News (Page 63)

News (Page 63)

Chancellors’ Report to 2014 Convention

The Chancellors’ report to the 2014 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is submitted by Chancellor Kathleen Wells and Assistant Chancellor Richard Henderson. You may download a PDF of this report here. Training: Attended and presented at Episcopal Chancellors’ Network (ECN) Western Chancellors’ Conference and Chancellors’ College (May 7 – 10, 2013; San Diego) (speaker on litigation update, SCCC update, Title IV update; served on planning committee) Attended UT Law School Non-Profit Organizations Institute (January 16-17, 2014; Austin) Attended Growing Congregations event with…

General Convention Deputation Report to 2014 Convention

The General Convention deputation’s report to the 2014 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is submitted by Marti Fagley. You may download a PDF of this report here. A new deputation was elected at the 31st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth to represent the diocese at the next meeting of General Convention in 2015 in Salt Lake City: Clergy Deputies:  Carlye Hughes, the Rev. Curt Norman, the Rev. David Madison, the Rev. Hope Benko, the Rev. Lay Deptuties: Marti Fagley,…

Finance Committee Report to 2014 Convention

The Finance Committee report to the 2014 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is submitted by John Banks and Floyd McKneely. You may download a PDF of this report here. The finance committee has had another busy year.  Our responsibilities and focus this year have been centered on eight main areas: Creating the diocesan budget, the document that takes our vision of the diocese and incorporates the dollars needed to achieve it; Overseeing the expenditure of funds to ensure that we remain in…

Report to 2014 Convention of Episcopal Studies at Brite Divinity School

The Brite Divinity School Episcopal Studies report to the 2014 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is submitted by Fred Barber. You may download a PDF of this report here. Brite Divinity School continues to offer the Episcopal Church at one of the leading seminaries of The Episcopal Church. In an age when many denominational seminaries have small faculties of a dozen or less, Brite has a strong faculty of over 20 full time professors and teachers, as well as others…

Education for Ministry Report to 2014 Convention

The Education for Ministry (EfM) report to the 2014 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is submitted by Ms. Marti Fagley. You may download a PDF of this report here. Education for Ministry (EfM) is a four-year distance-learning program in theological education from the School of Theology at the University of the South. The seminar group is the nucleus of the Education for Ministry program. A group consists of six to twelve participants and a trained mentor who meet weekly over…

Daughters of the King Report to 2014 Convention

The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) report to the 2014 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is submitted by Marti Fagley. You may download a PDF of this report here. The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) has approximately 50 dues-paying members in this diocese. Our officers are Marti Fagley and Lydia Hiatt, co-presidents; Marilyn Jones, vice president, and Doris Hamilton, treasurer. This year the individual chapters have met regularly in their respective congregations. St. Cecelia…

Commission on Ministry Report to 2014 Convention

The Commission on Ministry report to the 2014 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is submitted by the Rev. Melanie Barbarito. You may download a PDF of this report here. Members: Melanie Barbarito, Richard Cabes, Cristy Campbell-Furtick, Cynthia Hill, Joy Malmgren, Slavin Manning, Tracie Middleton, Susan Nanna, Henry Penner, Judy Upham, Joel Walker, Andrew Wright The Discernment Process:  One-third of the membership of the Commission on Ministry (COM) changed this year.  Three of the new members had no experience on a…

Nominations Committee Report to 2014 Convention – updated October 27, 2014

The Nominations Committee report to the 2014 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is submitted by Becky Snell and Henry Penner. You may download a PDF of this report here. UPDATED October 27, 2014: This report was updated to add a photo of Janice Schattman and correct the congregation listed for Edwin Barnett. The Nominations Committee presents the following persons for Convention 2014 election. They have all been verified to be communicants in good standing in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort…

Mission & Outreach Committee Report to 2014 Convention

The Mission and Outreach Committee report to the 2014 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is submitted by chairman Tim Stevens. You may download a PDF of this report here. The Diocesan Mission and Outreach Committee was established in 2011 to help allocate funds set aside in the annual budget. An application may be submitted by an individual member of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, members of a congregation within the diocese, or members of several congregations within the diocese representing…

Journal of the 2013 Convention

The Journal of the 2013 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, held in Wichita Falls, Texas, on November 8-9, 2013, is available in this PDF. This was the 31st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. 2013 Convention Journal PDF – file size is 1.8Mb

Communications Analytics and Insights

Analyzing how people engage with our major communication methods helps us understand visitor activities and paint a picture of our audience and the effectiveness of what we do. It helps us avoid hunches and gut feelings and gives a solid foundation to consider change and improvement. The communicators for the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth have analyzed our major communication channels – our website, Facebook page, YouTube channel,Twitter account, and Flickr account – and we offer that analysis to all who are…

Communications & Evangelism Committee Report to 2014 Convention

The Communications and  Evangelism Committee report to the 2014 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is submitted by Katie Sherrod. You may download a PDF of this report here. The Communication & Evangelism Committee’s goal is to keep the people within our diocese connected to news and activities, to provide church leadership with relevant information to assist them in ministry, and to reach those not yet in our churches with the Good News. Our diocese has wonderful opportunities to show our faith to…

Bishop High given honorary doctorate

The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., was given an honorary Doctor of Divinity by the University of South, Sewanee, as part of the Founders’ Day Convocation on Friday, October 17, 2014. The Rev. Curt Norman, member of the board of trustees of Sewanee and rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Stephenville, also attended. The University also conferred honorary degrees upon Sir Abed, founder and chairperson of the world’s largest development organization, who received an honorary Doctor of Civil Law;…