News (Page 76)
Position open – administrative assistant for the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth
UPDATE: no further applications are being accepted. The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is searching for a well-qualified person to fill an important role in the diocesan office, located in east Fort Worth. This is a full-time, non-exempt position. The salary range is $18-20 per hour, depending on experience, with paid pension contribution (after six months retroactive to date of employment) and health insurance for employee. Other benefits include two weeks paid leave and paid holidays. Qualifications: Excellent interpersonal skills…
Registration for Reimagining Our Church Event
The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth will gather on February 8 at University Christian Church in Fort Worth to reimagine what “being church” means. Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori and House of Deputies President Gay Jennings will be present. More information can be found here. Use the form below to register for this event. Registration has closed.
Choir members sought for Eucharist at Reimagining Our Church event
Debora Clark, Organist/Director of Music at Trinity Episcopal Church in Fort Worth, is seeking choir members from around the diocese to offer their talents to lead the music for the worship service that closes the Reimagining Our Church event. Clark says, “Our hope is to fill the choir pews at University Christian Church with talented choristers who regularly sing in churches around the diocese.” Two rehearsals are scheduled: 3-4 pm Sunday, January 26 and 3-4 pm Sunday, February 2. Rehearsals…
Childcare for Reimagining Our Church event – UPDATED 2/6/2014
Childcare for children up to 10 years of age will be available for attendees of Reimagining Our Church on Saturday, February 8, 2014. Reservations for childcare must be made by Monday, February 3 so that adequate staff is ensured. University Christian Church has graciously agreed to provide their childcare workers and facilities to our gathering. Their qualifications for childcare workers include a background check and the equivalent of our Safeguarding God’s Children training. UPDATED 2/6/2014: Childcare will be provided to…
TREC task force members join diocesan Reimagining Our Church event
Julia Ayala Harris of the Episcopal Diocese of Florida and Margaret B. Shannon of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, both members of the Task Force for Reimagining the Episcopal Church (TREC) will join the Reimagining Our Church event hosted by the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth on February 8, 2014. Katie Sherrod, communications director for the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, a diocesan deputy to the General Convention of The Episcopal Church, and a member of the Executive Council of…
Youth & Reimagining Our Church
The youth of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth will have significant roles in when Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and House of Deputies President Gay Jennings visit the diocese on February 8, 2014. Lunch and conversation All youth in the diocese are invited to have lunch and conversation with Jefferts Schori from 12-1:30 pm. Each youth must register for lunch by Monday, February 3, 2014. This is a unique opportunity to meet the presiding bishop; we would like…
Episcopal Youth Event Registration is Open
Episcopal Youth Event is July 9-13 at Villanova University outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Registration is open until March 15, 2014. The approximate cost will be about $800 per person, with congregations expected to help each participant fund raise at least half of the expense. Please contact your youth worker or the Rev. Amy Haynie for more information and to register.
Youth Worker Volunteer for Happening
At our diocesan convention last November, there was a great amount of energy toward re-starting our own Happening in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. The Episcopal Diocese of Western Missouri has generously invited two of our youth workers to attend their Happening in March. If you are an adult youth worker with an interest in Happening, and you have completed Safe Church Training and a background check, please consider going to Springfield, MO March 7-9. Please contact the Rev. Amy…
Youth presence at presiding bishop’s visit
The the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church, will visit the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth on February 8, 2014. She would like to meet face-to-face with the youth of the diocese to discuss Reimagining the Episcopal Church. This should be an interesting discussion for all involved, especially if everyone ponders the questions before the meeting. Jefferts Schori would also like for the readers, acolytes and chalice bearers to be youth. We are creating as many acolyte…
Volunteers Needed for Reimagining Our Church
Volunteers are needed for several tasks at the Reimagining Our Church event, Saturday, February 8, at University Christian Church. Interested people can volunteer as ushers for the 3 pm Eucharist in the sanctuary at UCC; to help guide people to the correct parking lots and then to the nearest entrance; and to be guides inside the building to help participants find the sign-in station and the various rooms that will be used during the day. Parking lot attendants and guides…
Our Faith, Our Practice, Our Action
A sermon preached by the Reverend Canon Courtland M. Moore at the Church of the Transfiguration, Dallas, Texas, on the 4th Sunday in Advent, 2013, being the 60th Anniversary of his ordination to the Priesthood. First, a word of thanks to Fr. Fred Barber and the wardens of the Church of the Transfiguration for allowing me to celebrate the eucharist and preach on this day, which is the anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood 60 years ago this morning.…
Save the Dates! Diocesan leaders to work with Peter Steinke
Leaders throughout the diocese will have the opportunity to interact with Peter L. Steinke, Lutheran pastor and Alban Institute consultant whose books have made systems thinking accessible to congregations and provided their leaders with tools to shape vital, healthy communities of faith.
Diocese offers Hispanic / Latino ministry resources
Mark your calendar for Saturday, January 11, 2014, 10am to 12:30pm, when congregation leaders from across the diocese will gather at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church for a workshop on resources and readiness for Hispanic / Latino ministry.
Partner with TACC for outreach impact
Tarrant Area Community of Churches (TACC) offers two opportunities in January for community-wide outreach impact. Every day from January 18 to February 8, TACC will provide 300 sack lunches for day laborers working the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo. And on January 20 TACC will orchestrate hundreds of volunteers’ efforts in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
Still time to register for Hispanic ministry workshop
Register now to attend the Jan. 11 workshop on Hispanic ministry, led by the Rev. Dr. Luis Bernard, 10am to 12:30pm at St. Luke’s in the Meadow (4301 Meadowbrook Dr., Fort Worth 7103). Bishop Rayford High, Jr. has asked that each congregation in the diocese send representatives to the workshop.
Congregations undertake “Reimagining”
Commemorating the fifth anniversary of the diocese’s re-organization, and in conjunction with a process taking place across The Episcopal Church (TEC), congregations throughout the Diocese of Fort Worth will re-imagine what “being church” means. That work will be shared February 8 with people from throughout the diocese, as well as with Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and House of Deputies President Gay Jennings.