 88)
ECW supports CASA, asks for your help
Last fall the Board of Episcopal Church Women selected the Court Appointed Special Advocates program (CASA) as the main charity for our organization. CASA volunteers investigate a child’s situation in foster care, monitor their home and school life while in the child welfare system, and, ultimately, recommend to the courts which placement is best for a child to call a “forever home.” They serve as advocates, friends, and protectors.
St. Luke’s Stephenville Adds ELCA Worship Service
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Stephenville is entering into a partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). A Sunday evening service geared towards college students done according to Evangelical Lutheran worship will be added to schedule of services at St. Luke’s. There is no ELCA congregation less than 45 minutes in any direction of Stephenville, and The Episcopal Church and ELCA are in full communion with each other. Common Grace, a contemporary worship service to which all are…
ECF Web Conferences Spring 2013
The Episcopal Church Foundation is offering a number of web-based educational events for clergy and lay leader throughout the church. As part of the Episcopal Church Foundation’s (ECF) on-going efforts to assist congregations in developing their leadership and financial resources, we are offering a wide range of web conferences for clergy and lay parish leaders this spring. There is no cost to participate in most of the web conferences (there is a nominal fee of $10 to participate in select web…
Calling All Artists!
The Unbroken Circle, a Fine Arts gallery, calls artists and musicians from across the diocese to submit artwork or perform music and/or poetry and story that will bring the liturgical calendar to life. Participants may choose a season of the church year and interpret the feeling of the season and what about it speaks to them. This project includes not only the oft-explored seasons of Lent, Easter, and Christmas, but also the rest of the liturgical year, each season with…
2013 VBS Program from the Society of St. Andrew
The Society of St. Andrew announces that their 2013 Vacation Bible School Mission Program is ready to order or download now from their VBS page. “Superheroes of the Faith” – SoSA’s VBS Mission Program is designed to be used either as a stand-alone program or as a mission emphasis to compliment your church’s Vacation Bible School program. “Each day your students will be introduced to a different biblical character who did amazing things for God. “Superheroes of the Faith” is a complete…
Anti-Judaism Issues in the Scriptures for Holy Week
Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music of the Episcopal Church [MARCH 19, 2013] One of the consequences of Jewish-Christian dialogue in recent decades has been a growing awareness of the role played by the New Testament lectionary readings for Holy Week. Consciously or unconsciously, interpretations of these readings in the preaching of Christian pastors have fostered anti-Jewish attitudes among Christians over many centuries. Preachers have propagated the idea, from the earliest times and continuing into our own day, that the Jews…
Seminarian Carl Saxton to serve Anglican internship in London
Carl Saxton, seminarian and postulant for Holy Orders sponsored by St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church in Willow Park, has been invited to do an Anglican immersion internship this summer at the Anglican Communion Office for Continuing Indaba in London, England. The internship will be under the direction of the Rev. Dr. Jo Bailey Wells, the newly named chaplain for the Archbishop of Canterbury and a consultant with the ACO Continuing Indaba office. The internship includes a balance between work…
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop’s Easter Message 2013
“Easter celebrates the victory of light and life over darkness and death,” Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori rejoices in her Easter Message 2013.
Book of Kells Available in a Digital Collection
Trinity College Library in Dublin, Ireland, announces that the Book of Kells, in its entirety, is now viewable in the Library’s new Digital Collections online repository. They report, “The Book of Kells transparencies, originally captured by Faksimile Verlag, Lucerne, Switzerland in 1990, have recently been rescanned using state of the art imaging technology. These new digital images offer the most accurate high resolution images to date, providing an experience second only to viewing the book in person.” Trinity College Library…
Stalcup School of Theology for the Laity Presents Seminar – Esther, Isthar, and Easter
Stalcup School of Theology for the Laity at Brite Divinity School Presents “Esther, Ishtar, and Easter, or Scripture, Satire, and Survival,” a seminar examining the book of Esther, on Saturday, March 23, 2013. “The book Esther is an oddity in our biblical library. God is never mentioned, the main character is a woman with suspiciously mythological characteristics, and the story world is riddled with gross exaggeration, parody, and ironic reversals too tidy to be credible. What is this book doing…
The Rev. Heather O’Brien Wins St. Aelred’s Day Sermon Contest
The Rev. Heather O’Brien from the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth was recognized as the St. Aelred’s Day sermon contest winner by IntegrityUSA. She preached her sermon “The Heartbeat of God” at St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, Fort Worth on January 12, 2013. The IntegrityUSA jury selected O’Brien’s sermon due to its powerful personal narrative (which ties closely to Integrity’s ongoing work of first-person engagement) and its ability to relate to both the Gospel and St. Aelred’s teachings about “particular friends.”…
House of Bishops reports from 2013 Kanuga retreat
The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church met in retreat at the Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville, NC, in the Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina, from March 8 to March 12. Read the press releases from the bishops’ conference: HOB Daily Account for Friday, March 8 HOB Daily Account for Saturday, March 9 HOB Daily Account for Sunday, March 10 HOB Daily Account for Tuesday, March 12 Episcopal House of Bishops offers A Word to the Church
Letter from the President of the Standing Committee on the Conciliation
From Marti Fagley, President of the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, on the recent conciliation meeting and settlement: Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In June 2012, the members of the Standing Committee and our then provisional bishop, the Rt. Rev. C Wallis Ohl, submitted a Title IV complaint to the Episcopal Church Intake Officer, the Rt. Rev. F. Clayton Matthews. This internal Church disciplinary proceeding was initiated against seven bishops ordained by The Episcopal Church…
Settlement Reached on Disciplinary Complaints Against Bishops
The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church, has approved an accord reached between various complainants and nine bishops of the Church arising from three ecclesiastical discipline complaints filed under Title IV of the Church’s canons. A copy of the accord is HERE. The accord arises from conciliation, or mediation, of complaints which alleged that the respondent bishops, purporting to act in their official capacities as bishops of The Episcopal Church, caused to be filed or…
Conciliation Meeting Outcome Announced by The Episcopal Church
The outcome of a January conciliation meeting concerning complaints involving the Episcopal Dioceses of Fort Worth and Quincy has been announced, following the written agreement of all parties and acceptance by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori.
Congregations start from nothing
How do you create sustainable projects/communities when you have nothing to start with? Read what Jonny Baker has to say about Becky Garrison’s book Starting from Zero with $0.