News (Page 72)
Seminarian Carl Saxton graduates from Sewanee
Carl Saxton, seminarian and postulant for Holy Orders sponsored by St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church, Willow Park, graduated from the School of Theology at the University of the South, Sewanee on May 9, 2014. The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High and Mrs. High attended the graduation — and to his surprise, Bishop High participated in the graduation. Sharon and Dennis Lasater and Louis and Cynthia Eichenberger from St. Francis, Willow Park, also attended.
It’s not too late to bring TENS to your congregation – Good news for leaders
Your congregation can host the June 6-7 webcast of “Walking the Way,” the stewardship conference presented by The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS). Vestries, stewardship teams, preachers, and Christian formation teams can learn from top stewardship practitioners. Four key one-hour workshops, plus worship and three keynote addresses, can be viewed live or delayed anytime in the month of June, for as little at $75 per site.
St. Mary’s, Hamilton, to consecrate new church home
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Hamilton will consecrate a new church building and celebrate their first worship service in the new location on Sunday, May 11, starting at 11am. The new building is at 1101 S. Rice (Hwy. 281 South) in Hamilton. All are welcome to come celebrate with the St. Mary’s community. The Rev. Janet Waggoner, canon to the ordinary, will join with the Rev. Robert Tarbet, priest for the congregation, to consecrate the new building and lead the community in celebrating Holy…
Fort Worth clergy participate in retreat at Camp Allen
Bishop Rayford B. High, Jr. and his wife, Pat, participated in the May 5-7 Episcopal Diocese of Texas Retreat for Retired Clergy, Spouses, and Surviving Spouses at Camp Allen in Navasota, TX. The Rev. Johnson Shannon and his wife, Mary, of Fort Worth, also took part in the retreat. The retired clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth have been invited to participate in the retreat in recent years.
The Bishop of Fort Worth and the Archbishop of Canterbury
The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High Jr., bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, spent time with the Most Rev. Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, at the recent “Reclaiming the Gospel of Peace” conference in Oklahoma. Archbishop Welby spoke to the conference and then had lunch with the bishops present.
Get ready for summer with Safeguarding – Good news for leaders
Safe church trainings are offered in multiple congregations around the diocese during May, June, and August, just in time for mission trips and vacation church school.
Christian Formation discussion begun at 2013 Convention continues- UPDATED
At the 2013 Diocesan Convention in Wichita Falls, one of several table talks at lunch on Saturday was about Christian Formation. That discussion will continue on Saturday, May 24, from 9 am to noon at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller. UPDATE: this event has been postponed and will be rescheduled. All are welcome to attend this free event to discuss youth and adult formation. Participation in the table talk at convention is not a prerequisite. Childcare will be provided.…
All invited: St. Martin’s 2014 Vacation Bible School
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, Keller, is inviting all the churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth to send fun-loving volunteers to help with Vacation Bible School (VBS). “Weird Animals: Where God’s Love is One-of-a-Kind” has inspired messages about the unconditional love of Jesus Christ, taking on bullying, autism and much more. “We are looking to join with our brothers and sisters across the diocese for some serious outreach to the local community,” said Corrie Cabes, executive director of VBS.…
Bishop Rayford High confirms four at St. Christopher Fort Worth
On Sunday, May 4, 2014, the Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., celebrated and preached at two services, and confirmed four people at St. Christopher Episcopal Church, Fort Worth. He was assisted by the Rev. Jan Cazden, deacon, and the Rev. William T. Stanford, rector. A reception followed. The confirmands are Danielle Halbert, Devita Carrillo, Raymond Carrillo, and Evan Olsen. The child in the photo is the eldest son of the Carrillos. Hear Bishop High’s sermon, The Lone Ranger and Tonto…
“Growing in Faith Together – Creating & Sustaining Healthy Congregations” workshop June 20 & 21
The June 20 & 21 workshop will help you explore signs of thriving congregations, habits of health-promoting leaders, marks of healthy congregations, adaptive challenges, and more, drawing on presenter Peter Steinke’s exploration of churches as family systems. See the workshop schedule and register
Learn the Book of Common Prayer online – Good news for leaders
Starting in mid-May, Bexley Seabury seminary and ChurchNext are offering an eight-part series on the Episcopal Church’s Book of Common Prayer that will be easily available to anyone with a computer, tablet or smartphone and an internet connection. The classes can be used by individuals or by Christian formation classes, and promise to inspire lots of engaging conversation.
Chrism Mass and reaffirmation of vows
The Chrism Mass and reaffirmation of vows for the bishop and diocesan clergy was at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at St. Luke’s in the Meadow Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., officiated and preached. A luncheon was served afterward in the parish hall. View more photos on Flickr. Read the Bishop’s sermon.
Bishop Rayford High’s Chrism Mass Sermon April 15, 2014
John 12:20-36 I am grateful that you all are here this morning on this Tuesday in Holy Week to join with your sisters and brothers in ordained and lay ministry. I am especially grateful you have taken the time out in this busy, frantic, holy of holy weeks to share Christ’s presence in the bread and the wine, to share a meal together, to share a conversation with each other. As with the old 1928 Prayer Book, our Gospel for…
Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth Responds to the Heartbleed Bug
There has been much in the news recently about the discovery of an internet security issue known as “Heartbleed,” a serious vulnerability that affects almost every site, service, and application connected to the internet. A solution to the problem was created almost immediately by the people who discovered it, and the fix was released publicly along with the announcement of the problem. The diocesan communications team has analyzed diocesan internet activity and found there is no evidence of any data…
Bishop High to stay through 2015
At its April 7, 2014, meeting, the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth asked the Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr. to stay on as provisional bishop through 2015, and he agreed. “We are all very happy about this,” said Elinor Normand, president of the Standing Committee. “We really appreciate how he is helping us to grow as a diocese and to stay focused on our mission and ministry.” Bishop High, retired bishop suffragan of the Episcopal…
The deadlines are coming! – Good news for leaders
Do you want to nominate someone for election to the diocesan standing committee at the November 2014 diocesan convention? Do you have a resolution to place before the convention? Are you required to submit a report on your ministry’s activities to convention? Would you like to see an article of our diocesan constitution be revised? Do you think our diocese should vote to support an initiative at The Episcopal Church’s 2015 General Convention in Salt Lake City? If any of these are important to you, you need to know more about canonical deadlines.